Government FLAG and KILL operations to kill 5 year olds with NSA level tools
I've been a target my entire life and the TRUTH behind what the world helping them is trying to HIDE in their shame
Aka GANG STALKING (Groups of people trying to make people look mentally ill to cover up their KILL or ERADICATION Agenda)
Government and psychology community disinformation to get people to kill for them because they want the power to kill whoever they want based on empty labels without any type of accountability
The real reason the WORLD has been told to all take part in having me ERADICATED with covert PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE tactics since 5 years old
now working the MENTAL ILLNESS Cover up Operations to lock me away for what I found out they were doing at 29 with Mike Huntley and unofficial childhood family HATE labels at 5 that I'm supposedly a "VIOLENT PARANOID SCHIZOFRENIC"
While they try to get a 5350 - LPS conservatorship on me since 5 years old from my families hate and rage for me, with the Government and Psychology Community with these terror tactics, endless setup attempts and frame jobs to stop me from having the FREEDOMS of living my life blasting lies that it's about me being danger to myself or others with their endless attacks having mass groups try to get reactions and set me up or frame me which never stops.
Another one of Lead Officer Sean Dinse's Targets like Rex Schellenberger who he's trying to force into mental institutions out of his Hate/Rage/Insecurities on his 42 year Personal Vendetta with people I grew up with
Read More About Rex Shellenberger and Download the Federal Court Documents of Los Angeles Country being sued for a similar CRIME SPREE with DEFAMATION riling up the masses as VIGILANTES to do their dirty work for them
What would you do if you found out the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT of AMERICA labels, hunts down and kills, or tries to lock people away in mental institutions with 5 year old HATE INSECURITY flaggings, that they are supposedly DIFFERENT? Well, this website has over 15 Tera bytes of daily MURDER/ERADICATION operations on video with WORLDWIDE support to have me EXTERMINATED who have been MANIPULATED by the Police, My Family, and the Government based on DEFAMATION OF CRHARACTER to the masses, all sanctioned by the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT of AMERICA working with the PSYCHOLOGY community and masses which will do ANYTHING to silence me for what I know!
It took the GOVERNMENT 46 years all day and night 24/7 with WORLDWIDE SUPPORT to try to set me up to temporarily lock me in maximum security prison on misdemeanors. And they had to write up FALSIFIED Police Reports with scum like Officer Sean Dinse to do it, with Jury Tampered Jury's and lawyers REFUSING to bring in the PROOF and EVIDENCE in the courts to show my innocence while trying to make me look crazy. I am literally being HUNTED. now for 42 year with endless psychological passive aggressive provokings, setup attempts or frame jobs to eradicate me and they are only concerned with my passive SELF DEFENSE Like passing out cards and exercising the 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech to tell people they were all lied to while they are MOBBING ME TO DEATH in self defense. The Judicial System is still
ratcheting down to lock me away with these mass groups.
Illegal Judicial Operations to lock me away for what I know while stealing my money in FRAUDULANT operations, that has been done to my life since a young child, and the latest, Lawyer Seymour Amster. INTENTIONALLY loosing the trial, and INTENTIONALLY loosing my appeals.
The Two most important charges have never even been contested in this appeals. Also, case information on the ILLEGAL 2013 arrests have been DESTROYED to retrieve by the judicial system
With a family trying to collect, twist and contort anything to use against me out of context to use or give to the police working with mass groups WORLDWIDE to try to set me up or frame me all day and night over and over since a young child out of hate and rage to lock me away for some reason
Appellants Opening Brief - annotated
Respondents Brief - annotated
Appellants Reply Brief - annotated - in process
Appellate Decision
Complaint sent into the California Bar association with details and confirmation received
View Video of Davide S. Kestenbaum, Esq stating that "Seymour Amster Likes To Put People In Jail" with :LAPD
These are the trial transcripts - Un-Annotated
If they have not illegally removed what was said in court, you can see that Terrance Scroggins was contacted by Lead Officer Sean Dinse Beforehand. Terrance Scroggins States he can go after those he does not like, And is in Anger Management. Also you can see the Judge sandwiched 2 closing arguments around Seymour Amster's argument. Also the sentencing questions were unethically asked to me, and not my lawyer. As well as all conversations by Prosecution and Defense, Strategically Crafted to try to make me look crazy. And a lot more! Annotated Version coming soon! explaining detail by detail what is really going on and being done by them
Bunk Rigged Trial and Kangaroo Court Transcript 1
Bunk Rigged Trial and Kangaroo Court Transcript 2
Proof of Government and Psychology Community ERADICATION operations since 5 years old! Non Stop WORLDWIDE attacks until they can end my existence no matter what it takes, based on Government Flagging Operations
At no point was this lawyer, just like every other one going to admit that WORLDWIDE groups mobbing me to death since 5 years old is wrong while they all take part and try to cover-up the crime spree against me
Some of the key players in these paid off kill and eradication operations
Tom Farley, Mike Huntley, Paul Humphrey, Brian Weaver, Brian Longbotham, Lorena Escobar, Defense Attorney Micheal Bialyse, His Ex Girlfriend, Prostetude Victoria Walker, Matt Von Meloki, Jen Hess, a large part of LAPD, Dr Ronald Perelman, Jason Perelman And Many Others
I believe their might also be FALSE ACCUSATIONS I'm suicidal or a danger to myself or others based on some of their patterns of behavior I noticed, and their ENDLESS CRY WOLF TACTICS as well which is more of a vibe but relevant to the situation based on patterns of behavior directed at me
This tactic starts at a very young age to try to figure out how to remove me from society out of their HATE RAGE, OBSESSION to ERADICATE my kind, hence trying to force me into a mental institutions to make sure I can never tell anyone what is going on.
For a More Simplified Explanation
Also, the Lead Officer Sean Dinse Agenda to try to take over the World while hunting me down to have me killed since a young age in his personal vendetta linked to these bigger operations with now WORLDWIDE groups while running for city council
2012 - 2013 - Incident Report Database based on each intricate event documenting, Date, Time, Events, so you can comprehend the magnitude and complexity of this global 35 year terror operation
What a better way to rid someone of the
WORLD by playing the
RACE card! fear mongering the world against them, that they are a
WHITE SUPREMACIST, and telling them that the world is about
starting around 8 years old for kissing a black girl at Sunny Skies Day Camp. Add that with a father who goes out, buys a 357 when I am a teenager with all sorts of frame jobs, and tries to make his child look like the Vegas shooter out of shame he didn't get the child he wanted when I was born and INSTITUTIONLIZE me, with FULL JUDICIAL SYSTEM, and WORLDWIDE Support for no reason except what I know, and the Police are doing whatever it takes to pin FRAUDULENT Mental Illness LABELS and CONVICTIONS on me to cover up
their mass crime spree against me
Tom Farley Related and brought in my life around this time
Where in
"Protect and Serve" does it state, we don't protect and serve Jews, "Your Kind", or People we
Remember that while most of the proof and evidence of these WORLDWIDE 40 year stalkings go on-line around 2016 and the endless attacks by the Judicial System, and those working with them. I noticed this round 2001, met with Mike Huntley's Death Threats, which actually start at 5 years old changing fom psychological warare tactic in mass groups from one to the next growing to larger and larger groups to remove me from society, in which no one thinks is wrong for some strange unheard of reason
Do you want to be part of the SOLUTION or the PROBLEM?
Can you just sit around and look the other way while this is going on and say nothing while a man is hunted with WORLDWIDE support for no reason?
Psychological McCarthyism - People flagged, Profiled, Labeled for mental illness and put on Watch lists! Proof right off the Police Scanners of targeting and labeling of mental illness while put on watch lists with the PSYCHOLOGY COMMUNITY. Which is not a crime!
YOU ARE NOT SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (You are not protected by the Constitution of the United States of America)
Audio Authentication this is real showing that the DEFAMATION since a young child comes from my brother and my father. Once again, the pairs of 2's tactic matching the 2's tactic with 4-7 billion people all day and night 24/7. just one of the 1000's of these murder tactics changing and growing since 5 years old in the Brian Longbotham Dafamation Laundry List
Flat out DIRECT STATEMENTS from Alexis Amores anger at me all because my brothers DEFAMATION, LIBAL, Slander to the WORLD to rile up the masses to ERADICATE me. As he started in on me with my father in their anger and rage for me around the age 5. And making itto 16 where he THREATENED my life telling me he and his friends were going to put me in a mental institution after I jumped in the way of a crow bar he was about to swing at my friend Greg Waugh, because his girlfriend Jennifer Yang cheated on him with my friend. Just an example, of these endless now 45 year events. While my brother would introduce me to person after person who would hunt me trying to make me look crazy. Tons of women sent after me told to cry wolf or play victim as well as me finding out what was going on around 29 years old With his friend he introduced me to Mike Huntley. Starting a Company with
me for 6 years and when I found out, endless death threats that I am a dead man. Singing "World of Paranoia", Dropping papers on my desk talking about making people mentally ill to kill them. And endless other Statements while trying to make me look crazy. To find out BILLIONS of Government Dollars with the Psychology to find out they are Flag and Kill operations since 5 years old. While trying to cover it up saying I'm crazy, a Stalker, A Car Thief, A Violent Paranoid Schizo, and 1000's of other endless ACCUSATIONS to the WORLD in SECRET.
Alexis Amore's ANGER all hinging off "HEARSAY" We are not friends, and only had a few interactions. Most based at locations I was led to by other people. And once the lies were established while I was getting into Studio Photography and building Adult Websites for people. Any Interactions by the same Industry would lead to pure ANGER and RAGE, and attacks as if I did something to her, or them trying to make me look like a fraud based on large database systems I was building in 1998. Showing this was more about getting rid of someone out of HATE and RAGE. As it jumps from Business, Hobbies, Restuarants, Gas Station, or any public place WORLDWIDE.
Notice the Wording ding "Your a Stalker, Your a Stalker", with their pair's of 2's tactics. This also after my mother saying something weird "You have a Problem to or 2" Because when they talk to me, they babble weird cryptic fragments but can't tell me why they are so mad at their 5 year old, as I turned 29 to find out I was being HUNTEDNARCISISTIC personalities that it's all about them jumpingf rom person to person with endless false claims that I am doing something to all of them. Working with the Police and Government.
I gurantee, like the countless other dialogues with people. Once you get past the rock throwing and try to get an actual argument based on FACTS and SPECIFICS. Their is nothing their. None of them ever have an actual argument unless they can prvoke you into a reaction to use against me by mass mobbings.
Example, if 1000 people per day bash you skull in with a lead pipe. And you get up bloody grabbing one for self defense. The WORLD will be told you tried to kill someone, and leave out the rest. Going from Gov Based Mental Illness Network Terror Cell After Terror Cell.
While their is a is a WORLDWIDE Army of KEVIN KILLERS so to speak since i was 5. They are all being used as MURDER TOOLS fed dissinformation being riled up to actually kill for the Government. So they can get away with these types of NAZI operations. And remember, where did Gas Lighting, and Gang Stalking Originate from? Adolf Hitler Himself.
But ask yourself one important question, WHY would random Strippers and Porn Stars, Especially Melodie the Stripper when I was 16 Jason's friend Mike Huntley Introduced me to, be in Contact with Jason Perelman, the Urologist, and Jennifer Pilchick Perelman who just lost against Debbie Wassermen Sholtz in Florida for Congress?
So when asking where all the money and resources come to kill 5 year olds labeled as a VIOLENT PARANOID SCHIZO
This is DIRECT EVIDENCE to my biggest enemy that wants me dead since I was 5 years old. Somehow having a pedastole to the WORLD. and will say and do WHATEVER it takes to EXECUTE ME! And the more I speak out in DELF DEFENSE, the more they HUNT ME, instead of leaving me alone. Proving these 45 year Eradication Operations that are still going on minute by minute WORLDWIDE.
Sister in Law Jennifer (Pilchick) Perelman, working with my brother Jason Perelman to cover up what he started in on me as a young child to have me hunted, KILLED, or locked away after my parents told him to go after me when they didn't get the 5 year old child they wanted.
While my brother Jason Perelman, has a lot of skeletons in the closet. Most involve his endless hate, rage, and jealousy for me, exerted endless years to EXTERMINATE his younger brother. It was a big shock for me to find out that at the age of 29, They had paid off Mike Huntley to befriend me and have me KILLED or ERADICATED with many others with their crazy labels (not that crazy is a crime is just an empty word which can mean anything without specifics). As Mike Huntley, originally Jason's friend, invested 14 years alone with Paul Humphrey on me to have me KILLED or LOCKED AWAY to cover up what my brother was told to do to me starting at 5 years old. The big hinging point is when Jason Perelman went after Greg Waugh with a crow bar when his girlfriend Jennifer Yang cheated on him. And me jumping in the way of it. After this, he gave me the Mobster "BLOOD IS THICKER THEN WATER" speech how I needed to help him go after my friend. When he didn't get the answer he wanted. He threatened my life subtally telling me that "He and his friend put a teacher in a mental institution, and they have a bug in my room and are listening to everything I'm doing" to try to make me
look like a VIOLENT PARANOID SCHIZOFRENIC. While I just thought he was acting like the idiot he was while he ran around with his friends causing havoc on the streets, and didn't realize somehow he has ENDLESS GOVERNMENT MONEY BEHIND HIM in his exterminate the good brother agenda which is unheard of, and doesn't really make much sense. He invested the rest of his days riling up the masses worldwide in organized stalking groups to make me look crazy in his hate and rage to make EXTERMINATING MY EXISTENCE, look justified in secret, in the masses eyes. Trying to cover up what he was told to do to me as a young child. With endless cover up fabrications of things he says I supposedly did to him turning the entire situation I didn't even know was going on up until 29 around on me. Not only this, while he and his friends were out committing all sorts of crimes. Little did I know he was pinning them all on me. Whats even scarier was my parents
seem to be telling him to do it with the PSYCHOLOGY COMMUNITY to work their Schizophrenia and crazy labels on me. While telling the masses it was me who did all these things.
This is from about 2010 a post I found online of Jennifer (Pilchick) Perelman, working with Jason Perelman to cover up his crime spree against me after I found out Mike Huntley was paid off to befriend me to have me KILLED or ERADICATED while sitting in our Signet e services Office, The company he wanted me to fly back from University Of Colorado to start so bad, with an endless hoard of death threats that he and the Police and Government were going to have me KILLED or ERADICATED for what I was finding out while noticing ENDLESS WORLDWIDE ATTACKS minute by minute, exponentially growing since 5 years old directed at me. They are trying to also try to make look like OBSESSION. While Jennifer Pilcheck is also working with her father Jay Pilcheck a court reporter, and court reporters such as debbie Wollman sent after me, purchasing the property to my adjoining wall to my Townhouse, never even living in it, while paying off the police to hunt me. DIRECTLY LINKED TO LEAD OFFICER SEAN DINSE, and many others to cover up what they started in on me as a young child. I believe their was all sorts of Audio Surveillance, in this 20 year empty townhouse, in which at 47 they finally got me in that court room trying to make me look crazy while everyone in the Judicial System was paid off to SILENCE, and ERADICATE my existence, with mental illness cover ups. Remember, this is now a 42 year
WORLDWIDE continual HUNT, with mass mobs, and psychological terror tactcs that never ends until they get what they want. It has been exponentially growing since 5 years old, with daily changing worldwide labels, and false accusations to the world that keeps building larger and larger hate groups to actively hunt me to exterminate "HIS KIND" as they have put it. Whatever this means.
Note the STATEMENTS of hers. CONFESSING showing she is INVOLVED in trying to make me look crazy while trying to cover up the crime spree she is involved in. And at no point does she think what she is doing is wrong, like Adolf Hitler. "He needs to be DEEMED crazy" and talking about the LEGALITY of someone speaking out in SELF DEFENSE, who finds out mass groups worldwide are taking part in eradicating my existence. that starts spewing about the LEGALITY, about telling people they've been lied to makes her angry and mad. Showing that she is involved in HUNTING me for what I know is being done to my life, and could not care less about law and order or right or wrong. Which also makes it strange the the police REFUSE to stop these mass 42 year operations to have me hunted and killed or locked away with an OBVIOUS NON STOP 42 YEAR
CRIME IN PROGRESS. Based on, hate, rage, obsession, stalking, and all of the above in attempted murder with mass groups taking turns on me all day and night 24/7 non stop. Now WORLDWIDE. And the only thing in her mind about the ENTIRE SITUATION is, your not allowed to tell people what is going on. Nothing about hunting people, torturing people, killing people is wrong. So what is she trying to COVER UP? people like me who she doesn't want talking about being abused in an active operations to remove me from society, so ERADICATING my existence is their only option, instead of going on and living their own lives. And trying to say that if someone is crazy, they need to be rid of the world. Yet, I've never heard of a scenerio where someone who thought someone was crazy was allowed to eradicate them. Especially when the term CRAZY itself is relative and has no direct, factual specifics. Usually, they just go on living their own lives instead of being CRAZY HUNTERS. In other words, she has something to hide and is directly linked to Jason Perelman's 42 year crime spree
against me in having his younger brother KILLED. With endless DEATH THREATS "You don't talk or we kill you" in all sorts of different forms from subtle to direct. Which is what he gets his Jolly's doing while putting license plate frames on his car saying "I Swerve and hit people at Random" then trying to say everything he did as a teenager was me. And riling up a WOLRDWIDE campaign to have me KILLED
or LOCKED AWAY for whatever reason.
Now remember one thing, I was being hunted and threatened, before I even knew what was going on with their, you don't talk or we kill you operations. And we are watching you. In other words, we are going to eradicate you. And if you start to figure anything out, we are really going to eradicate you with the CRAZY CARD, and CRAZY PEOPLE NEED TO DIE, or be LOCKED AWAY. But remember one thing. Even though I am not crazy. Their is no such thing as crazy being a crime. Only a crime is a crime. In otherwords, we all know people who say they think someone is crazy. But how many do you know that actually call people crazy and hunt them to have them killed? And the police don't normally run around looking for "CRAZY" people. As the term itself is non specific and relative. A mathmatician can think a stripper is crazy for their life style or Vice Versa. Yet non are crimes people are normally being hunted and killed over.
So if Jason Perelman, and Jennifer (Pilchick) Perelman, want to label me as crazy. The they have no business inviting me over to try to set me up or frame me. Paying off people to get in my life to try to get things to use against me, or hunting me because of the LEGALITY of what I know or telling my friends or police, if something is done to me or someone wants to hurt, harm, mame, or kill me. Are the entire reason we have things like the 1st Amendment FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Showing that these ILLEGAL ARRESTS, and FABRICATED Charges are them mad for defending my self by telling people what is going on.
Clearly, Jennifer (Pillcheck) Perelman does not have a problem with torturing and killing people. Even more so, she has a problem with people defending themselves with the 1st Amendment freedom of speech, so that they can stay breathing out and of hate cages.
But what's scarier then this, is a wannabe hack Lawyer, that goes into retirement after having a child in 2008, and is now magically running for congress right after paid off illegal arrests with false police reports, and paid off groups to frame me. Which have been going on non stop for 42 years, is now running for 2020 Congress?
So are they hunting me to have me killed, and also trying to make money and fame off me at the same time? Well, they would probably say a Novelty joke shirt bought a a Joke T-Shirt shop 1992 are making them do it. But the reality of the situation is, Jason Perelman and my father started in on me at 5 years old with trying to make it look like conform to media, and am a Schizophrenic.
So the real question is, who does she know, and this explains while all the NEWS organizations have been hunting me since the beginning of time in secret. A quiet shy non namer struggling to do something with his life and survive, to find out, they just want to have me KILLED trying to silence me \ with the PSYCHOLOGY COMMUNITY and ENDLESS GOVERNMENT RESOURCES. So what is it they really have to hide? That important, they;d have me KILLED or LOCKED AWAY over? Gee, I wonder? Just ask Jason Perelman what he was told to do to me as a young child and what he's trying to COVER UP with his endless lies. With BILLIONS of Government dollars now invested to have me KILLED or ERADICATED. Obviously, this gets much deeper with the endless 42 year details I've proven a million times over. But it links in to something that once all these people were lied to about me find out. They will be DISTURBED beyond belief that the United State Government is doing to people. Remember, I am living proof off what
Edward Snowden came forward about.
And one thing is for sure. The Police were paid off to have me KILLED or LOCKED AWAY since 5 years old with the PSYCHOLOGY COMMUNITY, as I found out at 29 met with Mike Huntley's death threats with the Police and Government in their angry child molesting rage. But remember, according to the Judicial system, If they don't like or trust you "The can do whatever we want" Showing this is not really about me, it's about Government PROFILING, FLAGGING and KILL Operations.
6/4/2020 - Thug attack with The Police at Bixby Park in Long Beach for having sign All Lives Matter sign to silence me and try to make me look like a bad person
This is a Video With the Police working with their Gang Stalking Groups all the way out in Long Beach, at Bixby Park because they tried to stop me from taking part in the PROTESTS against police brutality, and showing my respects for George Floyd.
While getting the message across about my life, and the 43 year George Floyding they have done, and are doing to me to have me EXECUTED, or ERADICATED since 5 years old.
You can see in this video, large groups of strangers arrive, and follow me to the park, as I'm arriving knowing where I am at all times. With Assault and Battery's, and threats over and over.
The police try to cover up their operations to have me KILLED, by pretending they don't know me, and putting lies in their police reports that I might be paranoid, and am known to cause problems, once again PROVING, that every place I go WORLDWIDE, I am known based on their lies, defamation, slander, DISSINFORMAATION to the world in SECRET on their PSYCHOLOGICAL child molesting and KILL operations with my family and the Psychology Community.
9/20/2019 - David Kestenbaum Flat out states Seymour Amster likes to put people in jail as I am one of his victims
First Seymour Amster Intentionally loses the main Trial on a Jury Tampered paid off Judge and Jury.
Refusing to bring in a DEFENSIVE argument and trying to make me look crazy.
Refusing to bring in any of the Photos and Videos of these mass WORLDWIDE and local area attacks against me for the self-defense argument.
He also REFUSED to bring in the black and white Evidence of DINSE stalking me, throwing me in jail and trying to THUG me quiet for their 42 year ERADICATION OPERATIONS.
After this, he states in front of me and Brittany that if we lose the appeals, he will bring it up to a higher appeals court.
He doesn't tell me the Decision is made, and luckily, I find out on the court computer system. When I call him up, and ask him what the Decision was, he told me we had lost and I asked him if it was going to the next appeals level.
He tells me he doesn't think he will win so he didn't file it. I then find out from other attorney's that the deadline is past.
I decide to look at his argument, and I am in shock that he wrote the entire argument to discredit me, loose the case. And leaves out the two most important charges.
Sean Dinse's Fabricated Criminal Threat Charges, contacting Terrance Scroggins to go after me. As well as the Bailey Bernard Battery charge in which he followed me home assault and battering me, contacted by Dinse and Jensen as well.
He even puts rhetoric in the appeals how I need therapy.
In the process of looking for a new Attorney while most have been contacted to STOP anything truthful about me coming to light. David makes this statement AFFIRMING the scary truth!
Government Flagging, and Kill or ERADICATION Operations since 5 years old. And this is what happens when you start telling people around you what is happening and being done to your life.
Doctor Ronald Barry Perelman with Michael Huntley "You are not allowed to Defend Yourself".
Illegal Judicial Operations to lock me away for what I know while stealing my money in FRAUDULANT operations, that has been done to my life since a child by Lawyer Seymour Amster. INTENTIONALLY loosing the trial, and INTENTIONALLY loosing my appeals.
