Golden State Sports Medical Stalking Operations
Coming Soon
For now, here are some older blogs to read
Lorena Escobar, Gwen Suazo, Patti googin, Shanna Briantseva, Fernanda Sime Stalking Tactics at Golden State Sports Medical #cnnireport -
Lorena Escobar contacting restaurants and coffee shops telling them to stalk me with her #cnnireport #FoxNews
Golden State Sports Medical Discrimination and Stalking to keep me quiet about what I know -
Therapist Karine Echigian working with the LAPD, NSA/FBI, Lorena Escobar, Ron Perelman, Officer Jensen and Dinse back in 2013 in these 40 year terror operations -
Same setup tactics of my father's X-Wife Janet Nordet put in Jail being done to me with my father paying off Lorena Escobar, posing as an office manager and trying to cover it up,
After my dissolution of Signet with Mike Huntley who was sent after me at 14 years old, and at the age 29 changing from friend to showing his true colors and motive with such death threats with the Police that "I've
given you enough rope to hang yourself with"Have
a good life now;World
of Paranoia""You
had better live a careful life"and
telling me something while working in my fathers office something like Which
my family, Police and these mass groups are trying to cover up telling me that I am a violent paranoid schizo. Now,
A couple of years later when they could not succeed in removing me from society in their endless, hate, rage, jealousy and cover up attempts towards me. Lorena Escobar was told by my father Ron Perelman to ask me if I wanted to work at his company doing IT and keep the computer systems stable and sound. Yet little did I know that Lorena was paid to stalk me my entire life with these mass groups. Having people stalk me from state to state, college to college in these operations to remove me from society.
While for something like 14 years, in this office alone, not only being attacked every few minutes every single day by the entire employment my father was paying to do. But also with WORLDWIDE support. No matter where I went, who I talked to, terror operations would go on from person to person and always link back to my father and the office employees trying to set me up with endless provokings and the police to remove me from society for some reason, starting at a very young age.
While my father is recently on video trying to break in my house, and get a toy gun which Incriminates him in his endless crime spree working with Victoria Walker, the NSA/FBI in unprecedented crimes.
Father trying to get in my house after sending me to jail as a planned excuse
After my father spend years trying to lock me away in jail, as I found out he was doing at the age 29 met with Mike Huntley's death threats that they were going to remove me from society
The judge on these bunk convictions for some strange reason threw me straight in jail saying I am possibly violent, bypassing normal procedures to figure out sentencing. While he had seen me for 5 months, showing no signs of anything, he was extremely angry with the prosecution for speaking out to someone about the illegal operations, as well as telling my lawyer, if my father thinks he has punished me, he is wrong, he is a pathological liar. Hence throwing me in maximum security prison for misdemeanors and no fines.
"I have given you enough rope to hang yourself with", "We are using the system against you", "You had better live a careful life", walking around our office singing "World of paranoia" over and over and dropping papers on my desk about making people mentally ill to control them, while telling me to go to my father to tell him something.
Some notes for a future blog so you can understand the full story in detail:
I found out I was being hunted by my family, police, NSA/FBI operations with worldwide support in endless setup attempts, frame jobs, you name it to incarcerate me for life still going on.
Recently, at 46 years old my father got what he wanted with his lies to the world since 5 years old that I am a crazy violent paranoid schizophrenic with no self-control. And am a danger to myself or others.
What was the reason they wanted to put me in jail for, and so quickly for no legitimate reason?
That has to do with the setups and the fact my father seems to want something I have. And why does he want it?
While using my artwork against me going through each and every one. Focusing on the ones with guns in them working with the police to try to make me look crazy.
While in the court on some frame jobs the police arrested me for. Pictures my father didn't like came out for circumstantial evidence showing the connection back to him and what he has been doing.
Once he got me convicted and thrown in jail, even though I had broken all contact with him, and he was told not to even show up to sit in court. He proceeded once I was arrested to go to my house with keys he asked for 20 years prior in hopes he could get in my house, with an excuse to feed my cat. The cat that Patti Googin wanted me to get so bad, who didn't like my 16 year old watercolor grateful dead painting with a skull holding a gun which after this the police and my father put a hole in his 300E Mercedes telling the world I tried to kill or scare him. And having people hunt me my entire life in hopes to scare me into false confessions while off at colleges trying to make a life for myself working with Lorena Escobar his office manager paid to do these types of things
While this goes much deeper. You can see the intricacies and planning involved to simply try to get in my house. The question of what he wants?
