The System used to try to terrorize and torture me into submission to do what I am suggested to dictate my life
The system seems to
be a psuedo socialistic system built around my life to keep me inline
with family, government, Social workers, Media and masses world wide
all networked together to control and dictate my life and then
brainwash me into thinking I am a horrible person and that I deserve
what is happening and that it is my fault that it is happening and I
must accept that this is my entire life to stop me from fighting
against what is being done. Who I can date, what I eat, where I can
go, what I can do for a living, what my hobbies are. This system is
based on inflicting pain to teach me lessons to dictate my life. As
well as world wide neighborhood watch groups of people who know me,
and tell me that I am imagining it and that no one knows me. To
create the sense that I am being watched at all times, and create
paranoia telling me that it's not happening as it is obvious it is.
Not only that, but stranger after stranger will hint that they know
this or that about me, to suggestively tell me that I am being
watched as well as constantly hounded that I know you went here, said
this, or did that. Trying to dictate who I have to be with for the
rest of my life. Even intricate things like social behaviors. I am
mentally battered to try to mold me into a specific type of templated
person based on someones views of who I should be rather then
thinking for myself and being my own person. Almost based on someones
ideal view of what life is, and who you should be based on as if
their was some type of mathematical equation I have to follow in
order to be accepted. Rather then social groups with common interests
relating and growing together.
World wide tools
were also created and with the invention of the Internet used to give
to the world as well so that if anyone in the world is not happy with
what I say, what I want to do, something they don't approve of. Then
they can use the psychological warfare tools based on information
dissemination or psychological terror tactics to covertly inflict
mental anguish as punishment to telling me what I can and cannot do,
not based on legal or illegal, but based on what someone thinks and
approves of. Example, Maybe I hire a programmer for a job, and they
think I should only have one programmer, not more then one. All the
programmers will be notified with these internet tools build around
me to dictate my life telling each and everyone to send me the same
hidden message to make me sick, every time I try to hire a new
programmer saying. You can only have one. More then one is wrong.
Common sense would dictate that some jobs require a lot of
programmers or more then one. But that is because this is about
keeping me at a certain place in life where I can be watched and
controlled, and my life dictated and I don't go out on my own and
have my own life.
Media is also used
from radio, tv, internet, movies, etc as parts are taken from my
life, written into scripts or used on broadcasts as well as using the
media to send me messages to try to make it look like I suffer from
Paranoid schizophrenia. This is once again, due to inflicting
emotional pain, trying to make me look crazy to dictate my life and
be able to try to tell me I have to be the perfect person of these
networked people world wide will start using my life against me. Kind
of a scare tactic. You don't speak perfectly, we will use what is not
perfect and put it in the media for the world to use over and ove to
guilt you to death. What separates this from someone who is famous is
that they are known world wide and people address it as such, as
opposed to taking things from someones life, putting it in a large amount of the
media, and telling them they are imagining it and it isn't happening.
To create that leverage of, you do what we say, or else.
Also, If there is
something that I get into that they do not approve of, they will have
people befriend me or people approach me trying to set me up. If one
setup does not work, they will keep going until they can achieve the
goal of sabotaging what I am doing. Example, my family and these
groups do not approve of me going to coffee shops, getting coffee,
meeting people and getting work done. So every coffee shop I go to in
the world, people will approach me, befriend me, try to set me up or
get info to smear my name, or try to get me to go after them or cause
a scene so they can say I cannot come back. Amongst all the other
psychological attacks.
The more I defy the
system or what I am suggested I have to do, the crazier they try to
make me look so they can say. Look at all the things he has done.
This person is crazy. He's to sensitive, he can't take social
pressures, etc, ignoring the systematic attacks. So if there is any
situation where I have to defend myself in. The defending myself will
be used as leverage to say I am crazy and look at what I did. Which
will be documented and thrown into their imaginary rap sheet, they
call their “Laundry List”, and given to the world as a
way to try to immobilize me and dictate my life by controlling me
with black mail or riling the masses in an uproar against me to try to teach me lessons and do what I am accused of, all day and night to me for the rest of my life, or we have dirt on you to scare me quiet. Of
course ignoring the endless attacks, setups, torture tactics that for
several years escalated upwards of 10,000 mental attacks per day
world wide while being told that no buddy knows me and I am imagining
it. Of course, non of the initial attacks, setups, smears, and
actions like that seem to be of any importance to the people involved
which is world wide ignoring all common sense and showing that they
don't care what is done to me as long as I just am battered into
submission and do as I am told. Very similar to slavery on a global
scale against one man.
A system based on
psychological torture and psychological warfare punishments to
dictate my life. A way of telling me what I can or cannot do, and
told what to do through manipulation and psychological torture with
the masses world wide on every imaginable level. Of course nothing
ever is directly said because that would lead to proof of what they
are doing or show that they are control freaks as opposed to trying
to make me look crazy for resisting. And the more I try to go my own
way or do my own thing, the angrier they get and the more they ramp
up the attacks to try to make me look crazy or mentally ill.
Example, if you go into a coffee shop, buy some coffee. Thank them
for it. They will retaliate for you saying thank you, because maybe
they feel that only they are allowed to thank me. And in retaliation
will mimic to mock me about it by immediately copying me. Doing this
at every business in the world until I no longer feel comfortable
being nice and thanking them. This will be done on all aspects from
personality to every other aspect of life that they just don't want
me to do.