2 most important charges have never even been contested in this appeals. Also, case information on the ILLEGAL 2013 arrests have been DESTROYED to retrieve by the judicial system
Appellants Opening Brief - annotated
Respondents Brief - annotated
Appellants Reply Brief - annotated - in process
Appellate Decision
These are the trial transcripts - Un-Annotated
If they have not illegally removed what was said in court, you can see that Terrance Scroggins was contacted by Lead Officer Sean Dinse Beforehand. Terrance Scroggins States he can go after those he does not like, And is in Anger Management. Also you can see the Judge sandwiched 2 closing arguments around Seymour Amster's argument. Also the sentencing questions were unethically asked to me, and not my lawyer. As well as all conversations by Prosecution and Defense, Strategically Crafted to try to make me look crazy. And a lot more! Annotated Version coming soon! explaining detail by detail what is really going on and being done by them
Bunk Rigged Trial and Kangaroo Court Transcript 1
Bunk Rigged Trial and Kangaroo Court Transcript 2
Proof of Government and Psychology Community ERADICATION operations since 5 years old! Non Stop WORLDWIDE attacks until they can end my existence no matter what it takes, based on Government Flagging Operations
At no point was this lawyer, just like every other one going to admit that WORLDWIDE groups mobbing me to death since 5 years old is wrong while they all take part and try to cover-up the crime spree against me
More Psychological Criminal and Stability evaluations from WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson |
8/16/2019 - Psychological evaluation from THERAPIST and WITNESS Brittany Henderson
Because the Police, Government, PSYCHOLOGY COMMUNITY, and my family with mass WORLDWIDE groups are using labels to control or hunt me down to ERADICATE my existence.
I decided to have Brittany Henderson evaluate my stability so that the WORLD can know the TRUTH. and not be given secret PROPAGANDA about me in which has going on for the last 42 to rile an entire Planet against me in my demise.
I believe that the truth is important so that people UNDERSTAND WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON.
And all of these seems to be about hate, rage, and jealousy. Or scared Adolf Hitler Type Children with UNLIMITED POWER in our Government.
The point is that I am being hunted to be KILLED or ERADICATED with Worldwide support that would never normally happen and Violates the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, starting at 5 years old.
They don't even know why they are really doing it. They are just fed information to go out and commit the crimes for the police and government so that the Police can sit back eat donuts while having the masses kill for them.
And normally citizens told to hunt down and kill other citizens is the crime of all crimes. FOR EVERYONE!
So here is an EVALUATION based on someone who took the time to get to know me, and WITNESS the situation so that it is a TRUTHFUL analysis based on FACTS and LOGIC. And not the usual groups of people pulling fiction out their asses in anger, rage, and jealousy.
Police Psychological McCarthyism |
Lead Officer Sean Dinse's involvement in Profiling and Targeting Operations |
Last I checked it is against the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to FORCE anyone to do anything, and they are all FREE MEN
Especially based on HATE labels of imperfection
“I think you’re crazy”, Addiction, Race, Religion, or imperfection.
The Police are here for one reason and one reason only
TO STOP CRIME, not JUDGE, and not to EXECUTE or ERADICATE! Those they don’t like, understand, or those with problems
Mental illness has nothing to do with CRIMES
Would I be allowed to take you away from your home and lock you away because I don’t like your hobbies, or who you date, or if you go to bars every weekend with your friends throwing on justification labels on you?
Doesn’t this go against your FREEDOMS of FREE WILL, and ability to make choices based on what you want or like? This associated with ENDLESS lies to the World that "Kevin Perelman is a danger to himself or others" out of Jealousy, Hate, and rage towards me. Government operations to try to make people look mentally ill to figure out how to lock them away.
Proof of Van Nuys Court house clerks with others in the Judicial System framing me to try to make me look crazy to lock me in Mental Institutions with FABRICATED and FRAUDULENT information in the Docket
5/31/2019 - Direct PROOF and EVIDENCE of Judicial HATE Crime Spree and Conspiracy against me to remove me from society from my attorney Seymour Amster with ILLEGAL Police, Gov, and City Council Members
This is a Discussion with My Therapist Brittany Henderson who has WITNESSED, and seen toms of video of this mass WORLDWIDE eradication operations as we pick apart my Lawyers Conversation after a court date showing that obviously, I am not crazy, and being HUNTED by mass groups WORLDWIDE with these Government TORTURE and KILL Operations. Aka Gang Stalking
While Seymour Amster's conversations are inconsistent, and sporadic. They do show that their is an Agenda, and HUNT to turn huge groups against me to hunt me and kill or incarcerate me for life based on HATE, RAGE, or JEALOUSY.
While I have endless PROOF and EVIDENCE showing it is going on WORLDWIDE
The largest crime in humanity against one person in the history of humanity, and now with WORLDWIDE support to have me killed for what I know and the DIFFERENT label.
Direct proof stating that "Lead Officer Sean Dinse feels that I am a Menace to Society and he needs to be removed from society"
It is a crime as a Police Officer to label someone and hunt them down to KILL or ERADICATE them based on opinions that don't have to do with laws on PERSONAL VENDETTAS
He also states that the City Council and Mass groups are contacting mass private citizen to HUNT ME DOWN. Turning them all into VIGILANTES in these KILL Operations.
More importantly, this has been going on 42 years with those he is involved in.
This is all Discussed with Therapist Brittany Henderson who is not only WITNESSING what Seymour has stated, but also the mass GOVERNMENT MURDER OPERATIONS working with WORLDWIDE Citizens to have me HUNTED and KILLED, or endless setup attempts and frame jobs to ERADICATE my EXISTENCE.
These Events are also connected to Brian Longbotham sent after me working with Universal Studios, Starbucks Corporation, Coffeebean Corporation as well investing insane money to hunt me down with the Government for some reason |
5/6/2019 - Convo seymour Amster and Deborah Bayer Blackmail to FORCE me into mental institutions for what I know and has been done to my life
Remember, everyone REFUSES to be honest or help me.
This is a conversation with Deborah Bayer, with my Lawyer Seymour Amster who PRETEND, there are just a couple of people in my neighborhood provoking me, and this isn't WORLDWIDE
One of the tactics of theirs and my family is to make me move from each and every place I live. This time trying to make it look like OCD or some kind of Trauma keeping me here
While moving won't solve the issue, because the issue is a Government Agenda to try to make me look crazy and put me into a mental institution for what I know and was done to me growing up.
Example, at 16 years old, my brother tried to bash Greg Waugh's head in with a crow bar, and I jumped in the way stopping him. He told me "Blood is thicker then water" trying to get me to support him on spying on Greg and things like bashing his skull in, which did not work. who Jen Yang, my brothers ex girlfriend, ending up dating after she broke up with my brother.
After my brother realized that I am not a psychotic like him, with no self control, he told me he and his friends put a teacher in a mental institution, then told me he and his friends put a bug in my room and are listening to everything I do on the radio to try to make me look crazy that didn't work.
They spend from this time, around 16 to 29 sending person after person after me with the Police and Government to try to make me look crazy, and several of my brothers friends like Mike Wexler, Mike Huntley, Jason Baum, and many others sent after me.
At 29, in which Mike Huntley, my mother, and father wanted me to move back from university of Colorado so bad, and Mike wanting me to Start a 6 year company with him. And my father wanting me to get close to him as well to try to set me up, frame me, or fabricate lie after lie to the world about me to rile the masses against me to remove me from society.
Mike shifted from 15 year so called friend to flat out dealing me he and the police were going to rid me of the world for no reason at all basically
Weird statements "I've given you enough rope to hang yourself with, "You had better live a careful life", "We are using the system against you"
The police being paid off to have me hunted and killed, or ERADICATED now for what I know
In this conversation you can see, not only is everyone lying pretending I am imaging what is going on. You will also see proof of the police flagging and ERADICATION agendas
This is being done out of hate, rage jealousy towards me, and starts literally at 5 years old. It isn't even about anything legit.
Endless psychological digging to get anything to use against me to rid me of the world.
In this conversation, you can see how they are threatening with their falsified charges of up to 7 years in prison. Or I can check into a mental institution. My brothers own THREATS at 16.
And full family and gov support no matter how kind, giving, generous, or perfect I am. Showing they have an ERADICATION Agenda
To cover up the largest crime in history against one man. To end his existence with every ILLEGAL method in KILL or ERADICATION operations based on 5 year old gov flaggings
Convo With Greg Waugh and Proof I really did stop my brother from going after him with a crow bar
This is a conversation with Greg Waugh Showing that while lies are made up that I am crazy, mentally ill, and suffer from Delusional Disorders according to Topanga LAPD, Detective Shapiro, Detective Angela Stewart, and many others in cover up operations in these now 42 year Eradication Operations
That yes, this event really did occur where my brother went after Greg Waugh, and after this gave me the blood is thicker then water mobster speech, then telling me that he and his friends were going to put me in a mental institution for not wanting to support him in his demented activities, especially spying or helping him hurt Greg Waugh in his anger and rage
7/21/2020 - WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson Talk about the Calabasas High Years |
6/4/2020 - Thug attack with The Police at Bixby Park for having sign All Lives Matter sign |
6/4/2020 - Thug attack with The Police at Bixby Park for having sign All Lives Matter sign - More |
5/8/2020 - Meeting With WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson - I Let her ask all the questions |
5/19/2020 - WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson asks me more questions as we go to Cedars Sina |
6/2/2020 - WITNESS and THERAPIST BRITTANY Henderson go back to Cedars Sinai to video the parking lot |
3/4/2020 - WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson Go to Van Nuys Police Station |
2/12/2020 -WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson go to Thousand Oaks Police to Report Crime Spree |
4/27/2020 -Talk about IA Coverups - The Bar Association Cover Ups - Police Station Refusing to help |
1/20/2020 - Meeting with WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson |
2/21/2020 - Brittany Henderson - post office with me to mail a complaint - Bar Association |
2/14/2020- WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson meet at the Marriott Explain the Racial Cove ups |
2/5/2020 -WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson go to Nats Cafe & observe my house and local area |
1/18/2020 - Meeting with WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson |
1/24/2019 - The Reality Behind the LACDMH and the Judicial System trying to make me look crazy |
More Psychological Criminal and Stability evaluations from WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson |
1/31/2020 - WITTNESS & THERAPIST Brittany Henderson EXPOSE Car Mental Illness Tactics Thousand Oaks |
1/13/2020 - First Contact with Brittany Henderson After Released frm Jail What she saw in Court Room |
WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson EXPOSING the Car Tactics All over Thousand Oak |
10/14/2019 - WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson EXPOSING the Car Tactics Woodland Hills |
8/16/2019 - WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson-House of Billiards and Caffe Aroma psych evals |
8/12/2019 - WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson at Puro Sabor and illegal Police Operations |
10/4/2019 - WITNESS and THERSAPIST Brittany Henderson EXPOSING the Car Tactics All over Thousand Oak |
8/12/2019 - WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson at Puro Sabor and illegal Police Operations
8/16/2019 - Psychological evaluation from THERAPIST and WITNESS Brittany Henderson |
8/16/2019 - Psychological evaluation from THERAPIST and WITNESS Brittany Henderson - Long Version |
7/17/2019 - WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson at Jamba Juice Sherman Oaks
I meet with THERAPIST and WITNESS Brittany Henderson in Sherman Oaks, Ca Jamba Juice as she WITNESSES an insane ramp up of attacks, showing "His Kind" can't existers
UNPRECEDENTED anger and rage towards me in UNHEARD OF attacks to end my life and have me killed
We talk about the association of Aubrey Fisher, working with Tom Farley, my family, and Rodie Morales to have me killed and their CRIMINAL rational to try to justify killing "HIS KIND" as they have put it with the Police, Government and Psychology Community while Brittany WITNESSES what has now been going on for 42 years to end my life no matter what it takes and with WORLDWIDE support.
Sending people like Aubrey Fisher after me working with Rodie Morales and the LAPD to have me killed for things like getting into Studio Photography
Some of the Topics we talk about. The lookalike tactic which is on these videos right in front of her.
The Hobbling to stop me from having a life or making money with these TORTURE operations, or having any sort of normal life as Brittany WITNESSES these events and we discuss the situations in SPECIFICS in which they don't want to happen.
We also talk about their anger and rage about me starting to write a book about my life in which they have done everything to silence me by killing me to stop any aspect of MY SIDE OF THE STORY, from getting out to the public in their ONE SIDED, Murder PROPAGANDA to the world about me.
The fact that whenever I tell her, or anyone else what is going on, I am met with a ramp up of ATTACKS to try to silence me from taking as she is WITNESSING on video
We talk about how she would react in such situations, or what she thinks about what she is WITNESSING
And we finally start to get to the GOLDEN STATE Sports Medical MURDER Operations with Ronald Berry Perelman, paying off Lorena Escobar, Mike Huntley, and Many others like her to have me killed posing as Golden State Sports Medical Employees or BEFRIEND me.
We will continue to talk about the intricacies of what was done to me all day and night 24/7 at GOLDEN STATE SPORTS MEDICAL, with WORLDWIDE support, and how it trickles down to 5 years old and their COVER UP operations still going on today with the Police, Government, and WORLDWIDE support
Exposing Person after person sent after me since 5 years old to not only hunt me down and have me ERADICATED, but also their COVER UPS trying to make it look like I am going after them. In the literally 1000's of people like Jen Hess, Rodie Morales, Tom Farley, Mike Huntley, Paul Humphrey, you name it to INVEST their entire lives into my EXTERMINATION with BILLIONS of Government dollars to SLAUGHTER me without physical touch and try to IMMOBILIZE me to do it using the JUDICIAL SYSTEM and PSYCHOLOGY COMMUNITY as a MURDER WEAPON for those they just don't like which has nothing to do with crime.
A Judicial MURDER SYSTEM for other races, cultures, or those kinds as they put it who they just don't like or approve of to OFF those they just don't like or are different, or those they don't understand Using every Police and Government Resource to accomplish these MURDER OPERATIONS in secret while defaming peoples names to the WORLD as cover up operations |
8/9/2019 - WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson at Woodland Hills Coffee Bean
While this isn't the biggest of deals in the world. It proves one very simple point
I am known WORLDWIDE and deal with this type of thing minute by minute with almost every person I have any contact with WORLDWIDE.
My family, the Police, The Government, the PSYCHOLOGY COMMUNITY all conspire together to try to silence me telling me this is not happening, and no one knows me.
What is the reason why a Government would launch a WORLDWIDE smear, PROPAGANDA operation in secret spewing lie after lie to a planet about someone? And then tell that someone he is imagining it, is a "VIOLENT PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIC" and better do whatever they tell him to do or they will kill him?
Who to date, what he can eat, what he does for a living, if he's allowed to have hobbies, and what hobbies? if he's allowed to go out and make money.
These Government flagging and kill operations have been going on since 5 years old to hunt me and have me killed. And more importantly, this is a more direct lashing out in rage against me buried in the minute by minute mass passive aggressive and subliminal attacks that are a lot harder to prove.
Proving that, yes, Wherever I go, person after person has been turned against me based on defaming fiction WORLDWIDE, and all day and night 24/7 I deal with this type of WE WILL KILL HIS KIND types.
Yet the LAPD have made RECORDED statements that I am supposedly a VIOLENT PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIC, and am imagining the whole thing!
Then they try to use mental illness labels as JUSTIFICATION for killing people, while trying to IMMOBILIZE them while trying to do it!
This directly relates to what happens when the Government just targets and flags someone, and takes away the one and only thing that keeps us SAFE!
The CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Which is about as good as toilet paper now. Showing that no one is safe!
8/5/2019 - WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson at Thousand Oaks Jamba Juice
We meet at Jamba Juice by the Thousand Oaks mall, and Discuss more details about my life while Brittany Witnesses these mass 42 year endless attacks to remove me from society.
We have an Allied Universal Security Guard Follow us, who I have encountered all over California with their Death Threats, and thuggings making up random lies that it is ILLEGAL to take pictures on private property as they follow me all across the country working with the Police to have me killed for what I know.
More importantly, working with UNIVERSAL STUDIOS and BRIAN LONGBOTHAM as cover ups to his MURDER operations as he was sent into my life at a young age to hunt me down and end my life.
We discuss Brian Longbotham preying on me, hiring me for Jobs at Universal Studios and my Ex Visual FX supervisor from Modern Video Film.
We discuss a little about Brian Longbotham's Operations to have me killed or eradicated working with the Government while posing as someone who befriended me pretending he wanted to make money while systematically contacting all the 800lb gorillas in every industry trying to frame me over and over sent after me while I was at University Of Colorado and getting into 3D Animation.
We EXPOSE Brian Longbotham's Cover Up operations and Universal Studios, with the JUDICIAL lies that I am a crazy Violent Paranoid Schizo who believes in conspiracy theories showing such proof of my UNIVERSAL STUDIOS employment with Brian Longbotham with my old back lot employment badge in which Brian Longbotham, and the JUDICIAL SYSTEM, are trying to make it look like I was never hired to work their, and am a delusional violent paranoid schizophrenic to cover up their endless 42 year Murder Operations to ERADICATE me no matter what it takes, now with WORLDWIDE support to hunt me and have me killed or rid of the world so I can't talk about what was really done to my life.
8/5/2019 - Someone jamming something in my car wheel by the fire hydrant
While these types of things are done on a daily basis from super subliminal, to the lashing out in rage against me to try to silence me for what I know.
This is me going out to see THERAPIST and WITNESS, Brittany Henderson and talk about the daily 42 years events similar to these ones in which no one WORLDWIDE thinks is wrong on these government flagging and extermination operations directed at me since 5 years old.
Keep in mind, this isn't a one time thing, and happens over and over in this location. As well as claims my alarm is broken, but only right in this small area.
This will give you an idea of the coordination, and mass groups involved where these types of things happen all day and night 24/7 WORLDWIDE wherever I am. As I found out at 29, met with Mike Huntley and his DEATH THREATS with the Government that they were going to kill me for what I know.
Of course, it wasn't worded that clean and neat while working with the PSYCHOLOGY COMMUNITY to hunt and silence me while hunting me to have me either KILLED or LOCATED AWAY for the information that I know that was done to my life growing up in which they don't want coming to light.
EXPOSING HIGHLY ILLEGAL operations making me an PROOF and EXAMPLE of what Edward Snowden came forward about.
While trying to make me look like a Public Nuisance with their WORLDWIDE Mobbings since 5 years old to remove me from society
The next day I noticed that the police were walking up to a shopping cart, and a homeless lady was in front of my gate. We had a few brief words as I walked by, but she didn't seem all there, or more importantly, some of the things she was saying, an angry police officer would say directed at me, so I walked away when she started calling me a psychotic, and telling me I'm trying to force food on the homeless, when telling subway that I want to buy a homeless person there a sandwich and them going agro with these neighborhood watch groups and subway for buying a homeless person a sandwich in which subway refused to make, them ramped up their ATTACKS on me with these mass groups. Leading me to believe she is an under cover cop outside my place trying to set me up if she's mad that I am not on the side of the imperfect such as myself being hunted to be "INCARCERATED FOR LIFE" based on 5 year old imperfection labels.
7/30/2019 - WITNESS and Therapist Brittany Henderson back at Old Oaks Cigar
We meet out in Thousand Oaks, California at Old Oaks Cigar and Liquor where the Owner shows anger hate and rage whistling at me with their suggestive Whistle Blower Threat Tactics done to me over and over telling me that I had better not talk or they will kill me with their mass WORLDWIDE groups, the Police, and Government for what I know and found out being done to my life. While normally attacked by all his customers and mass groups showing up around the local areas in these mass murder attacks to have me killed, along with people driving by with strategic attacks.
Also some kids yelling at me as they are waiting in traffic showing that I am not imagining anything.
We talk about the abuse done to me during my childhood in which they are trying to cover up so badly. as well as my father at his company GOLDEN STATE SPORTS MEDICAL, REELING ME IN, back from Colorado with Mike Huntley to pay off his employees to help have me KILLED. We also talk about my family's PSYCHOTIC personalities and how this starts with their labels at 5 years old with the Police, Government, and PSYCHOLOGY COMMUNITY that "HIS KIND" can't exist, launching now a WORLDWIDE kill operation out of their ANGER, HATE, and RAGE towards me for whatever reasons, I cannot comprehend, no different than killing Jews, Or Slavery of those who are different.
We talk about my family trying to make me look different, or crazy so they can get what they want as well as their COVER UPS whenever I tell anyone any aspect of my life, or things being done to me.
7/30/2019 - Strangers in Thousand Oaks - Old Oaks Cigar & Liquor - See me and try to start something
While this isn't the biggest of deals in the world. It proves one very simple point
I am known WORLDWIDE and deal with this type of thing minute by minute with almost every person I have any contact with WORLDWIDE.
My family, the Police, The Government, the PSYCHOLOGY COMMUNITY all conspire together to try to silence me telling me this is not happening, and no one knows me.
What is the reason why a Government would launch a WORLDWIDE smear, PROPAGANDA operation in secret spewing lie after lie to a planet about someone? And then tell that someone he is imagining it, is a "VIOLENT PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIC" and better do whatever they tell him to do or they will kill him?
Who to date, what he can eat, what he does for a living, if he's allowed to have hobbies, and what hobbies? if he's allowed to go out and make money.
These Government flagging and kill operations have been going on since 5 years old to hunt me and have me killed. And more importantly, this is a more direct lashing out in rage against me buried in the minute by minute mass passive aggressive and subliminal attacks that are a lot harder to prove.
Proving that, yes, Wherever I go, person after person has been turned against me based on defaming fiction WORLDWIDE, and all day and night 24/7 I deal with this type of WE WILL KILL HIS KIND types.
Yet the LAPD have made RECORDED statements that I am supposedly a VIOLENT PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIC, and am imagining the whole thing!
Then they try to use mental illness labels as JUSTIFICATION for killing people, while trying to IMMOBILIZE them while trying to do it!
This directly relates to what happens when the Government just targets and flags someone, and takes away the one and only thing that keeps us SAFE!
The CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Which is about as good as toilet paper now. Showing that no one is safe!
7/12/2019 - WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson at Jamba Juice Westlake Village
We meet at Jamba Juice in Westlake Village where the usual Police Presence showing the Police who have been hunting me with the Government since 5 years old show up like usual from place to place trying to ERADICATE me while THERAPIST, Brittany Henderson WITNESSES the mass stalking groups waiting and following me from place to place.
We discuss important issues from my family, police and government operations to break my mind, will to live, try to lock me away, as well as my Brothers operations with my family to BREAK MY DICK, POP MY BLADDER, as he then becomes a UROLOGIST following the family template of using their DEGREES to kill people, along with my brothers endless threats about popping my bladder, and using cars as references about women and hints about breaking them, or launching them on fire hydrants, to make me think that it's my fault what they are doing. Also working with Kelly Hatch from Calabasas High sent to follow me up to Southern Oregon State College with more talk about breaking peoples dicks, and referring that, that is what they are doing to me, even though I didn't pick up on the THREATS at the time. with his endless threats on my life while working with the police since I was 5 years old to break, kill, or lock me in mental institutions with an angry bitter father who is a child molesting
murderer, and started in on me at 5 years old, with now WORLDWIDE support.
We talk about such things as Tom Farley, told to hunt and kill me I trace all the way back to 8th Grade. We talk about the ENRAGED Lawyers who seem to be paid off to not help me and make up lies about me like Richard Barnwell, from the cochrin firm, as well as many others working with the Government. Also we discuss how Tom Farley is linked to working with the Black, Persian, and Asian Communities to have me killed with my family and the Government then trying to turn it around on me by labeling me as a White Supremacist, as he was contacted at a very young age to have me killed.
We also talk about the life long SABOTAGING of everything I've ever tried to do or accomplish since a young child. From building cars, Starting Business's, Hobbies, you name it to hobble me, and lock me away.
Some examples we discuss the Erotic Ranch System I was building, and how mass groups were mad at me saying I'm trying to con them, or I'm fraudulent for providing websites and work free of charge to make money on the back end. Showing that their arguments don't make any sense and are all AGENDAS to end my life with WORLDWIDE support.