The toy gun he had Victoria Walker give me for my 30th birthday in which he was hoping for a confession from? Which is in my art is my guess?
Which shows I not only don't have any guilt, but it incriminates him and shows the truth of who he is and the types of things he does.
Adriana Olivarez
Lorena Escobar |
Father having Lorena Escobar hire a girl named Adriana Olivarez after me
While running aaround my fathers office telling everyone "She is going to get the Doctors Son" wile no one thinking there is a problem with this. And me thinking she exerted bratty behaviors and was talking about some kind of Trophy Man. She was actually eluding that she was involved in these organized activities. With Tom Farley, Mike Huntley, Paul Humphrey, Rodie Morales, Ron Perelman, and only God knows how many more.
Working on my character and credibility every way known to man with them. From claims I am a narcicist, Claims, I am stalking a stripper named Mila, with Victoria Walker, and their Stripper frame job tactics with the LAPD and Rodie. Trying to make it look like I am a heartless perfectionist and sociopath, as well as psychotic, by collecting out of context information, and putting together fictional stories to the world about me. In secret, behind my back so their is no way to defend myself. While billions try to end my life, telling me I am imagining it.
At one point I found out, while I have never been allowed to date women for some strange reason, yet then I find out that, My father was actually trying to FORCE, Adriana Olivarez on me as my Jailer/Girlfriend to be wife or something demented like this. Dictating who I am with, what I do for a living, what my hobbies can be, what food I eat. But where things get weird is where the Police and Government seem to support this type of thing.
The amount of illegal activities of where these 2 people have done to my life is vast. And being that Lorena was hired at my fathers Officer when I was around 16. She has been sent after me since then to have people follow me to Southern Oregon state College, University of Colorado, and wherever else I am WORLDWIDE with her STALKING Operations.
Yet she doesn't do much in Golden State Sports Medical when I was there, except follow me from place to place while on PAYROLL.
I am also still getting Blackmail/extortion letters from anonymous people in Email, showing that there is a correlation between Lorena Escobar, George Escobar, Fernanda SIme, all endlessly trying to get the Administrator password. And Lorena hiring other IT people to hack up the system while for 10 years demanding I take down the firewall to protect the company with every tactic and the entire office working together. Although this isn't some little girl who has territorial issues and is a stalker. This is something much larger with WORLDWIDE Support, and Government Operations because the Police are UNWILLING to do anything about it. And have been since I found out at 29, 17 years ago. And keep making up lies, and labels such as I am a violent paranoid schizophrenic, I have problems and need to be removed from society, are trying to pick apart my artwork and use it against me. Everything EXCEPT, stop the black and white obvious
crime, no matter how much proof I provide them of it. Using people with Psychology degree's as well as my families to try to make me look crazy.
Blackmail and Extortion Emails linking to when I worked at Golden State Sports Medical
At one point years ago when in the officer, they kept getting the Administrator Password, George Escobar, Lorena Escobar, Shanna Brintseva, and Fernanda Sime, were more involved in this one thing. George would keep hinting to me what the password was. And people were paid to keep sabotaging the networks and frame me like you are seeing worldwide on all sorts of other things going on. So at one point, because I had to keep changing the password, and knew they would get it. I changed the password to ST@LK3D" because I knew they would see it
H ere we are a year and a half after being fired. Also illegal arrests and operations working with Officer Sean Dinse, and Detective Angela Stewart of the LAPD in these illegal extermination operations. With emails coming in linking my Administrator password. The people my father, Ron Perelman, Told Lorena Escobar to hire, to violate my privacy, terrorize me on my work computer, have 28 employees endlessly terrorize me in the office for 14 years every few minutes, and connected with WORLDWIDE non stop, terror operations, setup attempts, and frame jobs now going on since a young child.