Example, By asking
out a stripper and telling her I liked her, the world was told I am
obsessed, and stalking that person and I need to be attacked by
people world wide for my crimes. Hence, teaching me a lesson to not
ask out strippers. Another example would be when I was around 12,
kissing a black girl and the world told I hate black people riling
the black communities against me and having me hunted. While black
women got jobs at coffee shops where they knew I went, trying to
endlessly provoke me to try to set me up to try to get me to go after
them to try to make the lies look true. Thus putting a stop to me
ever asking out a black girls as my family saw that I had a thing for
black girls. Clearly ashamed. And not wanting any association with
with black people.
This also applies to
what I do for a living as well as everything else. For example when
my family found out I was starting to build adult websites, people
came in my life to try to set me up any way possible to destroy my
reputation in that industry. People would befriend me saying “lets
build adult websites” even my father pretending he had no
problem with it, to find out, in the end, the same person that said
he wanted to build the sites and befriending me for years, and not
wanted to actually do any work, was then shaming me for building them
with everyone else as if in this day and age anyone would really
care. As he and everyone else endlessly mentally battered me to death
as punishment for what they deem a crime, which is perfectly legal,
and just something they do not approve of.
My punishment for
this so called crime is to be attacked and provoked for the rest of
my life for pursuing what I wanted to pursue. And the people who
accept it, are told lies and smears about me, to turn them against
me. Example, buy building websites for the adult industry, or getting
into studio photography were artistic pictures of women are photo'd
and created. Women, industries world wide were told that I am a con
man trying to meet women and that the rest was a fraud. This is said
not out of insecurity, due to mass money invested in telling the
world these lies with clear intent to sabotage, but rather to stop me
from doing it, dictate my life, smear my name so I can never work
with those types of people again because they will no longer accept
me believing the lies, and the amount told starting at around the age
10 to destroy my credibility for the sole purpose to dictate my life.
Now one might say,
getting into the adult industry can be something that people might
not understand and they may be right, but when pursuing other
businesses like Tweed Studio or other websites that are non adult
based and their could be no issues with. All the programmers world
wide are told to endlessly attack me with mental illness tactics so
that nothing gets accomplished and I have to go from programmer to
programmer getting nothing done.
Yet I cannot get a
job world wide or function normally because what has been done to my
life, and am put in a weakened sick state where all day I am attacked
and tortured world wide from what is being done.
My father gave me a
job before I could understand what was going on which gives me just
enough money to survive. I can afford mortgage and to eat, and leave
very cheaply and survive. In an office I Prided myself on going in 40
hours per week so that I could help people in need. Yet they don't
really want me in the office to make peoples lives easier, and the
employees are told to mentally batter me all day, every single day I
am ever there to torture me into a weakened state and tell the world
I think I am the boss and trying to take over the company or any lie
imaginable where they don't really want me to work for some strange
reason while smearing my name. Yet I have my basic so called
allowance which would be my paychecks from my job to provide me with
enough income to just survive. Yet if I try to go out and do
something to get away and live my own life with freedoms, masses will
get together with my family, police, and social workers, and do
anything possible to make sure nothing comes close to starting
something that I can make money with to be on my own. Providing a
life that I can survive, but not actually live while I am attacked by
almost every single person world wide I am in contact with.
It get significantly
worse on things like speaking out to people as to what is going on.
The minute I tell someone what is going on, that person working with
the masses will start attacking me with these covert psychological
warfare tactics to create mental illness to punish me and try to
mentally batter me with the masses into submission of acceptance.
So the system so to
speak is a social psychological terror system based on ways to
dictate my life, what it should be, what they deem healthy for me, or
what they think I should do, or who I should be based on what someone
or a group of people want. Removing all freedoms and civil right
starting as early as young childhood. Maybe 10 years old. The
question of why someone or my family with the government could even
think of something so inconceivable, sick and demented seems to start
from my families lies that I suffer from anger and rage, am out of
control, causing problems, and need to be watched, kept inline,
monitored, and my life dictated like some kind of social jail. Yet I
have committed no real crimes, and have dedicated my life to being
the nicest, kindest giving person imaginable minus those
imperfections in life which can be nitpicked like anyone else's life.
Not only this compared to my brother, my friends, I seemed to be the
most well behaved minus some teen pranks or pushing some minor
harmless limits. So the question of why, seems to lead to my families
anger, rage, insecurities, and issues of me not being like them,
almost like Adolf Hitler. As out of the four of us in the family, I
am the black sheep and the only one who does not fit the mold of what
the Perelman family is as far as some cookie cutter robotic template.
I seem to be the one in the family who thinks for himself and
actually looks at situations and makes my conclusions based on what I
think, and they don't seem to like that. My family all have
psychology degrees and are doctors or therapists. Who really use
their psychology for control, and they see someone who has no
interest in those careers or to be like them. Gets into cars, or like
sexually open women, different cultures, different hobbies, different
career choices and they say. “This person is an out of control
monster and needs to be stopped” So they use all the resources
imaginable working with the government, school systems, mass
populations to psychologically torture me into submission with covert
mental illness tactics for punishment saying. Look, he's out of
control, he got sick, he can't take care of himself, he's causing
problem, he's a danger to himself or others. He needs to be watched,
he needs to be kept in line. Then telling me things like I am
imagining it, just to sensitive or sometimes that I have somehow done
something wrong to brainwash me into thinking that I am a horrible
monster and that is why this is happening giving me endless lies and
disinformation and that I have to accept this is my life and submit
to it. ut the System, when looking at the bigger picture is really just a terror system to try to make me crazy, and figure out ways to get the reaction of pushing me to my end as no one normally would remotely care about these intricacies of my, or anyone elses life. For example, creating so much pain and anguish, that I can't take it any longer and end my life, or working with the police to push me out of control and figure out ways to remove me from society.