We discuss the tactic of mico analyzing things like what college classes I've taken, or the schools I've gone to, using names, or classes as lame excuses to justify killing me trying to make me think I did something wrong by taking classes or going to schools that have somehow wronged everyone else by the names or what classes I've taken.
We talk a little about the MOTIVE behind these mass groups starting at 5 years old with the Government to have me killed, as we witness Red Head Lookalikes, like Brittany Henderson show up working their lookalike and psychological warfare tactics in 2's to have me killed or try to make me look crazy to lock me away for what I know.
Also on this video is all the cars, clothing patterns, at the locations, surrounding areas, of the mass WORLDWIDE murder operations. Also, showing the parking lot at Thousand Oaks Police Department, showing they are doing the very things they claim I'm imagining, showing the people who are RESPONSIBLE with the Government to have me killed or ERADICATED with my family since 5 year old. Showing that they are not CREDIBLE, and anything they try to fabricate about me comes from lying hypocrites, and murderers, with BADGES |
7/8/2019 - WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson at Wildflour Cafe in Agoura, Ca
We meet at Wildflour Bakery & Cafe at Agoura to talk about my life.
Some of the Topics, My Artwork and what they're doing, More about Tom Farley stalking me since I was 8 years old hunting me for 25 years following me from college to college.
While like usual, Brittany WITNESSING the mass attacks from public place to place place.
We talk about my comment, "I feel like a rat in a cage" that flipped all my stalkers out at 28.
Some of the tactics, like the Alarm Horn Honking, Spitting, Memory, All the women sent after me to try to passive aggressively get me angry at them like Christina Stahlinsky, Cia Ngiatang, Skylar(Stephanie).
We also talk a little about Bailey Bernard, and Terrance Scroggins, paid off the Hunt me down with Lead Officer Dinse, and the Topanga Division LAPD, and some of the ILLEGAL courtroom procedures.
I also talk about some of my teachers involved who were contacted like University of Colorado Jim Johnson, and Mr Quigley from Calabasas High told to hunt and stalk me with the Police and Government
We also talk about all the Lawyers, and Private investigators contacted by detective Angela Stewart from Topanga Division LAPD, and the connection to my father and his office.
We also talk about the CONTROL tactics, and how the things the people doing around me. And things that people don't normally say along with Tom Farley trying to cover up his 25 years of HUNTING me then telling me "Kevin, you can't control people"
We also speak about, My father, Golden State Sports Medical, and Lorena Escobar working with RESTAURANTS worldwide in these mass attacks with my father while trying to cover it up as SPACE, BOUNDARIES, and Triangle Relationship angles to try to cover up what they are doing.
I also show you, how they use the half-truths, and out of context statements that are disseminated WORLDWIDE in secret on these PROPAGANDA networks while discussing the Hierarchy of Power of how the information flows from top down.
I apply the control to this Hobbling, and Sabotage of everything I've ever done from hobbies, social, trying to make money, etc.
7/5/2019 - WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson Meet in Camarillo Jamba Juice
Me and Therapist Brittany Henderson talk about my life as she WITNESSES the usual stalking groups showing up all the way out in Camarillo, ca showing that this is a GLOBAL, WORLDWIDE Operation to have me hunted tortured and killed for what I know.
We start to talk about the Dynamics of my father, and the criminals who keeps around him, as well as the things he was doing to me.
We also talk about some of the Lawyers he had contacted or the ones that were representing me showing they were protecting the thief's with Law Degrees, and are fraudulent and have nothing to do with the Judicial System other then stealing peoples money while ridding them of the world so they can't talk.
Like the People sent after me like Tom Farley, Michael Bialys, Victoria Walker, and endless others.
We continue to delve into the reality of the situation, me growing up, and the bigger picture of the WHY worldwide groups don't want me talking.
And why what I have to say is such a THREAT to the CRIMINALS who are involved in this and started this.
We also start to talk a little about my College life, how Lorena Escobar was hired to send people after me or pay them off in setup attempt operations to remove me from society. As well as People like Fernanda Sime, sent after me in my father’s office to hunt and stalk me, as we proceed to talk about the Privacy Violations since 1994, IRC, and these Government Eradication Operations |
7/1/2019 - WITNESS Brittany Henderson at Sharky's Talking about the Lawyer Coverups
WITNESS and THERAPIST Brittany Henderson and I meet at Sharky's Restaurant and talk about how the WORLDWIDE Lawyers were and have been notified to hunt me down and talk about who in my life would be the person who they would be associated to, that is hunting me down with the Police and Government notifying all Lawyers WORLDWIDE to work with the Police to have me ERADICATED from society, and their motives
While I am hunted by the masses, Detective Angela Stewart from Topanga division is notifying all Lawyers Worldwide to REFUSE to help me while stealing my money.
Linking to people like my father, his friends, or people sent after me
- Ronald Berry Perelman
- His friend David Greenstein
- My fathers other friend Ryan Golds
- Tom Farley
- Michael Bialys
We discuss their behaviors, and how I am treated from simply being as nice as can be, and paying people for help, and them taking my money, and REFUSING to do their jobs, while stealing my money, and lashing out in anger and rage from person to person who REFUSE to tell me what this crime at 5 years old is, that my own Mother, Father, and Brother say I've supposedly done.
Which makes absolutely no sense any way, shape or form. Proving these Government FLAGGING and KILL Operations with WORLDWIDE support |
6/25/2019 - Therapist and WITNESS Brittany Henderson at Calabasas Shopping Center - Josh Burnum
Once again, traveling from city to city showing WORLDWIDE strangers HUNTING me in a GOVERNMENT COORDINATED effort to have me killed or locked away.
We discuss people from Calabasas High and Teachers sent after me, one sequentially after the next as well and told to take part in HUNTING my kind. As well as discussing my mother telling the world around 14 - 16 asking me if I had hit Josh Burnum in the head with a Golf Club, then obviously putting that in this GOVERNMENT LAUNDRY LIST of fiction to the entire planet to rile the masses against me to have me killed.
We also discuss the reasoning as to why Calabasas Area is acting out in a higher amount of anger and rage to have me killed. Closer to the roots of where I grew up as I went to Calabasas High School |
6/18/2019 - WITNESS and Therapist Brittany Henderson and I at Aroma Cafe in Newbury Park
In this dialog we meet at Aroma Cafe in Newbury park to focus on not only Greg Waugh, but all the other people in High School sent after me
From Teachers to Students. Showing that this really starts at a young age, and how this PSYCHOLOGICAL ERADICATION forest fire starts
Tracing these PSYCHOLOGICAL TERROR TACTICS to remove me from society, back further and further to a younger and younger age with pretty much every person I've ever been in contact with involved, WORLDWIDE as people were approached, one sequentially after the next to hunt me
Also, you will notice all the way out in Newbury Park, the same tactics being done to me with mass groups of strangers
5/22/2019 - Therapist Brittany Henderson Witnesses mass mobbings at Peets Coffee
Once again, I talk about my life, My father’s lies to the world about me supposedly stealing 10k from him because he didn't want me building cars
These mass operations to end my life or lock me away since 5 years old. And sabotaging everything I've ever tried to accomplish since a young child, make me look crazy and end my life with literally a planet full of people in these Government KILL/ERADICATION operations
While Brittany witnesses mass groups hunting me to end my life and or remove me from society from what I know was done to my life and these ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL flagging and KILL operations which start with my own family and go right up to the top of the Government
From father who locks dogs in cages for most their lives, and puts shock collars on other ones to CONTROL
5/21/2019 - Brittany Henderson at Woodland Hills Jamba Juice witnessing group mobbings
On this session we talk about my life, and the situations as well as the reasoning of these escalating wildfire of 42 year stalkers to remove me from society
Surprisingly, one of the stalkers who was following me from place to place, Coffee Shop to Coffee Shop, working with the Police to hunt me down for what I know, pokes his snake head out of the grass trying to thug and intimidate us in a friendly looking way.
A person who was going around with a Samurai Sword in public, trying to get in my property in which the police were called, trying to get my cell phone, and related to many other things with their mass groups working with these so called Topanga Division "Neighborhood Watch/Murder" Groups.
Also, remember that their lies, smears information defamation, slander, propaganda instantly go WORLDWIDE to try to figure out how to remove me from society for what I know to lock me away in Jail Cells, Mental Institutions to end my life no matter what it takes so I can never tell anyone on the planet about my life on any level.
Keep in mind these Targeting, Flagging ops start at 5 years old
5/15/2019-Therapist Brittany Henderson at Panera Bread Westlake witnessing and talking about my life
In this hours’ time, not only does Brittany witness about 15 stalkers following me to Panera Bread,
We also talk about several topics from Brian Weaver setting me up with a paint gun.
Brian Weaver and Ryan Hearsh trying to make it look like I was bullying him. Jason Gordon.
The GAME tactics to try to make me look crazy, What the Judicial system and psychology community has been doing to my life since 5 years old.
The correlation between Ryan Golds, Ryan Hearsh, Michael Bialys and the Law community hunting me down.
Discuss why recent claims of dinses are at end of the summary probation. As well as Sean Dinse running for city council on June 4th right after the end of my summary probation from his fabricated police reports.
And the "Kevin thinks differently" Scam to try to make me look crazy and lock me away or rid me of the world tactics
13th Annual Grateful Hearts - Police and Fire Fighter Event
This is a fundraiser for the Police and Fire Fighters Where I went to show that while since 5 years old they are trying to excommunicate me from society or the planet so to speak of psychological labels at 5 years old.
I have a right to be part of the community, and they have no legitimate excuse other then things Adolf Hitler would tell you as to why I am not allowed to exist, and this has nothing to do with Judaism, but the same thought process even with people in the Jewish Community.
My point is, I have the right to part of society, and community, thus showing, just like the coffee shops, pool halls, restaurants, and everywhere else, that I HAVE THE GOD GIVEN RIGHT, and CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to be part of these groups and within communities despite the Government telling the world "His Kind Can't Exist" Whatever they mean by this, I don't know.
Hence me simply showing up, and watching groups get angrier and longer for me doing nothing wrong any way, shape or form, like usual and their psychological and verbal attacks escalating the longer I am there for a total of 40 minutes.
The Police and Fire Fighters however were very professional, in which I was surprised and happy to see, surrounded by mass groups flipping out in an angry rage for my so called breathing crime.
While Brittany Henderson was supposed to go with me, she could not make it due to her son getting sick.
5/13/2019 - Conversation with Therapist Brittany Henderson at Old Oaks Cigar in Thousand Oaks while stalkers showing up, talking about what she is and has witnessed
In this conversation we talk about the proof of Lead Officer Sean Dinse's illegal operations with the Police and Government to FORCE people into mental institutions they just don't like with the excuse "There kind can't exist"
And what Brittany Henderson has witnessed being done to me from place to place, and with WORLDWIDE support.
We also talk about all sorts of childhood frame jobs, like my father having my brother light our back hill on fire with Richard Grunberg by throwing sparklers into the brush to pin on me as well as my saying "Fuck You" to my mother in our one and only argument to find out I've literally been hunting with WORLDWIDE support over things like this that don't remotely matter.
Also, we talk about riding around on tiny motorcycles with all the kids in Hidden Hills, when I was 14.
We also discuss Lead Officer Sean Dinse's lies and contacting people to fabricate endless criminal fabrications in an all out ERADICATION operation to either have me killed, or locked away based on their bigoted racist views about those they label as different and the fact that the ENTIRE judicial system is told to CONSPIRE in my ERADICATION.
We also talk about the Deborah Bayer manipulation to try to FORCE me into mental institutions with my family, police, and Government to lock me away for the crimes of turning 29 and finding out what was going on and being done to my life. And discuss, that they had always been hunting me since 5 and couldn't get away with their crimes in a neat, no loose end, ERADICATION, now that the cats out of the bag
2/10/2019 - Met Security IP Cam Stalking and LAPD working with another Skinhead
In this video you will see how the Warner Center Met Security is working with mass groups to endlessly attack me using their IP camera's to try to set me up working with the Police.
This has gone on, 20 years at this location since I first moved in, and similar tactics all throughout my life from person to person since 5 years old in Government flagging and KILL/ERADICATION operations.
Now with worldwide support, based on these lies, smears, defamation, slander, and one sided PROPAGANDA to the world.
Starbucks working with Lead Officer Sean Dinse Claiming I threatened to kill all Starbucks customers as you can see on video it never happened like everything else EXPOSING these police KILL and COVER UP operations to end my life on some level, just like he did with Terrance Scroggins
In the Starbucks Corporations as accessories to Murder with Officer Sean Dinse, and prosecutor Karine T Philips trying to desperately cover up the 40 year operations he and his co-workers are involved in these IMPERFECTION HUNTS!
Once, again, just like Lead Officer Sean Dinse Contacting Terrance Scroggins and many others to hunt me down in these illegal operations while crying wolf, also doing it with Starbucks Employees, and corporations WORLDWIDE to have me ERADICATED from society for what I know. THIS TIME ON VIDEO!
According to my Attorney Seymour Amster, Dinse, with Starbucks is now claiming that I have threatened to kill all Starbucks Customers, EXPOSING Lead Officer Dinse's operations to hunt and kill me.
Also, with LAPD break in attempts, as well as one with my own father.
Remember that Lead Officer Sean Dinse, with my own father, and Government have sent countless people into my life to have me ERADICATED since a young age.
Mike Huntley, Paul Humphrey, Tom Farley, Brian Weaver, Brian Longbotham, Rob Roy McGregor, Steve McPike, Tom Thompson, Micheal Bialyse, Victoria Walker, and Many others to try to accomplish this.
Aside from Dinse and these peoples fictional endless fabrications that I have threatened to kill all Starbucks customers. Other claims from Sean Dinse, and people like Victoria Walker BEFRIENDING me with the Police, claim that I am also the next UnaBomber or Vegas Shooter.
All because, I am kind, giving, caring, outgoing, and open minded, honest, and Try to make money, and help others make money. According to them, that I will break and become the Polar Opposite in 42 year PRE- CRIME Profiling Operations based on MORONIC WHITE SUPREMACIST STUPIDITY, directly linked the the Government of the UNITED STATES of America, and NSA level FLAGGING and KILL OPERATIONS.
Done in such ways by riling the masses against a single person in secret to PSYCHOLOGICALLY TORTURE them to death to KILL someone cleanly, and get away with a MURDER. AKA GangStalking
In this video, you will see I've done nothing to anyone at all, but document these mass attacks against me on video. And them realizing that there is PROOF of an attempted MURDER by the masses to hunt me down and kill me since 5 years old in which they do not want on video or to ANYONE that can see what is really going on.
Making the Starbucks employees accessories to attempted murder with the LAPD, and the DESPERATELY trying to cover up these operations and try to make me look crazy, and them killing me, or locking me away look justified.
As you can see on video, which applies to 42 years of similar daily stalkings. That I have done nothing wrong but value my breathing and am speaking out about it. And them trying to COVER IT ALL UP, while actively trying to hunt and exterminate me.
In other words, Lead Officer Sean Dinse is a racist, bigoted MURDERER desperately trying to cover up the MURDER OPS, he is involved in with the Government of the United States of America, violated my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, and PROTECTIONS, since 5 years old.
Do you really think you are safe? A free Person? You are not? You have no protections at all!
Interview with Therapist Brittany Henderson talking about my life and what she has witnessed
This is an Interview with Therapist Brittany Henderson who has seen all sorts of video of setup attempts, frame jobs, and a mass crime spree of all day and night attacks being done to me on video as well as watching groups take part.
While most are trying to leave me isolated and make me look crazy with the Police, and Government, Brittany has seen about .000000000000001 of the evidence I have instantly recognizing that I am literally being hunted by WORLDWIDE support and Government Cover Up operations.
We talk about the situation, those involved, and what is really going on
Apologize for some of the technical difficulties. These are rush jobs in short time frames.
5/9/2019 - Corner Bakery Cafe Meeting and Talk
In this talk we discuss - migrating me from place to place wherever I live with citizens working with the police all throughout my life. People such as Noah Schiller, Deborah Chiller, Gay People sent after me and into my house, as well as Hippies subletting, not paying rent, and squatting to migrate me into the ground with the Police and how it connects back to my family.
As well as some of the things being done to me by the Judicial system to dictate my life. What I do for a living, who I date, my hobbies such as playing pool, or going to coffee shops.
And the things being done to me and my life with the "His Kind can't exist" and we will ERADICATE him since I was 5 years old.
2/7/2019 - Officer Sean Dinse gatting past front locked gate and Hand Delivering Thug Letters from the Starbucks Corporation
Officer Sean Dinse - Hand Delivering Thug Letters from the Starbucks Corporation while getting based a locked gate once again
You can go to and to see Starbucks heavily invested involvment to have me killed for what I know
While in the last month, there have been 2 other break-in attempts with Officer Sean Dinse, and other LAPD Officers hunting me down.
Once again, Starbucks Corporation fabricating all sorts of libel, Slander, Defamation, if at all what Officer Sean Dinse, is even an Official Letter.
Remember, that The Starbucks Corporation is involved in trying to mob me to death and have me killed with Mass Groups.
Paying off Security Guard John Paul Naranjo to attack me 7 blows to the head.
Other black people sent after me to assault and batter me. And that's in between the 18 years of upwards of 100 - 1000people attacking me per day at each and every location WORLDWIDE.
And all on Video for years of their Murder Operations working with the Police.
With such Death Threats from Officer Toro who had a problem with me getting into Studio Photography with Aubrey Fisher "If you ever take a picture of a person, I will exercise the law in my own way"
Hence, what you are seeing is Police Murder Operations, and Cover Up Operations.
As you can see. Police Officers usually don't go around delivering corporate paperwork, and well as the other Break-in Attempts on surveillance video.
In other words, Dinse is being paid off to hunt and kill people by large corporations. And doesn't want things like this coming to light of the criminal activities he is involved in while posing as a Police Officer.
Five Police mental illness tactics and break-in Attempts explained working with Starbucks and Coffee bean & Tea Leaf with Nikki Delano, Tia Cyrus, Blake Mitchell, and Movie Knock Knock
On 1/30/2019 - I stopped at Starbucks for 10 minutes to get some coffee. While like normal, mass groups showed up passive aggressive provoking me and attacking me with the Police Instantly showing up to try to set me up
The next night 1/31/2019 at Coffee Bean the same things happened, which has been done all day and night 24/7 for the last 18/40 years. With Police Presence as well
On this Long Version, I also Talk About the Blake Mitchell, Nikki Delano, Tia Cyrus, and the Movie Knock Knock, and the association with the Adult Industry, Main Stream Industry, and Worldwide Murder Operations to try to make me look like a Violent Paranoid Schizophrenic linking back to my father and brother to have me killed
When they couldn't get the reactions they wanted, A Security Person came out of a building going ballistic to try to cover up their 40 year Murder Operations working with my Father Ronald Barry Perelman, M.D. with his Golden State Sports Medical Paying off Lorena Escobar, one of many to have me killed with the Police for what I know.
In this instance the Security person going Ballistic and exposing themselves all on video. The entire setup operations with Police Presence paid off to have me killed
12/30/2018 - My life is in Danger by the LAPD - illegal Breaking and Entering attempt, endangering my life!
Bypassing Complex gate you need a key for. Then, they try to illegally figure out how to get in while throwing boxes, and popcorn from the boxes on my welcome matt. These are setup operations, and frame jobs
Then they see the Camera, as he says on video, and they then knock, and put the boxes back. Once they realize they have been CAUGHT IN THE ACT of stalking and HUNTING ME!
On tonight security cam at my door. The LAPD came over when I was away. And on Audio they say "See if the door is open and try to go in"
The Police have just tried to illegally get in my house, and I have no clue what they are going to do to me. But trying to brake in my house is putting my life in Danger or to set me up.
Get this to as many people as possible as they won't leave me alone working with these mass groups WORLDWIDE in these Stalking operations to end my life or rid me of the World since 5 years old
Father trying to get in my house after sending me to jail as a planned excuse
After my father spent years trying to lock me away in jail, as I found out he was doing at the age 29 met with Mike Huntley's death threats that they were going to remove me from society
The judge on these bunk convictions for some strange reason threw me straight in jail saying I am possibly violent, bypassing normal procedures to figure out sentencing. While he had seen me for 5 months, showing no signs of anything, he was extremely angry with the prosecution for speaking out to someone about the illegal operations, as well as telling my lawyer, if my father thinks he has punished me, he is wrong, he is a pathological liar. Hence throwing me in maximum security prison for misdemeanors and no fines.
"I have given you enough rope to hang yourself with", "We are using the system against you", "You had better live a careful life", walking around our office singing "World of paranoia" over and over and dropping papers on my desk about making people mentally ill to control them, while telling me to go to my father to tell him something.
Right after locking me in jail, he shows up pretending he wants to feed my cat he had Patty Googin Manipulate me into getting, while trying to break into my house to get INCRIMINATING Evidence against him. In his CRIME SPREE with the Police.
Some notes for a future blog so you can understand the full story in detail:
12/15/2018 - Terrance comes on my Property, a man who claims his life is in Danger from me
While Terrance Scroggins was contacted by Lead Officer Sean Dinse, of Topanga Division to have me hunted, killed, or Incarcerated for life for what I know and found out what was going on at 29 years old.
Terrance, along with the Masses, has been heavily involved in the HUNT TO RID ME OF THE WORLD.
As he stated on the Witness Stand. With His Anger Management Classes, and saying if he doesn't like someone, he can do whatever he wants to them.
While Sean Dinse Contacted him first, telling him, and many others WORLDWIDE. They are allowed to be Vigilantes, and HUNT ME DOWN, and KILL Me.
Terrance, is one of these people trying to have me killed or removed from society.
Terrance is also working with the PSYCHOLOGY COMMUNITY, and people like Karine Echigian, who she told him to run up to me yelling I had glued his mailbox shut in hopes of a violent reaction which did not work. And then in therapy trying to get things to use against me with the LAPD
Now remember, I come from a family who says, we are going to kill you, and you are not allowed to DEFEND YOURSELF. Even tell anyone.
My father who sent Mike Huntley after me to kill me own words with Mike.
Terrance is involved in endlessly running up to me, DEATH THREATS, EXTORTION ATTEMPTS, Telling me I have to leave and he owns my place. YOU NAME IT!
Then running away no matter what is said saying I am a danger to him, and he is afraid of me, working with Lead Officer Sean Dinse, and his ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL WORLDWIDE Neighborhood murder/Watch groups
These Terror, Torture Murder, ops, start at 5 years old.
Hence these Cover Up Operations with The Police, Security Companies, NSA/FBI, and now WORLDWIDE support, thinking they are doing something for justice and are being used as tools, to hunt down and kill people because the police are telling them to.
So that the Police can launch KILL Operations, and pin them on the people they use
2/10/2019 - Thug with Lead Officer Dinse in their murder operations - White Supremacist Dinse Helper
Once again, another assault and battery that the Police don't want on record. Officer Lee comes to the Scene stating
"The Police aren't Obligated to help" lying, showing he is aiding and abetting attempted murder with Officer Sean Dinse to have me killed with his so called "Neighborhood Watch Groups"
You can hear on the video how the person is calling me a liar despite everything being on video. Then coming after me
Officer Lee, falsifies the report twisting and contorting what I said like they always do while belittling me and trying to make me look crazy with his partner stating "Kevin has witnessed a murder" on the report.
When the perpetrator is walking down the street, I point him out to the Police. They do not do a thing!
Showing he is being paid off or contacted in these mass groups just like Mike Huntley, Paul Humphrey and Rodie Morales, and many others involved worldwide
All the proof of the Government KILL Operations, and Cover up attempts to have me killed is right here.