There is no way anyone could have this password ST@LK3D but me. Proving the exact point I wanted to make back then, maybe 6 years ago now. That I am still being stalked and hunted on 7/20/2018, a year in a half after being fired. And they even got their falsified convictions on me for things that don't matter with endless DEATH THREATS, that I am a SNITCH, or I had better not say anything for 17 years no, since finding out what was going on with Mike Huntley as a 25 year so called friend and 6 year business partner who was working on 25 years of setup attempts and frame jobs. Sent after me by my brother because I stopped him from bashing Greg Waugh's head in with a crow bar, bu jumping between them, and telling him I would not support him in things like this met with DEATH THREATS, and THREATS he and his friends were going to put me in a mental institution
because I am not a murderer like him.
While the argument is that I am paranoid, and nothing is going on. This is DIRECT PROOF and EVIDENCE that the only person who knew this password was me. And if I am imaging this entire situation, and need to be put in a mental institution or Incarcerated for life for being crazy as I've been told by our corrupt Judicial System and Government Operations. Then why does this email exist with my Administrator Password that only I know of?
Golden State Sports Medical - Submitting the same entries 2 or 3 times, almost every single time, and by every single employee
After my father had Lorena Escobar approach me several years after finding out Mike Huntley was involved in a global operation to remove me from society pretty much from anyone I had been in contact with starting at the age 5 - 9 years old, started by my family working with the NSA/FBI with every cry wolf lie known to man made up about me, and with every setup attempt and frame job still going on today.I took the job not being able to comprehend the situation, and that my own family seem to be the originators. While at Golden State for something like 14 years, I am pretty sure I was attacked and harassed on average of maybe 2 to 4 harassments in each and every minutes. And that foes not include the 1000's of people pulling up cars in the parking lot per day working on me as well from worldwide strangers working with them.
While trying to keep a stable network while Lorena hired people to sabotage it and try to pin it on me while I kept fixing things, or her demanding I take down the firewall so the people she hired could tear up the network and say I was incompetent, many other things were going on, with My father, Lorena, these mass groups working with the police on these setup attempts and frame job operations.
To give you an idea, of how they operate. Lets say the network switch gets over loaded and there is a network drop for 10 seconds. An employee would go to Lorena, saying. I can't work and Kevin is doing this or that to m. Then maybe 5 other people knowing that this one person complained would all go to Lorena, Saying, we all can't work, and Kevin is stopping us from working. Also, things like, them all collecting links that out be stopped from the ad blockers or virus checkers in the firewall, they would all give out to each other at the same time. Then all of them trying to make it look like I was stopping them from working by saying. Kevin is blocking us, and stopping us from working. Also, things like If I went out to smoke a cigarette, employees would follow me out trying to hover over me and intimidate me, as well as people in the parking lots waiting for me to send me hidden messages.
At one point an employee named Victoria Licardo followed me out, and when I addressed the issues, she said well "Lorena is trying to protect the company". And I asked her if stalking and trying to kill people has anything to do with protecting a company. All I know is 2 weeks later she was no longer there.
Other things my father and Lorena were doing was sending a friend of theirs Debbie Groveman paying me to fix her sons computer, then trying to manipulate me into taking over this dead end company. And when that didn't work, my father and Lorena were telling the world I am trying to take over the company. Also while they were going through all their setup and frame jobs done to me in Oregon and Colorado, trying to thug and torture me into coerced false confessions to lock me away which is still going on all day and night.
What you are seeing here, is at the point I got sick of their lies that they could not work, I wanted transparency, so I built a simple trouble ticket system that would specifically document the complaints, the down time, the time it took me to fix it, showing what was really going on. And who could and could not work, and why. Well, they got really angry. But of course me smoking a cigarette is the crime of all crimes and have no problem killing me for. So, you can only imagine. And when they got angry they continued their mental illness tactics that they've been doing to me starting from 5 - 9 years old and submitting their complaints 2 - 3 times for each one so that it registered identical entries to provoke me and send me hidden messages to get rid of me.