Proof Internal Affairs has been contacted and supposed to be investigating the situation
For Starbucks and Coffeebean and Tea Leaf involvement in these mass operations: and
Counter Servaillance Operations with Diop Kamau at Washington DC, Mexico, Las Vegas, Sandiego
Report from Hired around 2014 for what I was noticing going on back in 2001, met with Mike Huntley's Death Threats with the LAPD and sending endless people after me, hunting me down which starts at a very young age. Now with WORLDWIDE support to have me EXTERMINATED based on empty labels "He's weird", "He's Different" that no one normally could care less about
Girl Named Aubry Fisher(Who did amatuer Strip Club Contests and Event Hosting) sent after me with LAPD and introduced to me by Rodie Morales working with, Tom Farley, my famuly telling me to sign up to when she was me getting into photography to MAYHEM me to death to try to make me look like a violent paranoid Schizofrenic to remove me from society using endless tactics like this over and over my entire life. Model Mayem singles out, and stalks people who sign up to their website trying to get into photography. Such photos with lilly Love sent asfter me with the Toy gun are related to locking me in maximum security prison. Coming soon -
Remember, Everything you are reading and seeing on this website that is being done to my life is not about anything I've ever done wrong, IT IS ABOUT WHAT I KNOW!
Police, with mass groups worldwide trying to make me look crazy so they can lock me away for some reason since a young age (AKA GANG STALKING but on a global scale) - With claims I suffer from mental illness, which is still not reason for these endless setup attempts and frame jobs. Trying to Disguise their severe abuse as mental illness which link back to all sorts of childhood frame jobs, and setup attempts. (Simply put, they want me dead or gone for what I know, just like they do Edward Snowden)
Such fabrications to the world (He has no self control and is a danger to himself or others and needs to be removed from society)
Illegal Police and Government Operations DISSEMINATING such lies to the world of this and fabricating false charges saying I am somehow a threat to 99% of society while watching WORLDWIDE groups told to take turns on me all day and night 24/7 in THUGGING, BULLYING, TERROR, and SETUP, operations with such COVER UPS that I am somehow like the Vegas Shooter, which seems to be their AGENDA to try to make me look like this since a very young age from Government flagging operations in which they will do and say whatever it takes to get away with their mass 40 year crime spree against me
The police, government, Mass groups helping them are now in extreme DESPERATION are trying to pitch that this website is somehow to make money! No sane rational person with any common sense or intelligence above a 10 year old would even belive that this is impossible, unless you are saying everything on it is Hollywood Special FX! Which I would think those people are the ones who need to go to a psychologist to get their brain checked. While they were taking part in the GANG STALKING tactics used on me in the court rooms out of attempts to try to trigger me into reactions to cover up their mass crimes against me while EXPOSING their GUILT working with people like
Mike Huntley. But if the website is about money, they why didn't they arrest me for FRAUD? why did they falsify battery and criminal threat charges from people they had keep threatening me, and the other follow me home and assault and battery me blocking my gate and telling me I can't go in my house? If it's about FRAUD questions Officer Seean Dinse and My fahter kept asking me over and over "How do you get your money", then why not arrest me for FRAUD? My point is, they just jump from thing to thing until they can remove me from society by riling up the masses against me
They are doing whatever it takes to try to cover this up by saying I am a public Nuisance, claiming this is about littering, or me trying to force cards on people. In Strong> their DESPERATION to try to continue to rob me of my 1st Amendment, and ability to verbally defend myself in any way, shape or for in self defense. This has nothing to do with trivial matters such as those. Proving that for 40 years they have followed me and violated every aspect of my privacy looking for anything to use against me "Using the System Against me" for what I know and can talk about and prove. What makes more sense? My website is creating chaos and is a nuisance to the world? Or what is on it is disturbing and incriminates a lot of people?
And the Police and Government with mass worldwide groups saying I have to be in a mental institution, with the EXCUSE they want to know if I am crazy, with a crazy label on me so that they can sleep sat night from their insecurities while trying to keep me quiet and stop the truth from coming out. Last I checked, if someone doesn't like or trust someone, then they stay away from them, not hunt then saying you do what we say or else!, Especially the Police like Officer Sean Dinse who incriminates himself on his Facebook labeling people as Mentally ill and stalking them. And being mentally ill is not a crime, and not Officer Sean Dinse and those in LAPD working with him, job, which they started in on me as young as 5 year old robbing me of a normal life I found out at 29.
Anita Perelman exerting her psychotic behaviors with the rest of my family: Age of 5 telling the Government and world I suffer from Paranoia and am a violent paranoid schizophrenic out of her hate, rage and jealousy for me because I am not like them and am sane, kind hearted a well grounded rational person using her ART THERAPY background to go through every piece of my Artwork, then and now with every psychological label known to man. But yet, can't just look at a work of art, and say, I like it or I don't like it. Instead I am followed and all my art is collected to use against me. Even in College Art Classes. But it doesn't stop there! My Mother, Father and Brother, are paying off everyone known to man with the Police and government since a young age to try to get any dirt they can, then disseminate it to the world. Especially the Psychology community. And if they can't get the dirt, they will just keep fabricating their fiction. Example, they will
notify every person in the psychology industry beforehand that I am all these fictional labels, then after destroying my life and forcing me to go to them. I am told I am not allowed to talk about my life from their WORLDWIDE labels. Yet this has never happened to anyone else in History where not one person will be honest or take the time to listen or even acknowledge the flat out proof, all with the same Agenda.
Some of the these Government and Police cover ups are to try to make it look like I've somehow done this to my life turning things around on me with bunk arrests on these endless frame jobs, and setup attempts and even going as low as saying I am a public nuisance from their worldwide terror operations to mentally batter me quiet with operations that start at very young age
How could something like this happen?: Because my family for some reason told the government that I am a violent paranoid schizophrenic around 5 years old which seems to stem from their anger towards me. This is punishment for speaking out after they destroyed my name and life worldwide
The equivalent of a 40 year global Mental Level Rodney Kinging for no reason
Proof of Gang stalking with Police Admission which the local police around here are trying to make me crazy for exposing and the proof that I have of the endless things done to me |
5/19/2018 - While on way to Testify - Popped tire at Starbucks, Gas Station owner tries to stop me from getting towed to make it to court
While on my way to court to testify, It seems like someone popped my tired because it was full when I parked, and 100% empty when I got to my car 5 minutes later.
The rubber is beyond old and it is hard to tell. So it could be old rubber but I have never seen it go within minutes. Usually they drain slowly.
Person I talk to who says he works for Tires by Mark just happens to be sitting next to my car in hopes I could get information for the courts to make sure they know I am not on the run which these people keep telling the world my whole life.
Also, as the Tow Truck comes, the Gas Station Owners who have not liked me since day 1, who are friends with the police stalking me in these 40 year operations, come out in a threatening manor trying to stop me from being towed. One even coming out with a metal object
They do not succeed, but it shows what is going on. Later, The Topanga Police did not want the video of this incident, or even a report to investigate.
Saying that the tow truck driver should call. And not me. As if people who don't call the police who witness crimes.
Also, it was meant for me, but they still won't take what I have to give them to investigate which sits their same pattern of behavior my entire life
Endless 40 years of worldwide terror operations to try to provoke me into reactions to use against me to lock me away or rid me of the world
Officer Toro(Fake Name) who followed me to Encino Starbucks with Aubrey Fisher - "If you ever take a picture of I person, I will exercise the law in my own way" - working with Lorena Escobar,Aubrey Fisher, Ariana on the chess board, and many others? after asking me to do photo shoots then trying to make it look like a community thing
What are they really so mad about I cannot tell you. It doesn't make sense to me other then a family who doesn't want a son doing harmless art like this who shares the same last name of course, this seems to apply to all aspects of my life
With such lame trivial excuses and coerced false confession attempts for things like I littered when I was 5 years old or tapped my foot by Aubrey Fisher to try to make this campaign look justified with worldwide support to remove me from society and try to make me look crazy by talking about what is really going on. Their arguments have no logic for example, at 29, living a normal life, and finding out that almost every person I am in contact with is in an angry rage, knows of me, and taking turns on me met with Mike Huntley's Death Threats. But it is supposedly about things that no one would normally care about doesn't make any sense from the standpoint of the manpower and resources being used on me then these people saying they don't know me or making up some kind of lame excuse to justify their attacks which switch and change from trivial thing to thing in the 1000's. Hence why they can't verbally accuse me of this unprecedented crime of mine.
Because nothing exists except things no one normally cares about like maybe J-Walking at 10 years old to try to make me look crazy and remove me from society. Of course, then changing up their arguments that they are trying to find out what is wrong with me. When their stalking campaign is what is wrong with me, and they damn well know it,and refuse to stop now going on 36 years.
Victoria Walker and Micheal Bialys, Sent after me by Brian Longbotham, Visual FX supervisor fired from Modern Video Film, then invested 15 years on me after: "We are trying to find out what's wrong with you" Their endless OBSESSION, since 5 years old creating every problem known to man for me and trying to cover it up, instead of admitting that they are the problem, by stalking me destroying me life with clear intent to remove me from society. And it sure as hell isn't out of concern or they would stat their argument and move on.
Anita Perelman: At 29 years old finding out something was really wrong with my life on the phone "You have a problem too" In other words, not only can they to this day not verbally tell me what this problem is, because it is a fantasy of theirs and they know it. Between them projecting themselves on me. Having no communication skills, and ridding me of the world to help me, then telling me I can't see myself to cover it all up. Shows that they are the ones with the problem. And I have never been allowed to address any concerns. Not even with the 30 psychologists/psychiatrists telling me I am not allowed to talk about my life. Says all anyone needs to know. The problem has always been theirs based on truth and facts. Which is why issues earn't allowed to be discussed. Because each one aside from imperfect events we all have done in life don't exist. But what has been done to my life is a whole different story. Which is why people don't want me talking about the
this has nothing to do with my personality, unless you believe everything your told from worldwide illegal operations.
What is being left o to the world, is that up until the age 29 years old, met with Mike Huntley working with the police and their death threats to me while he started a 6 year company with me, s he went from a good 25 year friend to someone working with the police my entire life to put me in the ground with them where this all begins, is that I graduated High School, went off to Southern Oregon College, and transferred to a larger school, University of Colorado with a mixed degree in Computer Science, and BFA in Fine Arts, for 3D computer animation. Worked all sorts of Visual Effects jobs such as the Power Ranger Crew, Universal Studios jobs, Had my own Internet Host Provider Company for 6 years in the beginning of the Internet.
Do Graphics, Web Design, .net programming, Transact SQL database programming, IT based on hardware builds, operating systems, windows and Linux, and Desktop support. All did a 180 turn with me becoming aware of what was going on, and met with Mike Huntley's Death threats while working with the LAPD and Rodie Morales, which seem to be linked back to my family because they go in a rage whenever I say anything about it.
Rodie Morales sent after me by the LAPD working with Mike Huntley and my family taking me to strip clubs and trying to get murder confessions as cover up operations for my father and the LAPD putting a bullet hole in his 300e Mercedes and telling the world I tried to kill or scare him
Just one of the many people sent after me by the police and government in frame job operations. Mike Huntley wanted me to join the Gym with him as Rodie Morales signed up our memberships. Rodie then befriended me in all sorts of setup attempts and frame jobs working with the LAPD. Notice how in 1998 Rodie is involved with working with the police, but he posed as a person who wanted to build adult websites as he already knew I had built some and was working on a database system for some larger scale websites.
Rodie was just one out of 4 people from the age 21 - 27, in each state I lived in, befriending me, and wanting to take me to stripe clubs working the same exact angles and tactics. Eric Christianson, Val Morozav, Rodie Morales, Tom Farley. Which seem to link to my mother oddly enough accusing me at around 14 - 16, or rather asking me, if I had hit our neighbor kid in the head with a golf club named Josh Burnam. As I recall Tim Thompson in my office pretending to swing a golf club, as Mike Huntley was pretty much going off on me in our office changing from friend to my executioner in his 25 year hunt to remove me from society. Originally my brothers friend.
He was also involved in the fabrications and frame jobs in my childhood life, and growing up with all the things done to try to make it look like I am and was a reckless driver based on all sorts of operations of people launching vehicle at me over and over to try to cause accidents. They succeed on one setup perpendicular to the fast lane. And when I could not stop in time and she caused an accident. She immediately got out of her car yelling. "He tried to kill me" Yet Not one thing at all in the entire situation could remotely be my fault. Yet the Police are working with worldwide support to remove me from society any way shape or form. And this is just a couple of examples.
Download full resolution or view this Rodie Morales - Daily News Article - Oct 12, 1998
These are the some of the operations the LAPD doesn't want me talking about, hence Sean Dinse, Detective Angela Stewart and many others trying to make me look crazy and lock me away to stop me from saying anything to anyone.
Officer Sean Dinse, and Detective Angela Stewart - illegal arrest Operations and Endless attempts for murder confessions on arrests with all sorts of trumped up falsified charges to try to torture me into false confessions. Even with DNA tests.
Read About Sean Dinse and these illegal Arrest Operations with his Neighborhood Terror groups which is worldwide and never ending now going on 40 years
The one question you might want to ask yourself about these so called murders I've supposedly been involved in? Is there even a body? Most people are normally hunted and arrested because of a crime and probable cause.Not based on complete fiction that someone might have done something from thin air.
Hence, why they have called their campaign a SKULLFUCKING campaign from one of the women they sent after me on IRC who called herself Skyler (Stephanie) delivering me a message of what they were going to do to me back in about 1997. A message that they were going to make me mentally ill psychologically torture and keel me with these mass groups. Which seems to stem from a Grateful Dead Watercolor painting I did when I was 16, showed my fathers office employee Patti Googin, and told her I wanted to get a Tattoo of it. Which she said, I better not because my father would never approve of it. While I worked there in the file room making money to build my cars. Which seems odd I would be hunted over a harmless watercolor picture that no one normally could care less about. Which goes from artwork to artwork.
Also, I believe right after this is when I noticed the Bullet Hole in my fathers 300e Mercedes and told him about it. Which the police have been following me since then trying to get Murder Confessions, or confessions I tried to kill or scare my father which is very strange and coincidental as well. Working with People like Eric Christianson, My brothers friend Jason Baum, Mike Wexler, Mike Huntley, and tons of others. And labels to the world I am a violent Paranoid Schizophrenic to cover up their operations to the world.
My Art Used Against me
The Joking around image I made for a social network profile years ago my father went BALLISTIC over which normally no one could care less about. Because this toy gun in this picture is from a girl he and the Police sent after me named Victoria walker for a 30th Birthday present in a mimick suprise box she gave me copying that I gave Kelly Hatch a suprise box with fun toys like a bottle with colored oil and water or black lights. Deputy City Attorney - Karine T Philips, Officer Sean Dinse, Detective Angela Stewart, all involved in throwing me in Macimum Security Prison for this picture, with all sorts of fabricated charges and trumped up arrests. Because my father does not want this INCRIMINATING gun he is trying to get coerced false confessions to cover up an endless crime spree against me in any of my art. Because the art shows that I am not guilty of anything and exposes him. He simply does not
want this gun and proof of his crimes working with the LAPD and Government to exist. The toy gun that my father tried to break into my house after they sent me to jail to try to get to dispose of. |
Recent artwork with the Gun after my arrests and the trial, Exposing why my father, police, and government are so mad at what I know, that they are trying to disseminate lies to the world that I am a violent paranoid schizofrenicand lock me away for what I know.Showing that this toy gun, and the use of it to rid me of the world is here to stay so that people can be safe of families like mine, and ILLEGAL GOVERNMETN OPERATIONS to rid people of the world, based on either, we don't like or trust you. Like ADOLF HITLER did |
The comparison showing a symbolic image of what my family fears from harmless art that no sane or rational person could think less about. Only psychotics with psychology degrees like my family with control issues who hunt people down for harmless art. Thinks most people wouldn't even think fatheomable |
Father trying to get in my house after sending me to jail as a planned excuse
After my father spend years trying to lock me away in jail, as I found out he was doing at the age 29 met with Mike Huntley's death threats that they were going to remove me from society
The judge on these bunk convictions for some strange reason threw me straight in jail saying I am possibly violent, bypassing normal procedures to figure out sentencing. While he had seen me for 5 months, showing no signs of anything, he was extremely angry with the prosecution for speaking out to someone about the illegal operations, as well as telling my lawyer, if my father thinks he has punished me, he is wrong, he is a pathological liar. Hence throwing me in maximum security prison for misdemeanors and no fines.
"I have given you enough rope to hang yourself with", "We are using the system against you", "You had better live a careful life", walking around our office singing "World of paranoia" over and over and dropping papers on my desk about making people mentally ill to control them, while telling me to go to my father to tell him something.
Some notes for a future blog so you can understand the full story in detail:
I found out I was being hunted by my family, police, NSA/FBI operations with worldwide support in endless setup attempts, frame jobs, you name it to incarcerate me for life still going on.
Recently, at 46 years old my father got what he wanted with his lies to the world since 5 years old that I am a crazy violent paranoid schizophrenic with no self-control. And am a danger to myself or others.
What was the reason they wanted to put me in jail for, and so quickly for no legitimate reason?
That has to do with the setups and the fact my father seems to want something I have. And why does he want it?
While using my artwork against me going through each and every one. Focusing on the ones with guns in them working with the police to try to make me look crazy.
While in the court on some frame jobs the police arrested me for. Pictures my father didn't like came out for circumstantial evidence showing the connection back to him and what he has been doing.
Once he got me convicted and thrown in jail, even though I had broken all contact with him, and he was told not to even show up to sit in court. He proceeded once I was arrested to go to my house with keys he asked for 20 years prior in hopes he could get in my house, with an excuse to feed my cat. The cat that Patti Googin wanted me to get so bad, who didn't like my 16 year old watercolor grateful dead painting with a skull holding a gun which after this the police and my father put a hole in his 300E Mercedes telling the world I tried to kill or scare him. And having people hunt me my entire life in hopes to scare me into false confessions while off at colleges trying to make a life for myself working with Lorena Escobar his office manager paid to do these types of things
While this goes much deeper. You can see the intricacies and planning involved to simply try to get in my house. The question of what he wants?
The toy gun he had Victoria Walker give me for my 30th birthday in which he was hoping for a confession from? Which is in my art is my guess?
Which shows I not only don't have any guilt, but it incriminates him and shows the truth of who he is and the types of things he does.
For more information on my fathers 40 year mass stalking's to try to make me look like a violent paranoid schizofrenic and remove me from society by having Lorena Escobar hire me to work at his officer after Mike Huntley's Death Threats and WORLDWIDE attacks I didn't know were they were coming from
Police threats working with Mike Huntley - showing that they are and have been pursuing me, my entire life, and don't want me talking
Police Threat maybe around 2010
"We are watching you Perelman"
While simply going out and taking a walk at the park. And when fire trucks pulled up, I simply was videoing it, like a lot of people do with their cell phones.
The Police saw me, and Instantly started laying into me for no reason like usual. Showing that they have some kind of personal issue with me since I was a very young child. And showing that they are and have always been stalking me working with people like Mike Huntley sent after me around 14 years old. At around the age of 29 Mike Huntley went from so called friend and 6 year business partner to "We are using the System Against you", "You had better live a careful life", All sorts of cryptic DEATH THREATS about making me mentally ill and killing me. Dropping papers on my desk about Korea and making people mentally ill to control them, and walking around our office singing "World of Paranoia" over and over. Saying weird things that I am careless based on his frame jobs and setup attempts. This all seems to really escalate when I jumped in the way and stopped my Brother from Bashing Greg Waugh's head in with a crow bar because Jen
Yang, His Girlfriend Cheated on him with Greg. And my brother was mad at me because he gave me a speech about how "Blood is thicker then water" and I needed to support him and spy on Greg and things like this, I felt were unacceptable.
You can see here, Mike Huntley was clearly sent after me by the Government, and is Also working with Officer Sean Dinse, and Detective Angela Stewart in these illegal extermination operations and government flaggings at 5 years old. These Operations aren't just based on them watching me, but almost every person I am in contact with worldwide told to endlessly provoke me into reactions with passive aggressive terror tactics to get reactions working with the police and government to rid me of the world which I trace back to around 5 years old.
They seem to get irate whenever I have a camera. Even taking Photography classes was a threat to them at University of Colorado back in 1996.This is because they don't want me having to ability to document anything if it happens on any level to defend myself, or expose what is being done to me. Even before I knew what was going on, and the magnitude of it.
Most people really don't normally care is someone has a camera on them and are focused on their own lives, or things that matter, and not intricate things like 40 years ago you called a girl a bitch on a date or something like this. Showing their NSA/FBI data-Mining and terror operations with worldwide support.
Hollywood - Police Bathroom Thugging - Trying to intimidate me quiet and make me look PARANOID
While the argument since I turned 29 met with Mike Huntley's DEATH THREATS related to my brother, and families activities to make me look like I am crazy and a violent paranoid schizophrenic argument is that I am imaging everything that is going on.
I am a Genius, just like John Nash, I guess them watching too many movies with Rodie Morales they sent after me to take me from movies, then him trying to get Murder Confessions, while showing me a Brilliant Mind. And me realizing something wasn't right with the situation say that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING on any level is going on in my life out of the norm.
Needless to say, I have newspaper clippings of Rodie Morales working with LAPD when he was introduced or kind of manipulate into my life. The 4th person told to take me to strip clubs with these tactics. Eric Christiansen in 1991 Oregon, Val Morozov in 1995 Colorado, Tom Farley, Rodie Morales in Ca, 1999.
Yet, in this video like 1000's of others I have, leaving out the mass city wide terror tactics all CONNECTED with the Police through Cell Phone, SMS, and Internet tools built around me to try to make me look crazy, paranoid, and mentally ill. While telling me I am imaging it.
And the more I find out has been going on since 5 years old and their claims of lack of self control, or I suffer from nervous issues to somehow justify them trying to endlessly give me MENTAL BREAKDOWNS until I am dead and gone. They say is to help me.
Needless to say, aside from their 1000's of Vague labels how I am a monster, a criminal, this and that. They can rarely rattle off anything specific because it EXPOSES the entire situation based on lies, smears, defamation, slander, libel, and launching a worldwide witch hunt to exterminate me based on lies, and fiction pretty much made up by creative writers or something.
But in most people lives. They are not told they are imagining drama a gossip. Especially WORLDWIDE.
Hence this video sowing me, like usual going to Hollywood and showing the types of things that are going on, in which I am told I am too sensitive, imagining, and not going on.
Also, keep in mind that these types of things from police and people happen from almost every person I am in contact with all day and night, and never stop. So this isn't an ISOLATED Situation. This is a CONNECTED situation.
Death Threat and Thuggings Compilation to show how far these mass coordinated groups will go
While this has been going on, all day and night 24/7 since I was 29, 17 years ago met with Mike Huntley's Death threats. It was actually started at 5 years old.
While what you are seeing in these few clips has been nonstop, and some on a passive aggressive level, and some aggressive. I never stops. But not only this. Every single one of these people will say they don't know me. And that I am imagining the entire situation.
According to them, none of what you are seeing here exists. Nor am I ever allowed to DEFEND MYSELF.
What is their MOTIVE? Get reactions with the police to figure out ways to lock me away forever! or get me to kill myself.
The definition of Gang Stalking. This is the reason why they don't want me ever having a Camera going ballistic on me with Mike Wexler taking my first Photography class at University of Colorado in 1995.
Him telling me I am not allowed to take pictures of people. Which I thought was weird at the time. Now it makes sense. He doesn't want me having any PROOF of the crimes against me.
Thus ruining my Studio Photography, and Photography Hobby, and possibilities of making money in that avenue as well as every other possibility of working.
While this video is just to simply show that, Like usual, I am the nicest person imaginable, and mass predators are told to get together and stalk me making up every lie known to man to justify their AGENDA. But what's even worse is that the Police, Government, NSA/FBI are all telling people worldwide to take turns on me until I am either dead or gone.
Building Internet based systems around me for psychological torture operations. For ERADICATION.
The world has been told 1000's and 1000's of lies about me, and most starting from my family, like my father telling the world I think differently in some kind of anger and rage against me.
However we are talking about a man who puts shock collars on his dogs, and locks others in cages half their lives when they could be roaming the back yard. You get the idea. This ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON, isn't a nice guy!
And is friends with disbarred lawyers like David Greenstein hired to work on crimes with him. Or his Office Manger Lorena Escobar he has been paying for years to stalk me from state to state with the Police.
Needless to say, this shows just a select few of these situations proving what the world is saying, is not happening to allow DISCUSSION of these events and to why I am being HUNTED. Which I am told I am not allowed to talk about
One of the few Lawyers that showed honesty about the situation and what is being done to my life
This lawyer knew exactly what is going on, continual ratcheting down with worldwide support to get reactions to lock me away, make me look crazy, put me in mental institions, or whatever it takes to remove me from society starting around 5 - 9 years old for some reason. They are in contact with all the lawyers and worldwide groups to stop anything truthful from coming to light, or me getting any typs of help from anyone at all, anywhere worldwide.
Leaving me in complete isolation with these worldwide terror and extermination operations, with our own government, Police, and community support since they believe the propaganda they are being fed.
Some of the PREDATORS helping the police in these ILLEGAL operations being contacted and possibly even paid to take part in hunting me down
While almost every person I have had contact with since 5 years old have been involved in psychological warfare tactics to try to make me look crazy and lock me away working with endless manipulation attempts, frame jobs, setup attempts, worldwide lies, smears, defamation, slander. You name it. Once they could not longer scare and intimidate me quiet with their psychological terror tactics and they realized I was talking to people as it esculated from their attacks to a website, trying to write books about my life, and cards to hand people. They police told the people working to get VIOLENT and esculated their endless all day and night psychological attacks to people PHYSICALLY attacking me or police operations for false arrests to remove me from society.
Because they just don't want anything truthful coming to light that involves anyone on the planet finding out that, nothign about KEVIN PERELMAN that has been given to the world is remotly true. Unrveling unheard ofk, unprecedented Government terror, and extermination operations by our own government based on childhood flaggings. If they feel they cannot trust, or understand you. You are ERADICATED just like ADOLF HITLER did. The only difference is the methods to get away with it are based on psychological terror operations, and dissinformation to the world about the person to get them to help. Ironically, these psychological terror operations were thigns that Adolf Hitler spoke about.
While this is a hard pill to swallow, I am living proof of this, and they don't want me talking about the things I know were done growing up, and now to try to make me look like a crazy violent paranoid schizofrenic to justify their agenda. These are just a few of these people working with the Police who got me into the System. Which Mike Huntley was spouting about at the age 29, 17 years ago while watching 17 years of all day and night 27/4 worldwide terror operations which have not ended.
"Your a SNITCH - Your DEAD"
Unkown Woodland Hills Met Neighbor who told me I had better accept what is being done to my life |
Greg Konig Neighbor in 21620 Burbank, Unit #2,
Car Tire Slashings, Top, Slashings, endless car defacings for yearsthe police have illegally stopped me from filing restraining orders to protect myself from like everyoneelse |
"That's the man I want to KILL"
The man who plays victim and says he is in fear of his life while sent after people by the police and therapists to hunt me down in illegal operations
While walking home from the park and handing out cards to people, While they ramp up their psychological terror attacks, so I can let them know they've been lied to. So I can live in peace without being hunted and stalked. Terrance shows his true colors, and MOTIVES wile contacted and used by the LAPD to act as a VIGILANTE to commit crimes for them |
Terrance Scroggins Neighbor in 21620 Burbank, Unit #1
Working with the HOA to try to Blackmail and Extort me out of money. Was working with my therpist Karine Echigian in 203 with Setup Operations. And was contacted by LAPD to stalk me, and try to set me up or frame me. Rsulting in fabricated illegal arrests and convictions right after calling Civil Attornies to sue LAPD, and others for damages to my life |
Showing that this has absolutely nothing to do with me being crazy, or mental illness. And these Neighborhood watch groups are really Thug Watch Groups to try to keep me quiet about what I know and found out
If you want to know about what is being left out to the world and intentionally avoided in these propaganda systems you can go to my website
Which someone named Connie Reya in my fathers office really got mad about when I started building it because it shows who I really am, and not what they are illegally disseminating to the world.
The police, have also told me, I am not allowed to report crimes with them unless it involves life or death. And so no matter what is done to me they are not concerned about. REFUSE to investigate because they don't want record in their system of these endless things done to me, showing that I am the victim, and linking back to 40 years of this
One of the Police's attempts with Deputy City Attorney - Karine Philips, Officer Sean Dinse, Detective Angela Stewart, Officer Jensens, to cover this up and turn things around on me is saying that I have a vendetta with the police, and I am screwing with the Police, yet they have been targeting me where ever I've lived. California, Oregon, Colorado, since a young child as I found out at 29 years old with lame fabricatations that I somehow snapped and have fabricated a false construct
in my mind leaving otu the endless death threats, and even flat out audio and video proof and eidence of them. REFUSING to investigate anything ever done to me no matter how much I can prove it.
Some of the Officers Involved
Officer Toro (Fake name) (LAPD) (Threatened my life "If you ever take a picture of a person, I will exercise the law in my own way")
Officer Jensen (LAPD) (Arrested for asking him for his badge number when he showed he was corrupt)
Officer Sean Dinse (LAPD) (Will not tolerate imperfection, or people with mental illness, as he uses mental illness labels for those he doesn't like)
Detective Angela Stewart (LAPD) (arrested someone else with Battery charges who was found innocent as well)
Criminals involved in some of these assault and battery, threats, thugging, and cry wolf tactics to cover up their endless crime spree against me
Terrance Scroggins - Threatened me, endlessly pursuing me, telling me I'm not allowed to leave my house to put me in a cage with these mass groups, then telling the police he is working with that I threatened him
Bailey Bernard - Followed me home, assault and battered me, tried to block my gate to stop me from getting into my townhouse complex, and then is working with Detective Angela Stuart claiming I am violent and Battered him, a detective with a history of arresting innocent people with the same charges
Greg Koenig - Owner in Unit 2 of my complex, sent after me with Terrance Scroggins, working with people to follow me from place to place with police and neighborhood watch setup and frame job operations. Which has been going on for 35 years now
JohnPaul Naranjo - Topanga Security Guard - Attacked me, something like 7 punches to the head, first one to the back of the head, and is trying to cover it up with the community saying I attacked him
Some of the Corrupt Lawyers Involved
Deputy City Attorney - Karine T Philips - Illegal Prosecution Operations knowingly making up lies going against her oath to the bar association for her clients told to attack me, frame me or working on these endless worldwide setup operations now going on 40 years while trying to make me look violent and crazy in the court room, when she damn well knew I was innocent exploiting our legal system and breaking laws based on people she does not like or understand. Showing her job with the police is about as much as law and order, or keeping the peace as ADOLF HITLER was
Read how they operate as I grew up to understand how these operations to remove me from society work |
Continual psychological warfare and mental illness tactics by mass groups worldwide to try to flip me out, make me look crazy, and like a violent paranoid schizophrenic. As well as mass groups all throughout my life trying to make it look like I can't focus, and am a reckless driver even with all sorts of people trying to cause accidents in such ways to make it look like I am out of control still going on since 16 years old to try to make their terror operations look justified to the world
This is straight out of some arrest discovery which showing that Dinse, calls it, a Neighborhood watch group! But this isn't just people everywhere I go worldwide knowing who I am, which is also illegal, these are terror groups. But not only this, 17 years ago, at the age 29, when I found out about all of this, I was met with Mike Huntley's threats, basically stating that he was involved in a neighborhood watch group in his own way. "You are an out of control for California and a monster", "Its your Behavior", Whatever that means since i am the only one who is professional and sane around these people who analyze every imperfect hiccup in life. "We are using the system against you", "I've given you enough rope to hang yourself with", "Have a good life now", Dropping papers on my desk about South Korea and making people mentally ill to control them. While walking around our office singing "World of Paranoia" saying "You had better live a careful life" and telling me something while working in my fathers office something like "You are not allowed to defend yourself"
also telling me "HAVE A GOOD LIFE NOW" letting me know he DESTROYED my life with my father and brother. Which my family, Police and these mass groups are trying to cover up telling me that I am a violent paranoid schizo.
Now, the only thing that happened 17 years ago, was an out of control lap dance so to speak. Meaning someone didn't approve of me going to some strip clubs with Rodie Morales who befriended me working with Mike Huntley asking me to sign up to the gym with him, to get me close to Rodie Morales working with the LAPD! So the question you need to be asking is how going to a strip club is a crime, and who and why someone would be so mad about that? and what their motive is?
These terror, setup, frame job operations, and well as the worldwide defamation, criminal defamation which the police have called SKULLFUCKING, and slander change daily as these endless accusations, and terror tactics change and evolve growing their terror tactics they put in their so called laundry list, grow riling up more and more worldwide groups in anger and rage against me. All based on fiction with premeditation, motive, and hidden agendas to remove me from society, no matter what it takes in their obsessed rage over something they accuse me of around 5-9 years old.
Dinse is also spewing out Rhetoric and Fear Mongering about "Traffic Issues" based on thin air. I don't even think I have even had a speeding ticket in 17 years. And what he is stating in this report is that, if my car moves in inch to the left or right on the highway, if any person random person worldwide does not approve of this imperfect moment it will be given out to the world that I am reckless or need to be watched and added to their so called world wide Laundry list (Secret unofficial wrap sheet of things they say I did wrong to the world to clean me up with). Yet, I have an exceptional driving record which doesn't seem to matter. Especially avoiding all the vehicles people were told to launch at me to try to cause accidents, Hence now you can understand why in my life, a simple lap dance is deemed the crime of all crimes. Isn't that the measurement and standard that we are all judged upon when it comes to driving and everything else, except Kevin Perelman? Doesn't that fit the guidelines of things like Discrimination, or Illegal operations based, not on law, but what someone wants outside of the law? Hence, a constitutional violation. We are all equal in the United States, except Kevin Perelman has re written special laws. This isn't about anything I've ever done wrong, it is about what someone wants and the people they know or have approached in such was wording things like "He is a danger to himself or others" who use their psychology degrees in anger and rage to get what they want. And the clincher is that Dinse, with the Police have the audacity, and are actually telling these mass worldwide groups, that I am somehow making them do this to my life. It is somehow my fault! I mean, am I planting psychic seeds in their brain forcing them to disseminate character attacks behind my back to the world with no possibility of self defense or judicial systems with my super powers I just don't know about?
Read some specifics on Sen Dinse's illegal stalking operations and illegal arrests they call a "Neighborhood Watch Group" which is part of something much larger going on since childhood around 5 - 9 years old
To understand how they operate with their endless all day and night 24/7 psychological mental battering, and terror and torture operations to set me up for reactions to try to use against me
The Incident Report System which I don't have the time and energy to keep track of after 2013 still going on today and never stopping showing the magnitude of these operations
This shows the connection between Mike Huntley, My brothers threats to me that he and his friends were going to put me in a mental institution when I was around 16 years old, because I stopped my brother from
bashing Greg Waugh's Head in with a crowbar because his girlfriend Jen Yang, cheated on him while he was off in University of Colorado with Greg. Giving me some mobster speech about
how blood is thicker then water, and needed to spy on Greg for him and support him which obviously he didn't like my answer that I didn't support that type of thing. It also shows the connection between Officer Sean Dinse, Officer Toro,
Officer Jensen, Detective Angela Stuart, and a lot of others in the LAPD, Government, And worldwide support, all connected in these operations to remove me from society by trying to create mental illness, and make me look crazy with
Premeditation, Ulterior Motives, Hidden Agendas, Endless Setup Operations, and frame jobs.
Read the full Criminal Defamation, Defamation and Slander Google Blogs from the Community and officer Sean Dinse Orchestrating these setup and frame jobs with these mass groups
What this Psych Evaluation going to state anyways? Thing like Kevin likes to play pool, and other people like to surf, so Surfing is correct, and playing pool is wrong and I need to be removed from society? Or are they
just going to be more cover up lies that I am crazy because worldwide groups don't hunt people down trying to make them crazy to begin with especially after going to over 30 people in the psychology
community, and them all showing that they have an agenda to begin with, not concerned that I am the furthest thing from crazy refusing to address anything at all in any way shape or form
except I have to give them something they can use against me. Doesn't this mean they've already given me a psych evaluation before putting me in a mental institution without me ever seeing anyone to begin with at 5 - 9 years old since nothing about who I actually am matters anyways, and it's been predetermined beforehand for no reason? Just like we are going to put you in jail because your a criminal, but haven't committed any actual crimes.
An extremely large number people worldwide are also exerting strange behaviors pretending that this site or well as certain aspects of my personality are somehow offensive or a problem while pretending to be stupid and have no common sense. When the real problem is what is being done to me and my life which they intentionally don't want to acknowledge and turn a blind eye forcing me into this situation
Lawyer who has honestly acknowledged the situation in this worldwide targeting based on the facts during the latest Thug/Blackmail arrests, setup, frame job operations because they don't want this website to exist, or me saying anything that pertains to the situation working with the groups involved
While most of the people worldwide that I talk to want the truth burred in the ground, me silenced and not saying a word while hunted or immobilized, and locked away for knowing what I know. This is one of the few honest people I have spoke with who has at least shown that the obvious is going on. And this has nothing to do with me, other then someone doesn't like me, and wants me dead, in a cage, or removing me from society no matter what it takes and with immense resources
Most people intentionally refuse to address issues, the accusations about me to the world in secret, known as propaganda for some strange reason with a secret wrap sheet of endless fiction to the world And you can see here, someone is being honest about the reality of the situation, and what it really is, instead of lies that I am imagining it. And anyone that says that, is involved in something illegal based on how known I am, and how much data I have to expose it
Situation that Edward came Forward about for the world to understand what can happen when your constitutional rights are taken away from you. And the fact that it can just happen when someone is in a bad mood, or having a bad day in our government with a family with secondary psychology or analyzes art for a living. While such lies start from an angry family claiming I am a violent paranoid schizo who says I am a danger to myself or others, and tries to set me up, out of who knows what, exerting paranoid psychotic behaviors based on me blinking wrong or something. Maybe eating my fathers steaks out of the freezer for all I know
You get the idea of a family all with secondary psychology degrees can ignite a worldwide forest fire around me using their psych labels as some kind of revenge for maybe me showing that while being a nice person if I defend myself in any intricate way, such as maybe telling a bully he doesn't scare me, and go to hell or something, Will result in something like this. With a family who keeps telling me weird things like "You are not allowed to defend yourself"
Doesn't really make much sense until your left isolated with a worldwide mob and conspiracy trying to give you disinformation, and federal support for some strange reason, and no one is speaking out or concerned about the bigger picture or what is really going on
One of Officer Sean Dinse's Gang Stalker/Neighborhood watch group ends up in Hit and Run while trying to provoke me with passive aggressive behaviors to try to figure out ways to lock me in jail
This video shows what has happened every single time I have left my house for 17 years. Even simple walks, anywhere in the world directed at me with Officer Sean Dinse, and Mike Huntley’s so called Neighborhood watch groups. Which don’t fir the definition of what a neighborhood watch group is. And are personal terror operations now going on since early childhood to remove me from society with mass groups taking turns in anger and rage on me for reactions to lock me in jail.
In this hour time, multiple people came out with more aggressive behaviors. One saying go to fucking hell 3 times in a row. 2 of them making U-turns where I am sitting because they don't want me walking around a cul-de-sac,
And finally the person causing crashing, then fleeing the seen while the person waiting at the corner involved didn't want it on video
While this never stops, it actually starts on more subliminal tactics starting around 5 years old and at 29, met with all sorts of Death threats from a person sent after me growing up named Mike Huntley a friend of my brothers.
And at 29, going from pretending to be a friend to "We are using the system against you", "You had better live a careful life", "I have given you enough rope to hang yourself with", dropping papers about making people in South Korea mentally ill, while singing "World of paranoia"
Working with the LAPD, officer Sean Dinse, and many others in these operations across 40 years, NSA/FBI support for some strange reason. And telling me weird things like Adolf Hitler, or a Slave owner would say "You are not allowed to defend yourself" On any level. Even verbally.
Judge approves my Restraining Order Hearing but Clerks made sure it's not in the system while refusing to provide me with the serving papers
While going down to Chatsworth Courthouse to get a restraining order, the Judge Refused the temp Restraining or, and set a hearing date for the main one.
After the judge signed the Approval forms, the Clerks all got together making sure to not sign it, and get me the appropriate serving papers saying that it was denied packaging the Temp with the Main one on word tricks
After I got the main clerk to sign it, they Still refused to provide the paper work making up every lie known to man.
Eventually when they figured out I wasn't stupid and knew the process, the main clerk took away the papers, and they gave me back copies missing the front page with the CH-109 form which shows a hearing date.
This has all been recorded as anyone with common sense can see their endless lies to stop me from getting anything in the system that shows what is being done to my life. With such death threats by Mike Huntley a 25 year friend sent after me at 14 "We are using the system against you"
This shows huge judicial system corruption and after seeing this, you should not feel safe at all!
The police are not here to protect you! If they don't like you, they will hunt you with every resource known to man.
The reason they don't want me filing police reports, or restraining orders is, it will disprove all their lies to the world about me.
I was flagged at 5 years old and my constitutional rights taken away. You should be afraid, very afraid! You could be next. For the crime of spilling your cereal milk on the table as a child
This is all because I turned 29, wondered what was going on, and started asking questions and telling people what I was finding out
Terrance Scroggins in Unit #1
Greg Koenig in Unit #2
Terrance Scroggins, a 17 years stalker at this location with these groups follows me to where I am sitting trying to bait me, then follows me the next day to a Starbucks digging through trash in hopes he could get me to approach him
While this person is involved in stalking me for the last 17 years since I moved in. Obviously I have had no clue until 2013 when, he with Karine Echigian a therapist I hired contacted him telling him to accuse me of gluing his mailbox shut in hopes she could collect my conversations with something to use against me.
While asking Terrance questions like. Was it Crazy Glue? and he said yes, showing that he was lying as if he knew what imaginary glue was holding it.
Getting more and more aggressive over the years with Officer Sean Dinse in their setup and frame job operations with these mass groups literally starting at 5 years old. and mass mobbing groups to remove me from society no matter what it takes trying to create the illusion to the world that I am an abuse violent paranoid schizo all based on thins air and propaganda systems to the world to end my life or rid me of the world no matter what it takes
In this video, You will see the predator Terrance Scroggins following me, and coming up to me trying to bait me into reactions so he can try to get reactions to use with the police that I am threatening him and a danger to him
He has a pattern of running up to me with threats over and over about this and that. Yet he always plays stupid refusing to address the real issues of what is being done to me and blatantly obvious that it is occurring.
Several claims he has made in the past that I am a threat to him, have threatened him, and am a danger to his life. But yet on all these occasions, he has run up to me showing that he is not afraid of me, is always the instigator. And each and every time if anything is said on any level, he will then cry wolf claiming that I have done something to him. Example, at one point he said he was on the HOA association and was going to charge me extra fee’s. And I said I would have my lawyer contact them if it happened. And at that point he yelled “Stay away from me” Because like most thugs and bully’s. He didn’t get what he wanted was me to kiss his ass while he wanted to steal my money. Even though he really isn’t on the HOA board. He has also claimed that he owns the property of our owned Town House’s. Well, only one person can own their place. Hence why there is an HOA. And he doesn’t seem to want me in his Imaginary place with his Neighbor in
Unit #2 Greg Koenig, also stalking me for these 17 years since I moved in and on video, while they both have people follow me to coffee shops and other places wherever I go with these so called Sean Dinse, Stalking/Neighborhood watch groups of setup attempts and frame job operations.
This is after arrests of them fabricating that I have threatened him. While he endless has threatened me and has accused me of all sorts of fabrications.
Not only this. Each time I ask him to stop or leave me alone. He works with his mass groups and Sean Dinse, having larger and larger groups follow me from place to place attacking me with their passive aggressive terror operations you can read about and see proof of on my websites.
And keep in mind. No matter how many times I go to the police with these things, their detectives refuse to investigate no matter what. Even when I came in with a hard drive full of mass stalking data directed at me from what I found out was going on at the age 29, in my company with Mike Huntley changing from, I am a 25 year friend and business partner, to you are a dead man, working with Officer Sean Dinse and others telling me "I have given you enough rope to hang yourself with". While I noticed worldwide people working on me to end my life, while watching larger and larger groups come after me when I tried to tell people what was going on. Especially the police.
Greg Koenig Showing he refuses to leave me alone while stalking me and following me from place to place with mass groups. Also showing some of the things he has done to my cars working with other people |
Terrance Scroggins following me 2 days in a row trying to bait me into reactions who claims I am a danger and threat to his life to the police |
Greg Koenig in Unit 2, his neighbor working with him. Involved in car vandalisms and desecrating my cars every way known to man. At one point even trying to get me to go after Terrance by telling me a Big person in one of the Green Mata's parked on my street in groups was going to beat me up.
More Incidences of Greg Koenig operations with Officer Sean Dinse |
Greg Koenig Throwing cards all over my property before he had Terrance Scroggins do the same exact thing to try to make me look like a violent paranoid schizophrenic working with the LAPD in their 40 year agenda to try to get reaction and arrests from me |
2/16/2018 - Person having his dog attack and girlfriend assault me with Death Threats
While on the surface this person may appear as a hot head with the inability of self control, but I can assure you he is really involved in cover up operations In this 2 hour period alone of simply going out to take a walk of similar things done to me every day for 17 years And happens world wide.
- Car Vandalized
- One camera Stolen for taking proof of it in my complex, woodland oaks
- Another person waits for me after the police are called an hour later while they take their time and as I walk by has his dog attack me, threaten my life, his girlfriend hit me in the back of the head from behind, and has his dog attack me, and while I am walking away, keeps following me with the dog having it attack me.
And the dog seemed to have the ability to attack people when he wanted it too He is also in contact with Detective Angela Stewart in her illegal operations showing that, he and others are being told to pretty much have me killed.
While their objective is to try to make me look like a crazy out of control lunatic. I seem to be the only rational sane one. But because they are working with NSA/FBI operations to spew lies to the world now going on 35 years, most people are fed lies. This is proof of what happens when I simply go out, or take walks and will occur anywhere worldwide.
This is a more aggressive attack because in the last few days I stayed home, accomplishing things and getting some health back. And when things start to normalize, they go from very passive aggressive terror operations, to blatantly obvious attacks of rage that they didn't get their 36 year way of ridding me of the world. Also, you should note that this person is a skin head, so was Bailey Bernard, and so is Sean Dinse. While I have no white supremacist proof, the endless 36 years of racial slurs against me or towards me kind of says it all.
And I am Jewish
2/16/2018 - Police Death Threat while reporting dog attack, Assault and Battery, Camera Theft, Car Vandalisms all within hours reported to the Police showing that they avoiding anything of importance
While these types of things are all day and night 24/7 since turning 29 and finding just one of these endless people, Mike Huntley, sent after me by the Government to remove me from society broke from, I'm your 25 year friend to , your a dead man for some reason starting around the age of 5.
This is another Police Death threat while trying to file police reports of this endless worldwide crime spree against me to remove me from society for some strange reason.
"Let's do him at Topanga"
Where around 2011, they had a security guard named John Paul Naranjo working with the Police attack me, hitting me about 7 times in the head consecutively. First one from behind.
After calling the Police, they told the world, like these 1000's and 1000's of over worldwide lies since 5 years old, most criminal accusations. That I had attacked John Paul Naranjo to cover up their endless torture and terror operations with worldwide support.
Claiming I am a Violent Paranoid Schizo. A label my own family put on me at around 5 years old in their hate, rage and jealousy for me for some reason so they could work with the Police and Government to figure out ways to remove me from society.