And keep in mind, these are some screen shots of the tactic, this one tactic in the thousands went on for years. But obviously since this is worldwide get rid of me, means collapse my brain or nervous system out of hate and rage working with the Police, NSA/FBI which is unfathomable. And having Loydi Martinez, Shanna Briantseva following me, and having people follow me from place to place and coffee shop to coffee shop with worldwide support in these mass stalking operations.
So you can see here, some of their patterned tactics of 2's and 3's that are on the screen captures. This also applied to them doing things like walking by me saying "Yes, yes, yes" and all sorts of audible terror tactics that are similar as they were working with the coffee shops, and everywhere else worldwide to exterminate me.
See More Of these Stalkers Using This Terror Tactic this tactic |
Some of the Golden State Sports Medical Terror Mobbings on video
Keep in mind, these short clips represent continual terror operations for something like 14 years from the moment I walked in the door. And them connected with Worldwide operations that have never stopped in since finding out at 29, and actually start on a more subtle level around 5 years old. This hust shows what was done on a verbal or behavorial level and not the computer hacking, privacy violations, and things done to me and my network. With Lorena Escobar hiring IT people to sabotage the network, screw up the systems and work on me with Parnoid Schizofrenia tactics. As well as putting me in front of their security camera whie they would give out the camera to other offices using it to have people follow me and try to make me look crazy.
Golden State - Work Place Mobbing (Whistling Tactic)
This is a example of my work environment. Keep in mind, this is only 3 - 4 visits, and this is just the whistling tactic. There are 100's of other tactics being done.
This has happened every day I've been in the office since hired from day 1 for something like 6 years.
These employees are all confronted when hired by mostly Lorena Escobar and told to use these mental illness tactics to rid me of the world. Lorena is involved in much more across a 20 year period following me to Oregon, Colorado, with people keeping tabs on me etc trying to get any dirt possible to end my life with this mass MURDER crew.
At one point, the limo driver heard Lorena telling the employees that I am crazy and to do these things, but of course it was ignored that she or anyone in this office or anywhere else is doing these things for a mass cover-up.
In the parking lots, people are told to park all their cars backwards. People are also told to take off their license plates and put on fake temp plates to make it look like they are new cars. And some actually are as people are told to migrate to where I am.
Also, aside from whistling in the office, things like walking be my and singing, or humming over and over all day. Not by one person who might just be like that, but by the entire office and coordinated.
< style="font-size: small">This will go from mimicking my gestures to taking my conversations and mimicking parts of it over and over. Also things will be said in patterns of 2 or 3's over and over to try to bait me into reactions.
If I react in any way, or they perceive I do, they will start telling the office manager that I've wronged them or have done this or that.
These tactics are not only here, but almost every place in the world where I go as I'm told I better behave or it will happen again. Even though I never did anything in the first place, nor is this about anything but a covert MURDER campaign with worldwide 30 year mobs working together to end my life filing false police reports over and over as well as disseminating every lie possible worldwide to rile up mobs to end my life since childhood.
These people all support each other and tell me I'm imagining it. On some occasions breaking from their enraged covert masks and trying to get some non-existent confession, or at least a coerced false one to remove me from society.
Golden State - Work Place Mobbing (Humming and singing Tactic)
This is an example of my work environment. Keep in mind, this is only 3 - 4 visits, and this is just the humming and whistling tactic. There are 100's of other tactics being done.
This has happened every day I've been in the office since hired from day 1 for something like 6 years.
This is not the best example due to bad audio pickups and background noise, but you get the idea. Especially if you watch the whistling one, same thing. Person after person walks by and sings or humms, going on for 6 years. Mostly of this video is two people, Dominique and Gwen. They have both been told to take part, and recently, Gwen just moved by me and Dominique working on me all day.
Not only do they sing and hum, but they mimic my sentences collected off the internet as well as have conversations with each other as they make hints directed at me. A tactic to create a form of schizophrenia called "Ideas of reference" this is done to make me mentally ill, and rid me of the world, a Tactic started by my mother and brother at an early age.
These employees are all confronted when hired by mostly Lorena Escobar and told to use these mental illness tactics to rid me of the world. Lorena is involved in much more across a 20 year period following me to Oregon, Colorado, with people keeping tabs on me etc trying to get any dirt possible to end my life with this mass MURDER crew.