You will notice that, the Police have avoided to put anything of importance in the reports to establish anything is going on directed and me and personal. So they can try to make me look crazy, and stop me from having a paper trial of anything TRUTHFUL
Hence why they are so mad, my websites exist, and that I am speaking out about what is really going on. And that none of what the world has been told about me is true.
12/24/2018 - Dog Attacker Slashes 2 back car tires, just like as in 2013. And these arrests began on COVER UP - Operations showing they BROKE from their covert Psychological Attacks EXPOSING themselves.
Also, keying the side of my car, And on the way back from reporting him to the Police, Him waiting for me, yelling "Faggot, Bitch" and throwing things at my car |
12/20/2017 - City Mobbings with mass groups following me in cars and waiting for me with their mass groups of patterns tactics
This is an example of what I found out 17 years ago is being done to me with worldwide support started by my family and the police. Now NSA/FBI and worldwide operations to try to Gang stalk, Gaslight me to
rremove me from society for what I know and found out with the psychology community screw ups. Endless death threats and well as the Police threatening my life sending a girl after me named Skyler (Stephanie on IRC that they were and are going to SKULLFUCK me to death.
While every industry is involved worldwide, especially the Entertainment and Adult industry using media to try to create paranoid schizophrenia. This video shows you what has been going on every single day at the Topanga/Ventura, and Winnetka/Ventura Shopping centers as well as some city events all coordinated. I've watched this worldwide, as well as in these local shopping centers alone for 17 years now with endless threats and telling me I had better accept being tortured to death. It also shows how Jada Fire (Hurricane Jada in this video) in one of her videos is being played out to actually hurricane me to death so to speak with the Black community thugging me, following me places with subtle threats as well as doing what it takes to stop me from talking to the police and lawyers all working together. Keep in mind, this is only 2 days, and a few hours. This is all day and night 24/7 which I noticed 17 years ago at the age of 29 where I magically went
from extremely healthy to sick right when met with death threats by Mike Huntley, my business partner and 25 year so called friend who I met through my brother because they were friends, and Rodie Morales my Gym manager who befriended me working with him, while having my own company. And before this, growing up it started with more subtle psychological warfare tactics to try to make me look crazy and remove me from society I had no clue this was even going on for things like stopping my brother from bashing Greg Waugh's head in with a crow bar,
and him giving me the mobster blood is thicker then water speech, and telling me I needed to spy on Greg for him and things like this which I refused. Then him basically telling me he was going to put me in a mental institution with his friends. Things get a lot deeper, but you get the idea of people who don't want you talking or the notion that some day you might talk, and want to collapse you brain and kill you, or as it has been put to me SKULLFUCK me to death like Mr Churches. Then cover it up saying I am a violent paranoid schizo to try to lock me away.
For the Shortened version just with Jada Fire, leaving out the proof of psychological terror attacks, to abuse me to death and remove me from society.
Gang Stalking Tactic while going out to Thousand Oaks Appointment then Tarzana and then back in Woodland Hills
This is me going out to an appointment out in Thousand Oaks, Ca, where I point out all the activity and how these mass stalking groups are working on me all day and night 24/7
I also, not only show these mass groups coordinated patterned attacks, but also, the rate of change from normal to people showing up while I'm at my appointment
I then proceed out to Tarzana, and then to Woodland hills, EXPOSING these mass terror operations directed at me to remove me from society at all costs for reasons, I cannot comprehend
What it's like to simply go to the Post Office get food and talk a short walk the next day
This segment is more showing you what it's like to go out, and run some simple errands, get food, and come home.
Later on, I go out and take some short walks and show you the patterns of Gang Stalking directed at me in these mas groups.
I show you the patterns of behaviors from people wherever I go directed at me and the things they are doing to try to make me look like a violent paranoid schizophrenic to thug me quiet, and try to remove me from society since 5 years old.
I also talk a little about how the events connect and why they are doing some of the things that they are doing which shows how it is directed at me
/span> |
What it's like simply Going out to get cat food and explaining how these mass stalking groups work from place
This is a simple example of me going to get some cat food, then food for myself and showing you, and explaining these mass global endless attacks, now WORLDWIDE
While I go to multiple cities, and places, I point out the progression of these coordinated stalking attacks.
The behavioral patterns with the masses in a mass conspiracy against me, and show how they operate.
While this is toned down to what it is usually like. It still gives you an idea of what has been going on for the last 17/40 years. As I found out at 29.
Keep in mind, this is not only in Woodland Hills, Canoga Park area as I am here. This is WORLDWIDE and is done to me wherever I go on the planet
Person sees me driving and Yell's FUCK YOU! Same voice as the Dog Attacker
After a brief conversation with someone telling me they are a target like me by the Police, and Psychology Community.
I mention to her about some of the attacks and DEATH THREATS by one of these endless people my entire life. In this case the Person who attacked me with a Police Trained K9 who lives in the Met complex next to mine working with Officer Sean Dinse, and Detective Angela Stewart in these 40 year NSA/FBI and Police EXTERMINATION operations which he is on video and on my website endlessly Yelling at me after these attacks "I'm going to get you SNITCH, your dead" showing he is working with illegal Police And Government murder operations I have exposed being done to me for 40 years.
With now WORLDWIDE support to have me killed or rid of the world for what I know.
An hour after this conversation within about 100 yards of this area, and mass attacks at the Starbucks, Jamba Juice, and entire shopping center across the street.
This person drives by yelling "Fuck You"
Same voice as the Dog Attacker, and relates to my one and only fight with my mother at the age of 14 in which she SNAPPED with the rest of my family over something beyond any level of TRIVIAL.
While people do this over and over Yelling FUCK YOU, hinting about my childhood to try to GUILT me to death or get coerced false confessions refusing to stop their Endless all day and night attacks trying to make me think I've committed the end all be all of crimes to ACCEPT being hunted and killed by the most minuet imperfections known to man.
No of which makes any sense other then Government Extermination Agendas. PSYCHOLOGICAL TERROR AND WARFARE tactics by our own U.S. Government by those who they just don't like or trust.
Violating all of our constitutional protections leaving no one safe. Just like the Holocaust or Slavery.
Santa Monica Lady Working with Police because they dont wan't proof of their mass Murder Operations
For all the Car DVR Video footage of these mass groups coming out in 1000's per hour in Pink, Pink Black, and yellow, Yellow Black and Blue you can go to
Directory: Public Places Harassed at/City/Santa Monica
While these Psychological Terror operations have now been going on for 40 years and ESCALATING WORLDWIDE with the Use of the Internet in 1994 to rid me of the world
This video shows simply some of the people waiting for me in Santa Monica in the Black Pants, Blue Shirt coordinated patterns pretending that she cares about me taking pictures or taking pictures while driving.
Trying to use lame excuses that the Police have had in the past by saying I have focus, and drving issues, in their LAUNDRY LIST of lies now probably in the 10,000's to the World in their PROPAGANDA/EXTERMINATION campaign in secret to rile the masses against me in Chaos using INFORMATION as a MURDER WEAPON and using mass groups WORLDWIDE to figure out how to rid me of the world.
Not only has my driving always been EXCEPTIONAL, after building cars, and LACR at 16. But I also avoided tons of people who endlessly threw their vehicles at me trying to cause endless setups to try to make me look like a reckless driver.
Not only this, between rarely having speeding tickets, and minimal accident record way cleaner then most.
The POLICE will tell the WORLD ANYTHING they need to, to remove me from society.
Hence, a girl here trying to figure out here, ways to make me look like a reckless driver with Officer Sean Dinse trying to collect every hiccup and have the world try to DISTRACT ME, and set me up with mass groups coming out in clothing colors in setup operations for my EXTERMINATION
Obviously the real reason behind her not wanting me to have a camera EVER with the Government, is because they don't want proof of their mass MURDER operations ever to show I am a target being hunted for EXTERMINATION.
They will do whatever it takes to try to make me look crazy or unstable, and do not want any proof of this. You will also see a couple of days later, a DHL employee in a different city who has gotten instant information over the Internet, showing how the communication flows worldwide with Government TERROR systems built around me, to PSYCHOLOGICALLY Torture and kill, while trying to make me look crazy because no one will say anything DIRECT. That they know me, or about the situation occurring to try to make me look like a Violent Paranoid Schizophrenic
People taking Cards off Cars tearing them up and littering then telling the world I am a liter bug
One of these cover up operations is to try to get reactions to use against me with the police to lock me away or remove me from society
Hence being forced to pass out cards to try to get these mass worldwide Gang stalking operations to stop and leave me alone, or let people know everything they've been told is lies on ILLEGAL information dissemination operations that involved, Libel, slander, defamation, and in this case, Criminal Defamation or attempted murder to end my life or remove me from society are the motives.
With full police, NSA/FBI operations for what I know. The types of things Edward Snowden came forward about, and me being the victim of these government flagging operations they don't want the world knowing bout which they try to cover up by calling them Neighborhood watch groups which are still illegal since they are based on mass groups stalking one person. And nothing about concern for peaceful communities
Hence, what you are seeing here, is the Met complex, as well as worldwide groups ripping up my cards and LITTERING
The reason they are doing this is to work with worldwide groups saying I'm a public nuisance, and a liter bug to try to stop me from being able to get the TRUTHFUL information out to the world so that they can understand what is really going on with these one sided secret information defamation to the world about me which isn't true. AKA Propaganda.
But because I am told I am imagining it, it gives anyone a license to create any lie they want and give it out worldwide on these government terror systems built around me starting at 5 years old.
Since their motive is to remove me from society. They don't want me talking. And this is an example of what happens when you simply tell people the lies aren't true, exercising your 1st amendment of the constitution.
Hence a 40 year mental battering and Rodney Kinging which I started to find out was going on at the age 29.
There have been several arrests and people physically attacking me in the name of LITER. But this has nothing to do with LITER, FARTING WRONG, or imperfect yawns, or J-Walking.
This has to do with Illegal Government NSA/FBI Operations, with Police, and Worldwide support to torture and do horrific things to someone as well as dictate me life. Every constitutional freedom was removed from me at 5 years old.
And they don't want the world knowing the types of illegal things are government really does. Hence these LITER frame jobs they have even arrested me for trying to make me look like a public nuisance, as well as trumped up battery and criminal threat charges of things done to me which they are not concerned about helping me in any way shape or form showing their involvement. Especially with the amount of police reports, and call to them over the last 17 years where they have not lifted one finger, met with their cryptic threats which I found out was going on at 29 once I started to figure out something was very wrong with my life.
Endless mental illness operations like this with People like Micheal Bialys a criminal defense lawyer sent after me who did "The Rudy The Rubber Show" on public access TV with the adult industry
After interning at a job at Modern Video film. My visual FX supervisors name was a man named Brian Longbotham. Who supposedly got fired for standing up to someone who didn't get their credits in a show. He supposedly was then fired, and he supposedly sued for a million for breach of contract. After they didn't offer me much of a future with anything that would pertain to main stream productions, using SGI's or Wavefront software and not much money. While also watching their sweat shop business operations hiring young kids and not giving much back. I decided to not take the offer. But kept in touch with Brian thinking he was a good person with vision. While the 15 years I knew him after this. He was working all the same angles Brian Weaver was told to do to me as young as 13 with the frame job and attempted setup operations.
While Brian, sent Michael Bialys, Victoria walker after me in these SKULLFUCKING campaigns to end my life. Michael Bialys had his Rudy The Rubber Show ( and was working all sorts of character attack angles. One was asking me to rebuilt their website for them while his friend Shane couldn't provide the service he wanted. The other were things like his girlfriend Victoria Walker telling me she wanted to do an adult site called working with a porn star named Lisa Ann in all sorts of scams telling the world I am stealing her identity. Yet no one has questioned things like. The fact their are probably billions of girls named Lisa Ann, as well as it was Victoria website, not mine. I am was just the web designer for her.
Not only this but Micheal Bialys on the Rudy The Rubber show had lots of Porn Stars and people in the adult industry on his show. Showing the connection between the types of people hunting me down. My guess is that once he became a lawyer he didn't want people knowing he would hide behind a desk with a condom puppet. So they told the world it was my show and that I am crazy. or somehow doing something wrong due to how he treated me once I told him I no longer had time to work on his character for him for free. Pretending to be friends for years.
Micheal Bialys would also do Stand up comedy, and was trying to get into the entertainment industry as well as sing at a place in Burbank called Dimples. But his big thing was with the BEE GEE's and that had to do with a little video movie My brother and Darrin Moselle made they called "PSYCHOS" and Darrin held a knife up to my neck and said "Lets make him the 5th member of the BEE GEE's" While that in of itself is not a big deal. They clearly had motive and agenda to frame me with what they did somehow. I don't know what was said or done with it. But I am clearly being HUNTED for them doing it. Especially since Micheal Bialys is supposedly a Comic Collector like my brother. So they are clearly were working on frame jobs back then as well connected to Micheal Bialys. So you can see how these events are psychologically connected in things you would normally never even think about later in life.
But what is even freakier in this, and endless other ones like this is that Not only are their references about me in the movie "The Post Man" with Kevin Costner and Tom Petty in it. Micheal Bialys is pretty much a look a like or could have been a stand in for him. While the entire Entertainment industry has wanted me dead since about 5 years old. To give you one of these endless frame jobs Brian Longbotham was involved in was to tell me Wes Craven in a Pilot at Universal Studios I was hired by Brian Longbotham to do, told me Wes wanted a clip of OJ Simpson's Bronco fleeing the scene spliced in. So I did what my boss told me under the notion that is what Wes wanted which turned out, I was being framed and Wes told with the World I was FUCKING with him. While I have never been told about any of these things done to me my entire life. This is just an example of these endless things like this done to me since 5 years old with every person I have been in contact with for
some reason.
Now keep in mind that in about 1997 in University of Colorado, the Police on IRC sent a girl named Skyler (Stephanie) after me delivering me a cryptic message that they were going to SKULLFUCK me and kill me with the Police. While this has been going on since 5 years old on a government flagging and extermination operation. Or way to lock me away. Who knows the real reason. This is an example of these people involved and these operations. Other body double people involved. Tia Cyrus and lookalikes in Encino Starbucks. Dana Puerino, and Lookalikes in Starbucks. And endless others.
While these illegal arrested and attacks are going on with people working with the police to assault and battery me, or dog attacks. Lawyers worldwide have been contacted and told to not help me. Well, Micheal Bialys is a Criminal Defense Attorney, and clearly does not want his secrets out in the open with what he is involved in. Especially with Victoria Walker contacting me trying to get all sorts of coerced false confessions 17 years later after they finally get these bunk arrests with officer Sean Dinse, and Detective Angela Stewart.
Victoria Walker is also involved in frame job operations with a Latin Stripper who called herself Stephanie, and wore Angel Wings, who played hot and cold with ulterior motives. If you made the connection between Stephanie and Stephania sent after me in the Police frame job operations. While Victoria was working at a company called Party Pop and would call me up asking me to go to their website for favors as she would direct me to location to frame me while the NSA/FBI and worldwide groups were given the web pages I go to. Trying to make it look like I was stalking her. This is one of endless things like this.
So you understand the billions invested in my extermination. Not even for legitimate reason.
Keep in mind, out of these 1000's and 1000's of criminal accusations in secret to the world. I am not allowed to know what I have done wrong. This to do things like inflict severe terror with psychological warfare tactics. Try to create obsession, paranoia, anger, hence their lies to the world that I am a Violent Paranoid schizophrenic, or delusional. It's just about extermination.
Notice, No lawyer worldwide will be honest or help, or defend me which they would do and are obligated to do by the bar association and judicial system. Do you think their is a connection? |
Mass 17/40 year Gang Stalking - Topanga Starbucks/Coffeebean/Ralphs Shopping center - shows unnatural Behavior changes directed at me While this activity
starts around 17 years ago, or when I first started going to
Starbucks in this shopping center on Topanga/Ventura Woodland hills.
Met with mass
stalking groups following me into Starbucks as I witnessed 10 - 100
people provoking me per hour. It still goes on today and every
location in the world I go to in order to remove me from society, or
end my life which the Police know about, and don't want me saying a
word about for some strange reason
These operations
have been done to me on a more subtle level since 5 years old.
This video shows unnatural human behavior which shows people acting together doing the
same exact things, and all at the same time. And then change all at
the same time.
This shows that,
people will park backwards with the other tactics. Then it will all
of a sudden stop in an area which can only happen if information is
disseminated telling people what to do. Showing non random events.
You will notice
towards the end of this. While they try to make these attacks to me
look like random people living their own daily lives are given
information of what to do when they go to places they know I will be
at. And even notified when I am there.
So you have people
who are going here for a reason. But will do things like park cars
backwards because they know I might show up. Then you have the groups
who are actually following me. But showing that Internet based
dissemination tools have been built around me to notify the masses to
stalk me, and try to Gas Light, create mental illness with the
Police, to remove me from society
Based on "He's
crazy" labels thrown on me at 5 years old. Yet if I were to be
crazy.That is no crime. That is like saying Jews are crazy and need
to be exterminated. In this case Crazy = Extermination.
What is crazy
anyways? I like to play pool and you like to Sail, therefore sailing
is correct, and pool is wrong therefore you are crazy?
Notice the Ralph's
location at the end is 99.9 normal when the rest of the lot is 40%
backwards. This can only happen by people being given information and
told what to do all directed at me.
This is the same Ralph's parking lot on 3/17/2018 and 3/19/2018 and is a little more obvious with the city wide, and worldwide groups following me from place to place.
You can see the rate of change a lot better in this video. Especially at 4:00 am when the parking lot is almost empty and people start showing up |
3/23/2018 What you are going to see here is me isolating all the terror patterned tactics directed at me, and showing only the people who followed me without license plates on in 1.5 hours or so.
While a small percent were already there in case I would show up to commit horrible acts, such as buying food to eat and stay alive which they say I am not allowed to do.
You will notice huge numbers of cars following me with dealer plates on, or other plate covers. Yet, in this 1.5 hours of a parking lot with 40% cars without plates on. I believe I took about 80 pictures or so.
While normally when you go into a parking lot, now and then you see some cars without plates. Not 80 per hour in a small lot.
Also, some of these people doing this around my house have had these plates on for years. Showing that the car is registered, but they choose to not put the plates on.
This is all directed at me to create mental illness and try to make it look like I am a violent paranoid schizo. Some of my brothers 16 year old threats that he and his friends were going to put me in a mental institution. Because I jumped in the way and stopped him from bashing my friend Greg Waugh's head in with a crow bar after His girlfriend Jen Yang cheated on him with Greg.
But you will also notice, the more people find out what I am doing, the more defensive they get with their terror tactics, and thugging on video. Showing all sorts of hate speech, and people playing stupid and trying to thug me quiet, or false accusations they do to try to cover up their crimes by attacking my credibility. Trying to make me look crazy, or a public nuisance and things like this.
If I had committed a crime, I'd be arrested for it, Governments NSA/FBI, Police, don't launch mass campaigns to remove people from society based on a crime. Because they can just arrest them. They do this because of what they know. Like Edward Snowden. Why do you think they want me gone and out of the picture? if anything happens to me, I will have proven to you this is correct. Example, locked away for farting wrong, or killed. Hence why they want to provoke me into a mass crime, or try to get me to kill myself in pain, or look crazy and a danger to myself or others. The very definition of Gang stalking.
What I was robbed of at 5 years old
Constitutional Rights: Removed at 5 years old using loopholes in our system like FISA/Patriot Act Edward Snowden came forward about
1st Amendment: Freedom of Speech for speak out
2nd Amendment:Right to bare arms - hunting me for 20 years after Victoria Walker was told to give me a toy gun for my 30th Birthday that was in my house
3rd Amendment: The right to privacy on all levels. Cell phone tracking, Phone tapping, Internet privacy violations, Webcam hijackings since 1994, Data-Minings, and out of context dissemination to use against me to the public
4th Amendment: Excessive force in creative use of neighborhood stalking operations they call watch groups, and tools built on the Internet with NSA/FBI around me for psychological terror/setup attempts/frame jobs
Many others supported by the world based on worldwide propaganda and disinformation from authority figures to make people think what they are told is true
And of course, since no one wants to come forward or be honest, we could possibly see about the
8th Amendment: Cruel and Unusual Punishment
I've also not been allowed to prepare for the case with the Lawyer, nor does the lawyer seem to want the opposing arguments to the specific witnesses and situations which is being rushed through the system. My lawyer has not asked any specifics about any of these events
with the witnesses for cross examination. Saying that is not the way he works. Not one aspect of preparation with me and the information I know. Especially on video.This has also happened with each and every single one I have called making sure I do not have any type of defense to their crimes. Which has been the case on any level since 5 years old.
These are the types of operations where they try to make someone look like the Vegas Shooter so they can get them out of the picture
Attacked literally by worldwide strangers with psychological terror operations since before 9 years old while it is turned around on me, and the world told it is because I have done something wrong or it is my personality to cover up these operations! Of course, I am not allowed to know why it is about, to try to create things like obsession and paranoia.
Click here if you want to read about some of these endless childhood frame jobs and setup attempts to try to make me look like a violent paranoid schizo and crazy
People in the psychology community most likely paid off to say I am a paranoid schizophrenic and things like this to cover up the severe abuse being done to me to remove me from society as well as working every angle about my behavior by collecting every intricate thing that doesn't matter, and twisting and contorting them into fiction and fantasy to give to the world to use against me. Last I checked, if someone is out living their life, turn 29, and get paranoid from finding out these terror groups exist. It isn't because you suffer from mental illness, it is because they have destroyed you life, and don't want you talking, hence their labels to the world to try to cover up their crimes against me.
Ones Involved Who are actively pursuing me
These accusations that I am a violent paranoid schizophrenic seem to have started from my mother, father and brother at a young age, using their psychology minors, and mother art therapy background to control, and or punish out of anger and rage towards me. It has nothing to actually do with me mentally. Just a control lever they use to get what they want, and to try to dictate my life. Remember, their is absolutely no middle ground, and no communication from this family accept for me.
The police, NSA/FBI and people Worldwide supporting this operation also claim that I am crazy to try to justify the situation. But the reality of the situation is, that hunting down someone and committing endless crimes in the name of someone is "Crazy" against them still does not justify going out and committing crimes. Not only that, it makes the crime even bigger since they are predators preying on weakness. My point, even if I were to be crazy, or whatever else in life. It does not justify the crimes these people and the police are saying is OK. But anyone who is actually HONEST will tell you that I am the only sane person in the people I let surround me since birth. And my entire life that involves the factual aspect of it has always shown that I am more rational and well grounded then anyone around me. Which is INTENTIONALLY LEFT OUT of their propaganda! just as they would Edward Snowden when he came forward.
Some of these arguments to stalk me by the government or even people in the black communities
or other groups getting together to try to turn it around on me and make me look racist or that I group people and things together, which I have proof of, are things like, One Black person saying someone could be a nice polite person but be a racist. Well, then they haven't done anything wrong, and have not committed a crime. But people in the black community or anyone else spouting off things about people they don't like and hunt them down and try kill them, is however a crime. Showing the ones involved are clearly lying hypocrites. Their is no such crime, as I don't trust someone, or I think someone did something, or they look nervous so they need to be locked away. The very act of pursuing someone with excuses like these are all crimes based on insecurities or people who don't like people. These are the real crimes, and the people who commit crimes saying these things are backwards, and a danger to others. It all comes down to ones ACTIONS which defines what is and is not a crime.
Keep in mind, these are all people working with the Police, and Sean Dinse, across 35 years to do these things to me to get reactions, usually a lot more subtle to try to make it look like I am the problem (Example, Greg Koenig, Terrance Scroggins, some random lady, with endless other people I don't know pursuing me, then making up lies how I am obsessed with them or something. People I've never even spoke with just told to come out of the woodworks. And all over the world.
While Dinse, Mike Huntley, Paul Humphrey, my family have been working on the reckless driving frame jobs since 16. This will give you an idea of how they operate to try to make the world think I am something out of "The fast and Furious" in their anger and rage towards me
Woodland Hill Park Neighbor see's me making a left turn and intentionally walks in front of me while I am watching out for traffic to turn to try to make me look reckless
For 17 years, these people have made it clear to me, that I am simply not allowed to go to the park, and relax, or take walks. With all sorts of worldwide terror operations on social networks as well as the local neighbors coming out. One threat from who knows what state or country was, "No Relaxing for you nigger"
Every single time in 17 years I have been here, mass groups have come out. As well as even Fox News bringing maybe 10 helicopters and a ground crew to try to thug me quiet.
Here you can see someone stealthily trying to walk in front of my car, so he can report back to the neighborhood watch groups worldwide, as well as try to make it look with the people locally, that I tried to hit him. Have driving and focus issues. All with ulterior motives, and hidden agendas because they want to cage me and don't want me leaving my house because they are mad about something. Yet have no legitimate reason.
Motorcycle Rider Working With Police, Officer Sean Dinse, Mike Huntley to try to make me look Out of Control and Reckless
Keep in mind, these groups are worldwide, working with Mike Huntley, Officer Sean Dinse in these 40 year operations.
These things with Vehicles have been done to me over and over since 16 years old. Even at the age 16, one motorcycle riding in the rain intentionally slid his bike in the water telling the world I had rammed him working with the police
These types of situations done to me are endless. This person see's me driving and decides to run a red light so he can make it look like I am a careless driver who almost hit him.
But in reality, he see's me, runs a red light in front of me because he wants to frame me working with Officer Sean Dinse in his illegal operations, and his so called Neighborhood Stalking/Watch groups.
Which is illegal to get mass groups to follow one person around stalking them to begin with trying to change the DEFINITION of what a neighborhood watch group is
In other words, these are frame jobs to give the world lies about me to rile up the masses against me to remove me from society in their so called LAUNDRY LIST. or lies to the world.
Also known as Defamation, Slander, Libel, and in this case the intent is to end my life or rid me of the world which is of CRIMINAL INTENT
Keep in mind, an example if officer Toro's words to me back in 2011 "If you ever take a picture of a person, I will exercise the law in my own way"
So things like getting into Studio Photography, or even taking a picture of a person is not ILLEGAL. But hunting down someone for extermination because they don't like me since a young child for some reason however is beyond any level of ILLEGAL imaginable
Strangers at Mission Hills Starbucks, a city where I have been a couple times in my life, see me and want to make it appear as I rammed them. A common tactic of theirs
While this is very subtle, these types of things are done over and over to me. And what you don't see are the interactions leading up to this event in Starbucks with the endless harassments, and them trying to make me look jealous because the person next to me asked out the girl to try to make me look like I am crazy and Jealous. This video might make me look a little paranoid. But I assure you it is happening. And a lot of the other events that I don't have on video, are way more obvious
Example, Lorena Escobar following me from place to place trying to figure out if I have violent thoughts is a CRIME, and if Lorena and mass groups keeps bashing my skull in with the proverbial crow bar working with my brother, and I have a negative thought from it, that is not a crime. It is a reaction to Lorena's and those who are involved, crimes she is paid to do. Even if I had violent thoughts for no reason, which I don't, that still is not a crime. Hence the term "Thought Police"
My family working with the police and government use their minors in psychology as weapons, leveraging themselves into positions to torture with lame excuses that I am a danger to myself or others. And using their psychology knowledge to fabricate lies to the world with the government to remove me from society out of their hate and rage, jealousy for me obsessively and will not stop until they lock me away. And making up endless lies to the world of things that don't exist about me with these mass groups to make it look justified. Of course, me being told I am imagining it to try to make me look crazy.
Just one of my mothers families accusation to the world working with the police and government is that if I simply look at a girl, or smile at one it is a DEATH STARE, and I am exerting rage and threatening their lives by smiling at them. Imagine what happens in social situations or trying to flirt with one, which gets much worse. Showing their paranoid psychotic behaviors, personalities, and thought processes. Most of the world know that smiling, and interaction, show warmth, which is why people have relationships, families and procreate. But yet, me having social interactions is the crime of all crimes. Especially kissing a black girl at the age of 12, and telling the world I am a white supremacist kind of defines the situation about what is being done to me and my life.
Then saying that is someone has mental illness that they need to be removed from society and watched as well as working with the Police worldwide to try to accomplish this who refuse to stop it, or even file anything in their system showing I am being hunted by mass worldwide groups, which is the furthest from the truth. Obviously all done with an agenda to get what they want, which is me gone from the planet and not breathing anymore, or in a cage.
More about Police
refusing to file even a simple police report of the crimes being actively done to me
To understand the family I come from, my mothers own words as a child. By buying a red car, you are flagging yourself to the police. That in itself is absurd especially if you notice the amount of cars that are red on the road, and they aren't being hunted and watched by the police. But it gives you an idea of the paranoia that you need to try to avoid which ends up being your demise.
Everyone deserves police protection and constitutional rights, especially the weak, or those who suffer from mental illness or are different. Aside from that your own tax dollars pay these people to protect you. Hence where the real problem lies, when they started in on me at a extremely young age. Which is why the constitution of the United State was put in place, and intended for. The first amendment of our constitution is to protect people like me without any sort of power or resources from tyrants. Hence why I am told I am not allowed to speak.
Everything the world has been told are blatant lies to remove me from society since 10 years old, this site tells the truth as to what is really going on and the reason non of these issues are addresses directly and I am told I am imagining it, is because they don't want the truth coming out. And if I address one issue and put it to rest, then the next set of lies are made up and I'm attacked endlessly. Because it's not about anything I have ever done, it is about removing me from society, and getting away with the government supported crime.
One of the things the Police, government, with these mass world wide groups is are doing, is try to cover up and try to turn around their endless crime spree against me, by saying I am a nuisance and also trying to say that my website and telling people, especially those who lash out in anger at me that they have been told lies about me is causing the problem. When my website is the only thing ACKNOWLEDGING the problem and EXPOSING what is really being done to me and my life. Which is a strange bullshit behavior on anyone who is involved in it.
A note to the people taking part: Remember that you are being told lies, and being used by the very people creating these lies with intent to use you against me. The very people feeding you this information don't care about you and are using you as tools to get you involved in this crime and do what they themselves don't want to do personally.
Mike Huntley (Working with my Brother and family):
First saying "Your OK!" like he was doing some kind of psychological evaluation one me, then he switched in anger and rage "You are an out of control for California and a monster", "Its your Behavior",
Whatever that means since i am the only one who is professional and sane around these people who analyze every imperfect hiccup in life. "We are using the system against you", "I've given you enough rope to hang yourself with", "Have a good life now", Dropping papers on my desk about South Korea and making people mentally ill to control them. While walking around our office singing "World of Paranoia" saying "You had better live a careful life"
and telling me something while working in my fathers office something like "You are not allowed to defend yourself"
of course, me wondering what the hell was going on, and to this day, 17 years later, don't really understand any of it or why a world wide extermination campaign in secret against one man since earlier then 9 years old, is supported and tolerated and is remotely going on with world wide groups telling me I had better not say anything about it.
Rodie Morales, sent after me by Mike Huntley and the Police, who was involved with the police in catching someone who was on the run for murder at our gym, me finding out years later, going from I'm your friend and lets go to strip clubs and Hollywood, or sunset clubs to a police interrogation mode saying things like "It's not like you killed someone have you?" with an angry voice and me realizing he was involved in all sorts of frame jobs with Mike Huntley and my family, especially wanting to take me to strip clubs with frame jobs to make it look like I was obsessed and stalking strippers and things like this, the 4th person in my life from 20 - 30 working the same tactic from state to state.
Stripper from 4play who called herself Bentley, at 29 years old right when I started to notice what was going on "You will get yours"
My father "You know what you did" but refuses to specifically tell me what this is saying "People lie, so they are not told what they have done" showing he is full of shit and a pathological liar, who then kept trying to get coerced false confessions asking me why this would be done to me each time I tried to tell him what was going on instead of telling me what was going on so he could try to get dirt to use to make what they are doing look justified to give to the world.
My mother saying "Your past caught up with you" once again, cannot tell me anything specific and back tracking saying she never said it with all the other lies I caught her in. Also at the same time Hinting to me that I need to leave the country, trying to make it look like I committed a crime and am on the run.
But keep in mind, in my family, something like, breaking up with a girl via texting, instead of on the phone, could be the crime of all crimes that gets you the electric chair.
One of the people in the community working with Officer Sean Dinse to endlessly try to set me up or frame me
She is involved in all sorts of illegal things and working with the police. One is walking over to my place, where my car is parked and cramming as many of my cards in the windows because she does not want me speaking out. Trying to turn around the fact that they had
a security guard named John Paul Naranjo attack me, after 17 years of severe passive aggressive stalking and terror tactics at the Topanga/Ventura shopping center, for the mere purpose because I went to a Starbucks there, and bought coffee.
This all interconnects with the fact that growing up, I had a friend named Paul Humphrey, approached as young as 14, in middle school, and he was approached and told to help remove me from society. Later on, he was a security guard
for this property, and they thought I knew of his involvement putting them on the defensive when I simply sat down buying a cup of coffee.
This lady I have had several confrontations with as she keeps pursuing me, just like Terrence Scroggins and simply by walking to the park and sitting down. She and others with her will keep calling the police, sometimes multiple times in one night, for simply going to the park and sitting on a bench.
Working with worldwide groups sending me sub tweet threats "No relaxing for you nigger" and things like this.
What is really going on, is they just don't want me leaving my house. As a neighbor named Terrance Scroggins basically threatened me before crying wolf and calling the police on me saying "You had better go back in your house" because
they don't want me living my life, then trying to cover it up saying I am a violent paranoid schizophrenic
This is all about putting me in a cage, or trying to lock me away. And they will say and do whatever it takes to accomplish this out of their hate
Also, notice this person in this video, deviates from her walking, follows me, and hits my car in anger with her hand, because she cannot control me. This isn't really about anything other then telling me what I can and can't do about things
that have nothing to do with legal or illegal. Example, I don't want you talking to that type of girl, therefore I will call the police on you making up whatever they can get to try to arrest me. It has nothing to do with anything they
say such as being a public nuisance, or whatever their endless lies to the world are.
She is also part of the mass group who all come out at the same time, walking dogs, when I come out directed at me to try to create mental illness and send me messages about dogs. Which might correlate to my father putting his dog Maggie in a cage
when he could have roamed the backyard for half his life. Which is kind of strange the same thing is being done to me
Greg Koenig in Townhouse Unit #2, I believe to be neighbors with Terrence Scroggins involved in all sorts of illegal operations with the police and my family who try to tell me I'm paranoid and non of what you are seeing here is not happening
such as coming on my property maybe 17 years ago starting this inside job with the police by going through my trash, then calling the home owners association that I hadn't thrown out my garbage fast enough.
Also, as you can see here, throwing my cards all over my property because he didn't want me speaking out. Just like Terrence Scroggins working with him. As well as car vandalisms, having people follow me to public places for years, Cramming things in
my cars, as well as all sorts of interrogating questions like is my cigar marijuana, which wouldn't matter because you can get it legally or medicinally trying to enforce their own laws with Sean Dinse and the LAPD based on what my family wants with all sorts of fantasy about self medication
As well as telling me that the person in the Green Miata, working with Sean Dinse, was going to beat me up, in hopes he could try to get me to go after Terrance Scroggins, which I found out later was his car. And he is also connected to a girl
named Jen Hess who was sent after me maybe 20 years ago. And paid off to try to set me up, working with Lorena Escobar, my family, and Mike Huntley and Paul Humphrey trying to figure out ways to make it look like I was stalking her with all sorts
of other frame jobs with them
Videos of Greg Cramming things in my car
Some of their car vandalisms which I believe to be Greg Koenig working with Sean Dinse and the Police |
Later on to try to physically and mentally batter me quiet for what I found out, aside from the 100,000's of psychological attacks per day world wide with mental illness tactics
Who knows how many sub tweets threats world wide directed at me like "No Relaxing for you Nigger"
Starbucks corporation working with these mass groups and my so called friend Paul Humphrey (After he went to the police academy, supposedly didn't make it into the LAPD), and the Black Community, now having something like 5 Black People follow me from Starbucks Threatening my life saying things like "Accept what they are doing and what my life is now, or things will get a lot worse for me" , Followed home and Egg Mobbed on my bicycle and things like this to try to intimidate me quiet which is still going on, on a daily basis I've watched for 17 years now.
Security guard mace attempts on the public streets, coming out of the Metro complex he is supposed to be inside doing his job as well as the security company following me to public places. And physical attacks at another starbucks in Topanga/Ventura by different security guard to try to intimidate me quiet by punching my something like 7 times in a row in the head and first punch in the back of the head.
Car tire slashings, Convertible top slashings, Car Keying, Dog Crap on doors, spit, car egging s all for the so called crime of finding out I was being hunted my entire life and them wanting to thug me quiet, etc
LAPD Officer with Fake Name Officer Toro, Linking back to them sending a person named Eric Christiansen after me with Sherry Christiansen in Southern Oregon State college around 21 years old they are trying to cover up, follows me to Encino Starbucks in 2012 "If you ever take a picture of a person I will exercise the law in my own way" because someone they had working on me in college named Javier said "If you mess with the bull, you get the horn" then said it was me who said it, as if it would matter anyways.
Black man, working with Starbucks in Encino and the police hitting me right after officer Toro Threatened me. And the police knew what happened right when I called 911 before telling them which was also working with Elsie Sandoval in my fathers office.
Large Corporations involved in this Propaganda/Terror Torture systems built around me using their immense resources to ACTIVELY PURSUE ME and help to remove me from society supporting these highly illegal government operations and are responsible for unfathomable damages to my life and are trying to mentally batter me quiet and end my life or remove me from society because of it with such cover-ups attempts that I am crazy or a paranoid schizophrenic to get away with their crimes. Starbucks, Ebay, Facebook, Universal Studios, Fox News, Majority of the entertainment industry and Adult Industry,
Southern Oregon State College, University of Colorado professors, and much more worldwide as far as any business I walk into or have any contact with world wide due to what is going on
then told I am imagining it.
All Conspiring together with government support.
And I can assure you, this isn't about a girl or any girl that has even been in my life or more importantly contacted world wide and told to take part in this especially with a family starting in on me, around 9 yrs old or younger.
One Psychiatrist I went to, Dr. Natalie Krah,
said to me: "If you don't take medication, you will destroy your life".
But what she really meant was. If I don't do what I am told, Be who I am told, Date, who I am told, Do the job I am told, Not say a world to anyone, etc. and take medication. Or be or do what I am told suggestively. They will destroy my life. As medication didn't do a thing when being hunted.
What is strange is what made them mad was when I was healthy and out living my life. Not doing anything wrong.
After finding out something was very wrong with my life from angry enraged people.
Click Here - To understand the system used to try to dictate my life -
based on setups, smears, and psychological warfare tactics
Explained from someone else
(Most is very accurate with the social terror operations except the electronic mind control technology part, or saying 911 was an inside job by the US is a little too far out there for me. I have never heard of or seen proof of, but the beginning part with turning to masses against with psychological warfare part for a take down with mental illness is very accurate and can be achieved with todays Internet based communication resources (Especially with NSA), making you think it's your fault for some insignificant thing seems accurate to make things not make any sense for you. With ulterior motives) For me their technology is hacking and using private information to terrorize and send hidden messages. But the beginning is exactly what has been done to me, the disinformation, the psychological terror operations. I can't tell you why I am being psychological hunted terrorized and targeted since 9 years old. But a lot of what he talks about with these terror groups accurate).
How they operate, the ending gets kind of weird, but
explains most of the social aspect. Once he gets into
Electronic harassment. That part doesn't make sense
to what is going on, or even exist. But the social terror
is accurate. |
ABC News showing another target on a small local scale
Which shows how these operations work and that they do happen on rate occasion |
WordPress for daily events (Detailed Information on situations) - Latest Posts or
The people who were in my life and what they did - Here
Videos showing what is going on to keep me quiet - Here
First report (Witnesses to the crime) - Here
A world wide campaign started by my family and the government to try to set me up, smear my name, create mental illness, terrorize me and torture me to remove me from society any way possible and cover it up since I was 10 yrs old working with the police, government,
social workers, my family and friends with a world wide funded smear operations. Violating my civil rights because they just don't like or trust me and refusing to protect me when I found out what was going on due to the fact that they were involved in the operations. Their are other names for these types of stalking mental illness tactics being done to me known as. "Gang Stalking", "Cause Stalking", "Community Harassment Groups" Also known as Gas Lighting. Basically the intent to end someones life with covert mental illness tactics in mass groups, which can be researched if you have any confusion of how they operate. Except my targeting is on a world wide scale, all day and night and started and coordinated with my family and government since 10 years old, almost every single person I have been contact with, and never stops. And if I try to address any issues, these mass groups are told to terrorize me more and more with what I addressed to try to inflict pain and keep me silenced and try to stop me from speaking out.
Since the age 29 when finding out something wasn't right and not knowing I was being hunted to remove me from society, I went to 24 psychologists/psychiatrists each and every one was working with the masses to try to stop me from speaking out about what is going on. Some even working with the police to set me ups with neighbors and people around the city. Others trying to trick me into checking myself into institutions. The rest working with the masses to create mental illness or terrorize me into false confessions to give to the world or just torture me to death or stop me from speaking out.
One of the world largest cases of CRIMINAL DEFAMATION (Endless lies told to the world with intent to rile the masses to end my life as well as try to keep me silenced about it, with upwards of 10,000 premeditated passive aggressive and covert harassments and psychological suggestive messages directed at me per day world wide for years, escalating since 10 years old)
While I do suffer from trichotillomania, it is not the type of thing that most people remotely care about. Especially to this level, labeling someone as mentally ill and trying to lock them away in mental institutions. As people suffer from all sorts of imperfections and OCD which even in Hollywood and famous actors aren't being hunted over it. That is kind of like saying that if you smoked weed once, you are a Columbian drug lord so you need to be locked away. Which fits the profile of these worldwide man hunts being done to me over imperfection. You didn't sit perfect. You tapped your foot around Aubrey Fisher, You said "FUCK YOU" to your mother at 14 in your one and only fight with her. You rested your feet on a chair while reading a book at a coffee shop. These are the things the Constitution of the U.S. is supposed to protect or we might as well hunt down imperfect Jews like Adolf Hitler did. Exactly what you are seeing done to me in the U.S. If
someone wants me in a mental institution because of that, then it is really about, Hate, Rage, And Jealousy towards me. Not about trichotillomania.
With such well crafted thought out and globally spread out lies as to clear and obvious intent to rile the masses against me trying to make their criminal actions look justified:
Some of the lies disseminated to the world about me to rile up the masses against me
Just of few out of 1000's of mental illness tactics done to me all day and every day world wide
Click here for Simplified Tactics explanation with proof
- Hacking into my computers, invading my privacy, and trying to use the information to take out of context to smear my name or try to use it to create mental illness (which they will claim I am somehow letting them in, to make their hacking look justified)
- Identical cars parked in patterns such as 2's, 4's in front of my place or where I go
- Cars parked where I go using the cars names or types to send me suggestive messages
- Mimic tactics of things I say or do by strangers world wide all day and night wherever I am
- People following me from place to place trying to get me to interact, then claiming I am following them and won't leave them alone. Especially ones I have never said a word to.
- 1000's of people per day will show up to the coffee shops or other locations worldwide I go where I try to relax working on me continually
- People befriending me and trying to set me up or smear my name each and every time
- Tactics to try to make me look bipolar and crazy by trying to get me to talk to them, then attacking me with these tactics to tell everyone I am crazy and wronged them
- Clothing in patterns to try to make me look crazy. Example, I might go to a coffee shop, and 20 people in 30 minutes might show up in solid black pants, and solid green shirts or shirts with horizontal stripes changing from pattern to pattern.
- Conversation collection and dissemination. Example, I might go to a coffee shop and say "hey, what's going on" the next day at a completely different coffee shop, that will be said to me by the employee. This will be done world wide from place to place my entire life.
- Person after person all around the world whistling at me when they see me
- Using all types of media to send hidden messages or use parts of my life in them and then tell me I'm imagining it
For more of these endless tactics click here
And all day and night covert psychological mental illness tactics with mass groups networked and working together
worldwide with every resource imaginable. From Internet based notification systems, to mass world wide groups working together to inflict psychological pain by using coordinated mental illness tactics starting around the age 10 - Click here for tactics
Anything imaginable will be said to rile the masses against me. Including endless elaborate attempted setups, and pinning other peoples action or crimes on me. And doing everything imaginable world wide to smear my name and destroy my reputation and credibility so no one would help or put a stop to it.
And Finally with Threats from people like my brothers friend Mike Huntley who befriended me. were friends with for 25 years and started an Internet Company for 6 years and at the end threatening me "You had better live a careful life" and "Have a good life now", "We are using the system against you"
What gives away this operation as criminal and all smears is the fact that I have never really been asked one question about these endless accusations given to the world over the last 30 years and told I'm imagining it as well as endless all day and night provoking to get me to defend myself, so they can get a confession from my actions, then tell me I have to leave and never come back. which goes on at every single place in the world.
The only reason someone would tell me I'm imagining it is because what they are saying are lies, and they don't want their endless criminal accusations addressed, or they would be exposed because the facts would show that not only are these things lies, but they are absurd and not remotely consistent with any logic, facts, or who I am and always have been unless your looking for insignificant imperfection. Hence bypassing things like the justice system which would show that they are committing the endless real crimes and have been since I was a child. They don't want any of their criminal actions coming out. Especially with the real intent to rile the masses to try to figure out ways to make me look crazy and remove me from society starting at an early age around the time my brother and friends were bragging they gave a teacher a mental breakdown and put them in a mental institution. This is right after he realized he could not get away with the physical abuse.
To find out that not one person tried to set me up. But each and every person in my life tried to endlessly set me up. They could not. And each time covering up their attempted setups with lies to cover up their setups. This does not count the endless all day and night psychological warfare and covert mental illness tactics provoking me to try to trigger me into defending myself which has been going on all day and night with the masses since 10 years old with passive aggressive and psychological warfare attacks to try to make it look like I suffer from anger and rage or am crazy or too sensitive or to try to make me look like I suffer from Paranoid Schizophrenia to cover up their true crimes of hunting me since 10 years old so they can get away with it.
If anything at all is done, said, you name it to defend myself against this world wide campaign to end my life, they will collect it, try to turn it around ignoring the entire picture of what they are doing, and spew more lies to the masses to try to stop me from speaking out or defending myself. Saying things like, look, I told you. Or we have proved it right. In a mass cover ups with clear calculated pre meditated thought of what they were doing from day one and trying to cover it up and get away with their mass extermination campaign.
If asked what this is really about. Each and every person will deny it, say I'm imagining it. On some rare occasions, they will break from their covert demeanor and speak in vacuities, things like "Your past has caught up with you", "You know what you did", "It's your transgressions", and if asked specifically what it is about. they will say I'm imaging it. Showing that my accusers are either liars or sickos trying to get any dirt possible to use against me to control me,
dictate my life, or the real picture,remove me from society, who don't want to take responsibility for their lies. Some people have spoke in vacuities saying, it's my past that caught up with me, or my transgressions, etc. But once you go into specifics, it's either something they have tried to collect from me defending myself after wondering for over 14 years why it was going on, or, just back track saying they never said it. Because they know that the truth is I am a target since 10 years old being hunted for no reason by the masses. And they don't want to be exposed as liars with ulterior motives and endless attempted setups for 30 years.