At one point, the limo driver heard Lorena telling the employees that I am crazy and to do these things, but of course it was ignored that she or anyone in this office or anywhere else is doing these things for a mass cover-up.
In the parking lots, people are told to park all their cars backwards. People are also told to take off their license plates and put on fake temp plates to make it look like they are new cars. And some actually are as people are told to migrate to where I am.
Also, aside from whistling in the office, things like walking be my and singing, or humming over and over all day. Not by one person who might just be like that, but by the entire office and coordinated.
This will go from mimicking my gestures to taking my conversations and mimicking parts of it over and over. Also things will be said in patterns of 2 or 3's over and over to try to bait me into reactions.
If I react in any way, or they perceive I do, they will start telling the office manager that I've wronged them or have done this or that.
These tactics are not only here, but almost every place in the world where I go as I'm told I better behave or it will happen again. Even though I never did anything in the first place, nor is this about anything but a covert MURDER campaign with worldwide 30 year mobs working together to end my life filing false police reports over and over as well as disseminating every lie possible worldwide to rile up mobs to end my life since childhood.
These people all support each other and tell me I'm imagining it. On some occasions breaking from their enraged covert masks and trying to get some nonexistent confession, or at least a coerced false one to remove me from society.
Golden State - Work Place Mobbing (Other Tactics)
Things you will see here. Since this is only 3 or 4 days, there is not much of the other tactics.
But what you will see here is 2 other the girls got together decided to swing their arms which I think was something I was
Doing walking at the park prior. This would be Marlene, the girl who kept smiling at me and then started making up lies that I Had hidden cameras in the monitors with 4 other girls making the same lie up within minutes. Then Elsie started making claims I had hit her
While having people follow me to Starbucks and one person actually hit me because of what she is doing while she is claiming she is just trying to run the office.
George will walk by either clicking a pen over and over with Fernanda, and also will say things like in this video "Hey" which
They’ve been hunting me down for years because I said "hey you" to someone, and that is somehow a crime.
Also. You will notice Gwen, Loydi, and the black girl are saying things in patterns of 2's and 3's which is a common tactic.
Then of course, Horheato, the person who whistles each and every time he walks by, is talking to Leonor, who has been following me around also wearing the
green and black color tactic. While the same day, Dominique was.
And another girl patty also making it obvious that they are not interested in working, but interested in trying to get rid of me as I walked out for a smoke.
This is just a brief example of what goes on all day when I am in the office to get rid of me, and then make up lies to justify their actions "he's the doctors son, he thinks he can do anything he wants" when nothing at all was done to them and them knowing this.
This has happened every day I've been in the office since hired from day 1 for something like 6 years.
Not only do they sing and hum, but they mimic my sentences collected off the internet as well as have conversations with each other as they make hints directed at me. A tactic to create a form of schizophrenia called "Ideas of reference" this is done to make me mentally ill, and rid me of the world, a Tactic started by my mother and brother at an early age.
These employees are all confronted when hired by mostly Lorena Escobar and told to use these mental illness tactics to rid me of the world. Lorena is involved in much more across a 20 year period following me to Oregon, Colorado, with people keeping tabs on me etc. trying to get any dirt possible to end my life with this mass MURDER crew.
At one point, the limo driver heard Lorena telling the employees that I am crazy and to do these things, but of course it was ignored that she or anyone in this office or anywhere else is doing these things for a mass cover-up.
In the parking lots, people are told to park all their cars backwards. People are also told to take off their license plates and put on fake temp plates to make it look like they are new cars. And some actually are as people are told to migrate to where I am.
Also, aside from whistling in the office, things like walking be my and singing, or humming over and over all day. Not by one person who might just be like that, but by the entire office and coordinated.
This will go from mimicking my gestures to taking my conversations and mimicking parts of it over and over. Also things will be said in patterns of 2 or 3's over and over to try to bait me into reactions.
If I react in any way, or they perceive I do, they will start telling the office manager that I've wronged them or have done this or that.