Of course, because of this campaign I am known world wide, each and every person involved, will try to keep it covered up saying they do not know me. And each person usually shows their true colors when they start digging or hinting, or working with their mental illness tactics that they are given and told to do showing that they do know me and have a hidden agenda to remove me from society. Not only that, but because of their mass 30 year terror operation, Everywhere I go, people I talk to world wide, all seem to know me. And you can tell when they see me and act out in rage because of what they have been told. Yet if ever addressed, they will try to keep it covered up saying they do not know me. Doing this to intentionally try to cause the effects of something like Paranoid Schizophrenia,
obsession or anger. You could say, I'm probably known as well as our president world wide, and so it's fairly obvious, just by the sheer magnitude of what is going on. That the majority
of people telling me they do not know me is like saying I don't know who the president of the U.S. This all done with the sole intent to try to make me look or feel crazy for whatever sick demented reasons. Most likely to dictate my life and tell me what I have to do or else, which is just to inflict pain to figure out ways to rid me of the world. Leaving me in a position of isolation as a control tactic trying to use it as leverage to dictate my life or tell me what I can and can't do with endless all day and night emotional battering using their psychological warfare attacks. A simple analogy would be. I don't like you talking to that type of person, I am going to zap you with a cattle prod and never stop. By the way, it never happened and your imagining it and you suffer from anger and rage. Because using psychological terror tactics are easier to hide, and you can't get away with using a cattle prod. But it's a lot harder and more covert to stop 100 people following you and whistling at you per day. And you can easily brush it off by playing stupid and saying "So people whistle, you are just
too sensitive" and try to make you look crazy for watching it happen.
They have done everything possible to keep me silenced and smear my name since 10 years old to stop the truth from coming out with out with world wide communities working with the police and they will make up any lies possible or try to endlessly set me up to turn people against me and terrorize me quiet. The real motive is to terrorize me to the point they can remove me from society by either pushing me to suicide, or pushing me out of control working with the police to make it look like I am a horrible monster, or just couldn't deal with life.
The only crime I've committed is not being 1000% perfect with their continual setups, endless trolling since 10, and provoking finding out the police and the world wide masses were being told to passively aggressively try to set me up to remove me from society any way possible. At the point I had found out something was wrong, they realized they had to hunt me down with a mass psychological warfare campaign and try to end my life to keep me quiet about what they were doing to remove me from society and make it look like I was a problem, out of control, anger, rage, violent, crazy, delusional, live in a fantasy world, antisocial, no communication skills, Play games with peoples lives, spying on people, hacking, an asshole, it's my behavior, I'm too pushy, I'm following people, violating peoples privacy, you name it, every lie imaginable in to 1000's in funded world wide smear operations with clear and obvious intent to end my life.
Covert psychological warfare and mental illness tactics by the masses. Every aspect of my privacy has been violated from my life from endless hacking, world wide neighborhood watch groups,
cell tracking, world wide notification systems of where I am and am going. Every aspect of my life, conversations collected and data-mined since 10 which they call their "Laundry List", and used for covert mental illness terror tactics, or fragments of, where I go, who I talk to, web sites I surf, you name it is collected, given to the masses to take out of context given to the world in secret as lies, while strangers send me hidden messages all day and night by having people with specific names befriend me on social networks using their names as hidden message, or parking cars with hidden messages with specific names to send me hidden messages, And people following me from place to place all day with mental illness tactics. I know you did this, I know you said that, etc. either trying to terrorize into false confessions, or just terrorize to get that reaction working with the police to remove me from society. This is done all day and night world wide by strangers and never stops and has
been going on since 10. This is what they call their "Spy Games" with the intent to create mental illness, and remove me from society. Started by my own family working with the government started around the age of 10 years old. These are the mental illness Tactics used because I would stand up to my brothers endless beatings, battering, physical provokings, holding me under water as long as possible which my family want to protect and reward him for his actions and try to keep me silenced, which is very strange.
Internet terror tools developed in the early 90's given to the masses for mass psychological warfare and terror tactics started by my own brother working with the police pretending he liked me and wanted to show me the Internet to try to set me up, or smear my name any way possible, who would call me up to get in me on Internet when it evolved working both sides of the fence. Notification tools, and portals, continual hacking since the early 90's trying to get any dirt possible to smear my name and take out of context, given to the masses for the sole purpose to have mobs data-mine, and are notified where I am and everything I say, do, wear, etc, every detail collected, archived, given to the world, or used for covert mental illness tactics, and used to have mass mobs terrorize me from place to place world wide. If I go somewhere, mass mobs are notified to go there and make me mentally ill. Everywhere I go, the masses have details of my life or where I went prior, or things like this as they send me endless suggestive hidden messages to try to create paranoid schizophrenia, and
obsessional looping. These tactics started at the age of 10, but were based on notifying the masses by simpler technologies. As the Internet evolved, these mass groups, my family, and the people involved like Lorena Escobar, and Mike Huntley, and Jason Perelman, with the rest of the people I was friends with used these tools for mass world wide terror campaign to exterminate me with elaborate claims I am out of control, crazy, suffer from anger and rage and need to be watched and have tabs kept on me to make their murder campaign look justified.
The media is also used world wide to create mental illness. Aspects of my life are written in endless media, shows, movies, music. Things I say in social networks are mimicked world wide. But I will be told I'm imagining it, and no buddy knows me. As they try to create the effect of paranoid schizophrenia rather then being honest and saying it is happening which shows their clear intent to try to make me look crazy, isolate me, terrorize me, and remove me from society. News Organizations involved in creating mental illness to try to keep me quiet about what has been going on for the last 30 years. Fox news
with their entire media networks have been heavily involved with their right wing government agenda to keep what is going on covered up.
If I try to go to any type of doctors for physical or mental issues that have been done to me from this, I will be attacked endlessly and forever by all the employees in the offices. Not only that, but all the psychologists and psychiatrists have done everything possible to try to silence me from speaking out. Some have even tried to trick me into institutions with lies to keep it covered up as well as working with my neighbors and communities to try to create mental illness while going to the appointments. Showing that this campaign is now more about keeping me quiet from what I know and keeping a horrendous world wide murder campaign with government and social worker support quiet and covered up..overed up.
WordPress (Detailed Information on situations) -
Neighbors all come out at same time walking dogs to try to create mental illness
Just one of these all day and night 24/7 terror tactics in the 1000's
This 50 minute walk around my place while coordinated groups come out walking their dogs at the same time will give you an example of how these world wide terror operation against me are executed. This is a mellow day, with not many cars used |
Next Day 2 hour walk at 5:00 pm to show you what it is like
The next day at 5:00 pm to see how things changed from mass groups doing the same things to more subtle terror tactics in hope for some insignificant reaction that can be used to give to the world saying I am
angry, violent, a nuisance, to show how these operations work. Normally, even if some said something rude to someone, it would not be disseminated world wide to use against them, Showing it's about information used to remove someone from society on these propaganda/terror operations |
Day 2 at 8:20 pm - No Dogs but now way more subtle terror tactics
The Same Night at 8:20 pm. Shows how things ramp down from more obvious groups to more subtle and subliminal level terror behaviors to try to get some kind of violent reaction based on what appears to be nothing going on. So they can make their lies look justified that I am crazy, need to be watched, and these things done to me. As you will notice, This time, groups of cars with dealer plate covers. Mostly "Keyes" and the Fire Department working on me |
4th walk around my block, Very Detailed across 2 days - 10/21/2017 1:37 am and 10/21/2017 8:51 pm
This is across 2 days, you will notice, tons of coordinated events in 2's. Their these are the more subtle tactics which lead into large group mobbings as it kind of cycles back and forth. They start with the subtle terror tactics in hopes that they can get a reaction. But if they can't get a reaction, the will fabricate some kind of behavior they don't like. |
Woodland Oaks Gang Stalkers Man in Black Jeep waiting by other jeeps and other things
In this video you will see a black couple waiting for me in a black jeep when I come out to take a walk by all the other jeeps parked to send me hidden messages for years in the same spot with a conversation.
Not only showing that I am not a violent dangerous person like they are telling the world in any attempt known to man to rid me of the world. But I am a normal decent person who is observing a mass crime against me.
And full LAPD, and Government involvement to try to torture me quiet. Also, an hour later, another person in the Metro Complex parks a Grey Jeep there. Then people all come out, maybe about 30 of them walking dogs.
Then the red/black clothing from Hollywood and Santa Monica the nights before directed at me which I took over 120, in the few I saw within a couple of hours.
Also done to me at My Brothers BBQ in 2013 working with Sean Dinse, and Jensen, and Detective Angela Stewart to try to figure out ways to remove me from society because I found out their endless crimes against me growing up.
Also, you will notice like 90% of my walks, the local fire truck comes out from down the street. As well as people all coming out with Adidas striped clothing, starting this week. An older tactic of theirs. Other things are 2 cars waiting for me with lights on next to each other. And a girl coming out of my complex in red/black. Showing they are the violent obsessed psychotics who won't leave me alone, and have been hunting me for 35 years now for some reason. And I can assure you, it has nothing to do with me
Also notice after out conversation he says "Got it" Which is a common tactic of trying to force me into false confessions then trying to intimidate me and scare me quiet |
The Met Property Call Cops for waiting for a parking spot on the street by a red curb
While you might laugh at the ABSURDITY of this. Not only from the Met security Guards following me from place to place trying to dictate my life
Also the cops saying they have me on video by a red curb, trying to make it look like a parking crime, while the car was never off, or me out of the car
Not only this, but people wait here all day. But they are only concerned about ONE person breathing
What is this really about? What I know, and me talking about it!
The only thing you are really seeing here, is Security and Police thugging to try to intimidate me for what I know. Especially with people like Lorena Escobar, and Fernanda Sime sent after me from my father’s office. Even before Lorena Hired me to work there.
Lorena was involved in sending all sorts of women after me in Colleges for setup attempts and frame job operations.
Which was her real Job Description at Golden State Sports Medical
While in the end, he just wrote me up with a lying warning ticket that I "Parked in a Red Zone" not even that is true, or he would have just issued a parking ticket
But you might want to consider my father’s story to me, which I have no clue is even true about a Police Officer named Officer Romo who gave my father ticket for turning too close to the right curb and my father telling him that if he ever came into the Emergency Room, no one would ever help him when I was a young child.
If it is true, it could explain why no one worldwide will help me in this flagging operation mass extermination campaign since 5 years old.
But I highly doubt the story is true. But the ACTIONS are one in the same. To hunt me, leaving me no recourse to defend myself with worldwide support, and everyone known to man refusing to help me
The Met complex Cherokee owners conspiring to create mental illness directed at me
This is merely an example of these types of mental illness tactics using cars. Not only is this locally around my house, this is done to my worldwide or wherever I go
A lot of times, I can walk around these blocks around my house and literally have pictures of something like 20 pairs of the same cars together parked in 2's
Example, 2 gray civics, 2 Honda accords. They are big on the Jeep Cherokee's because Kelly Hatch sent after me from Calabasas High to follow me to Southern Oregon State college was told to take part, and hunt me down working with the police and government.
In order to try to cover up their crimes against me, and removing my constitutional rights, they are trying to torture or guilt me into coerced false confessions to try to cover up their endless 40 year crime spree. Hence these mass groups of Jeep Cherokee's
While this is just one of the 1000's of these all day and night 24/7 terror operations to torture me to death to remove me from society no matter what it takes for what I know.
This gives you an example of just one of these terror operations. It also shows you how these mass groups are communicating and conspiring not only locally, but worldwide in these operations using the Internet technologies that they don't want people knowing what is really going on, and what it is really about.
Hence their cover up operations, just like Edward Snowden, trying to make me look like a horrible monster for what I know, and started finding out at 29 years old.
Aubrey Fisher, Working with Starbucks, Police, Rodie Morales, Mike Huntley, Tom Farley, Following me to Starbucks locations, endless world wide lies while befriending me for several Years working with and ruining my reputation on every level known to man. To try to figure out how to Move me off the planet so to speak or into the ground. Telling the world, I am violent, I am a troll, I am trying to compete with her, and sending people after me to try to frame me and set me up. And clearly using NSA resources as where would she have the ability to do something like this world wide and in secret.
Aubrey Fisher sent After me by Police, Family, Friends, Government to end my life #FoxNews -
Fox News Heavily involved in mass smear terror campaign and has spent huge amounts of money to keep me quiet using their media outlets
working with a man named Brian Longbotham and Tom Farley, my family who I thought was a friend and mentor from a visual FX company called Modern Video Film he later sued as he worked with the mass media connection to try to create mental illness and help remove me from society with these mass media networks as I've been followed for 30 years while they try to get any information or take what they can get out of context to distribute to the world. These organizations will say whatever it takes to cover up their 30 year crimes against me or try to create mental illness to keep me quiet. Seems to be headed up by a person named Greg Gutfeld, Host of Red eye. While people all around the world, movies, TV shows, news, mimic, hint, suggest, things from my life in their media. I'm of course told I am imagining it and suffer from Paranoid Schizophrenia. Even upwards of 10,000 hints mimics, or suggestive things all based on me for the sole purpose to make me look crazy and remove me from
More Information
Micheal Huntley
20 year friend, and started a company with me all to get me close to him to destroy my life. Originally a friend of my brothers.
from his own mouth
"We are using the system against you", "Have a good life now" as he was singing "World of paranoia", and dropping papers about Korea using mental illness tactics to control people. Then telling me "You had better live a careful life", "Your too out of control for California"
For specifics, click here
Jason Perelman
Since early childhood, around 8 - 10 years old my brother Jason Perelman has been involved in a mass campaign to remove me from society. It started with his continual thugging, bullying, following me around punching me in the back of the head or endlessly flicking my ear, or hold me under water as long as possible things like this to get reactions. He could not succeed in getting what he wanted so he started telling the world I tried to kill him and have no self control to cover up his attempts to try to set me up. He would tell the world I suffer from anger and rage and need to be removed from society, leaving out the facts that he would physically attack me endlessly. At this point he launched a full mental illness campaign using paranoid schizophrenia and obsessional looping with tons of other tactics with all his friends, and then using my friends as well to create mental illness. He also started committing road rage crimes, and telling the world it was me to try to set me up and
smear my name to rile the masses to end my life or remove me from society using his psychology and urology degrees to torture and try to remove me from society.
Paul Humphrey
Befriended me at the same time Mike Huntley, my brothers friend targeting me with my brother. Little brother of my brothers other high school friend Joe Humphrey, My brother was working with to send Paul into my life to work with Mike to smear my name and figure out ways to remove me from society. Paul is involved in every setup possible with Mike as well as mass world wide funded smear tactics to remove me from society out of my families hate and rage towards me from some of their delusions. I believe Paul was also working with the police on the elaborate setups such as putting bullet holes in my fathers Mercedes and telling the world I did it along with the 1000's of other lies and smears to the world with a funded operation.
Tom Farley
Introduced around the age of 8 followed me from place to place all around the world smearing my name with 100's of lies. From his own mouth "Kevin, You can't control people" while following me around and notifying the masses of every lie possible.
Adriana Olivares
Introduced to me by my father and Lorena Escobar. Her motive was to befriend me for 6 years, get dirt to give out to the world on a funded operation to rile people up against me to end my life working with Paul Humphrey, Mike Huntley, Tom Farley, and with mass neighborhood watch groups, When she could not get dirt, her and Lorena Escobar spent all day and night taking my life they had collected, taking each thing out of context and disseminating their lies to the world with intent to kill in the gray areas of the law in a funded operation . This is just one of the people Lorena Escobar tried to get into my life to get dirt to destroy my name for whatever her real motives are.
Proof from The Police, News, And others who have been target from Gang Stalking Campaigns
Maybe around 2010
Police Threat
"We are watching you Perelman"
While simply going out and taking a walk at the park. And when fire trucks pulled up, I simply was videoing it, like a lot of people do with their cell phones.
The Police saw me, and Instantly started laying into me for no reason like usual. Showing that they have some kind of personal issue with me since I was a very young child. And showing that they are and have always been stalking me working with people like Mike Huntley sent after me around 14 years old. |
Police and News Admission that Gang Stalking is real with Police Stating that it is a crime
While going from station to station all throughout California with solid proof and evidence of these mass crimes, I was told by each and everyone of them all in global communication that no crime has been committed against me and people are allowed to inflict psychological terror, especially to end someones life. But right here, we have news organizations and the Police saying the opposite. Showing that they are involved in my stalkings. And don't want to help me in any way, shape or form, and want me quiet or dead and gone. Showing these aren't just civilian operations. But government operations who usually contact the citizens turning them into vigilantes. For 17 years, trying to hire Private Investigators to prove what has been going on, each and every one knew who I was, and refused to help me even after taking my money. |
October, 2017, Officer Sean Dinse arrests me pretending that I am crazy because of my website. With a warrant that appeared out of nowhere for my arrest while claiming I didn't show up to court with my Attorney. On a case which was supposedly thrown out.
Officer Sean Dinse Admitting they have seen my websites with proof of the endless crimes against me since 9 years old playing stupid and trying to cover it up by trying to make me look crazy during a bunk warrant thugging arrest to try to intimidate me quiet. Not only this , Sean was working with Officer Jensen back in 2013, on a misdemeanor arrest because I asked him for his badge number because he was spouting off all sorts of weird things that weren't true. The biggest was that he told me that it was illegal to have a tripod on the sidewalk. And while not telling him I would not leave, I simply wanted a badge number. At this point he arrested me with Dinse with bunk charges with My Brothers restaurant, who was involved in endless mental battering with world wide support. Now out of business. Making up such claims of such things like. I assaulted someone by throwing a card at them. Which is the stupidest things known to man. with several other charges
like this. Which didn't work for them because they want to create a criminal record to label me to the world which they've been doing to me my entire life. Just to someone with a clean record. Now, 4 years later, Dinse pokes his head out of the grass, showing he is one of the obsessed lunatics, stalking me with the LAPD in this 35 year operation and trying to thug me quiet. With the same personality as his mentor, Jensen and his illegal activities of stalking me after posting harmless social message tweets to a Louise Jensen, an Adult actress on twitter. Sean DInse, also has a personal facebook account where he is riling up the masses, basically telling people to take part in policing as
if civilians are allowed to do police work, and posting all sorts of things like this on his page to help with suspects. He is also babbling about peoples mental stability, fear mongering, and talking about weather they should be on streets due to weather they can make rational decisions and things like this. Showing that he is no Police Officer, and has his own personal Agenda as to who should and should not be in society. With claims he has seen my website, which has solid proof of these world wide terror operations against me. |
Ex Gang Stalking Operative Explains Tactics and Motives
Very Accurate, especially about having people go to psychologists to try to put psychological mental illness labels on the targets.
Talks about older U.S. based Cointel Pro program a lot of people have a hard time believing in, just like they did NSA operations before Snowden came forward.
Once again, I have a hard time in believing with these magnetic devices to control peoples emotions without proof. But the rest seems very accurate when it comes to these mass groups and psychologically deteriorating people to remove them from society.
Also talks about how people are manipulated into Gang Stalking with use of Psychology.
It also talks about Isolating the individual, and how groups work on them to manipulate them into things. For example, labeling the Target as Criminals, or Mentally ill. And the Government structure around them.
He talks about the SIS in the UK, but I am a witness that the same operations happen here.
He also talks about the physical violence and attacks to Targets because they are told they are allowed to get away with it which has happened several times to me with the police refusing to create police reports for them. |
This person does a good job talking about the hierarchy of government resources and how they operate to try to make someone look crazy or mentally ill. From isolation, try to make it looks like someone suffers from Agoraphobia, How the operate with what is known as street theater. Trying to get the target to commit suicide or reactions to use against them with these mass groups.
His video is accurate, but debatable because it is so difficult to get sufficient video proving these events which do occur.
Example, people all told to do the same things over and over happens in these operations, but it is hard to prove on video or takes enormous energy to do so. But if you apply all my evidence to what he is talking about which he explains very well. That is all you need. |
What Do Gang Stalkers Want And How To Defeat Them, Greensboro,NC
Same person continuation of more information |
Organized Gang Stalking Covered On Local CBS Channel 5 News
Shows the level of control by passive aggressive thuggings by mass groups in dictating peoples lives to cause terror, as well as slowly destroying peoples lives over time in these mass groups |
Josh Brown's GangStalking Interview
Very accurate interview and the term NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) the pen tactic was done to me for years. Especially at Golden State Sports Medical. These tactics are in the 1000's and worldwide for me for 40 years which I found out at 29. 17 years ago. |
Targets Of Government GangStalking | FISA | NSA Won't Budge
Aside from the comical in between edits, this is good to watch so that those who don't believe these types of things in our government are going on. You can see, they are |
Police trying to blackmail and scare me quiet about their 30 year campaign to remove me from society after I found out they were trying to set me up any way possible. This is just one of many blackmail tactics such as Officer Toro telling me "If you ever take a picture of a person I will exercise the law in my own way" Basically a death threat being that they are doing what they have been doing for 30 years. At the end of this video the officer says re watching you Perelman" Showing that they want to try to keep me scared, and quiet, and stop me from speaking out.
For more people involved in setups, smears, mobbing, befriending with intent to kill, and a mass campaign to end my life click here
Word Press Links |
Latest Incidents |
11/23/2013 2:45:00 PM - Starbucks - Woodland hills - Shoup - Man comes in green shirt and blue jeans, when comes in, another man wearing same shirt gets up and walks by him so I'd see them togethor. goes to the bathroom, for a few seconds comes back, then sits back down - Patterns - Clothing - Random Strangers Details
11/23/2013 2:30:00 PM - Starbucks - Woodland hills - Shoup - 2 people come in same time, red shirts, black hats - Patterns - Clothing - Random Strangers Details
11/23/2013 2:19:48 PM - Starbucks - Woodland hills - Shoup - 2 women come in same time camo clothing sit next to me - Patterns - Clothing - Random Strangers Details
11/23/2013 2:18:00 PM - Starbucks - Woodland hills - Shoup - 2 ppl come in red black sit down on either side of me wearing red and black - Patterns - Red and Black - Random Strangers Details
11/23/2013 1:55:09 PM - Starbucks - Woodland hills - Shoup - teams of people come in probably about 30 in couple hrs with ideas of references to make me mentally ill - Ideas of Reference - Random Strangers Details
10/4/2013 9:12:34 PM - Home - More people parking cars in patterns to create mental illness. two blue ford focus's across from each other - Ideas of Reference - Metro Complex tenants Details
9/28/2013 1:20:00 AM - Home - People Park white pickups all up and down my small street to create mental illness - Ideas of Reference - Metro Complex tenants Details
7/22/2013 11:53:08 AM - Home - Community Mobbing – Woodland Hills – Metro Complexes – Continue to try to create mental illness to end my life - Ideas of Reference - Random Strangers Details
7/22/2013 11:52:10 AM - Golden State Sports Medical - Gang Stalking – 7/16/2013 – More People with umbrellas - Ideas of Reference - Random Strangers Details
7/22/2013 11:50:53 AM - Golden State Sports Medical - Gang Stalking – 7/16/2013 On my way home from work more people come out with umbrellas - Ideas of Reference - Random Strangers Details
Latest Perpetrators |
Latest Locations |
Latest Tactics |
Metro Complex tenants
Officer Toro
Fernanda Sime
Chris Escobar
Payam Shayn
George Escobar
Connie Raya
Golden State Employees
Leonor Calderon
Lemongrass Thai
San Fernando Valley
eugene dula md
Woodland Hills
Liquir Store - Topanga
timewarner cable
jamba - woodland hills - victory
Object under tire
Physical attack
Elaborate Setups
Phrase - "See ya"
Trouble Ticket Submission
No license plate on car
take out trash right when get to location
Phrase "Good Luck"
Bring dog to location in patterns
My related sites for other Targets
Links of others with similar situations or Gang Stalking defined
Links to my other websites (Showing that before 29, I was a completely different person and not some kind of crazy recluse that my family, police and government have been pitching the world to try to make me look crazy and keep me isolated while finding out that the people who were my friends and places and people I had worked with had been approached beforehand, and not really my friends or professionals and had ulterior motives to remove me from society.