These tactics are not only here, but almost every place in the world where I go as I'm told I better behave or it will happen again. Even though I never did anything in the first place, nor is this about anything but a covert MURDER campaign with worldwide 30 year mobs working together to end my life filing false police reports over and over as well as disseminating every lie possible worldwide to rile up mobs to end my life since childhood.
These people all support each other and tell me I'm imagining it. On some occasions breaking from their enraged covert masks and trying to get some nonexistent confession, or at least a coerced false one to remove me from society.
Golden State - Work Place Mobbing (What it's like when I'm not around Tactics)
After watching all the other videos of being harassed and abused every few minutes in the work environment with the intent to create mental illness, and told this is normal and I am crazy especially with a 30 year campaign of these tactics, here is the video of me going to lunch, then after getting back, leaving for the day.
As you can see, there is only one event in these 5 or so hours and that is Horheato, who walks by every single time whistling looks at my computer strangly and whistles once, that's it. Gwen, Dominique are not singing, Loydi, and the others are not talking in patterns of 2's or 3's or the other 1000's of tactics I have documented in a 30 year campaign to make me mentally ill and end my life. Nothing at all. Completely quiet.
Kind of strange being told when I am there that this is normal and how it is.
Lorena Escobar
From the day Lorena Escobar, who has been working with my brother and the rest of my family, was hired to work at my fathers office for the last 25 years and told to follow me from place to place trying to set me up when my family doesn't like my lifestyle or so she's followed me from state to state in colleges having people, especially women try to bait me into situations and set me up or collect person information to try to get dirt, or create lies to give to the world to smear my name and end my life. At one point one of the employees Vicki Broke from silence claiming that Lorena was trying to "Protect the company" by hunting and stalking me, which is what I'm sure she tells people to try to make it look legit. She quit or was fired a couple of weeks later. Lorena has had people follow me from place to place terrorizing me for the last 20 years smearing my name, telling people I can't be trusted and need to be watched. She is involved in a world wide campaign to end my life with a mental illness campaign with this mass group. She approached me at one point, offered me a job at my fathers office, and
immediately told the employees every lie imaginable that I was crazy and did all these things that weren't true while endlessly sending person after person after me to prove her theories from following me around for 20 years trying to get dirt or taking things out of context. Her true motives are clear showing her hate and rage to end my life or remove me from society or push me to suicide. She approached me right after I found out Mike Huntley who approached me to start a company and was doing the same exact thing showing that this is not a random event but a systematic campaign to have person after person come in my life terrorize and torture me until their agenda is complete. Several women have come in my life working with Lorena to try to befriend me, try to manipulate me into situations to set me up and smear my name on and off the Internet world wide. If they cannot, they make up the lies anyways to cover up their crimes of doing this to make it look justified.
Patty Googin
"We thought you knew" Showing that something was going on. Weather they wanted some kind of confession, weather they said I was playing games with them because maybe they think I was doing something to them in their own paranoia and guilt while projecting their psychotic behaviors on me and targeting me my entire life. Except refusing to address the issue with the one person who is isolated, alone, and wondering why their is a world wide campaign taking turns on him. Showing that there is no way anything going on could be my fault. Maybe they were trying to control the situation by saying that I somehow knew they had these world wide neighborhood watch spy and terror operations going on, and I liked it or something freaky like this to help keep it getting worse and worse.
Golden State Sports Medical
Golden State employees working with fox news to try to endlessly set me up, smear my name, terrorize me quiet and torture me into false confessions to remove me from society to keep their crimes covered up are:
Lorena Escobar
Elsie Sandoval
Loydi Martinez
Marlene Ramirez
Gwen Suazo
Tony Montilla
Shanna Briantseva
- Told by Lorena Escobar to stalk me, as well as follow me to coffee shops, and work with Coffee Shops Employees worldwide to remove me from society
Fernanda Sime
Connie Reya
George Escobar
Houri Berberian
Jorge Rodriguez
Marcela Carroza
Fernanda Sime
Leonor Calderone
Romeo Calderone
Adriana Olivarez
Patti Googin
Scott Sookman
Dominque - Working with George Escobar Stalking me as George Kept telling me his brother is a Poliec officer who works with catching people with Child Porn trying to scare me into a false coerced confession